Immigration Debate: Teaching about Immigration



Assignment 1:

Immigrant Impact on a town in NY (Port Chester)

Click on the link and read the article:

Answer the questions relating to the article above:

Questions| For reading comprehension and discussion:

1.  Why do officials in Port Chester describe Hispanic immigrants as the “lifeblood” of the town, and how has the town changed since the 1980s?

2.  How would a proposed Senate immigration bill affect people like Moises who entered the United States illegally and are now trying to run businesses or earn a living?

3.  What sorts of problems has immigration brought to the town of Port Chester?

4.  Do immigrants have a positive or negative effect on jobs and the economy, according to economists cited in this story?

5.  On balance, does this story paint a positive or negative picture of immigration?

Assignment 2:

Read article from NY Times: (the Immigration bill proposed in April 2013)

After reading the article, highlight the main points of the bill:

1.  The goal:

2.  The pathway to citizenship:

3.  The merit based program;

4.  Requirements for employers:

5.  Guest worker programs:

6.  The Dreamers:

7.  The Lottery:

8.  Non-criminal deported immigrants:

Assignment 3:

Immigration Assignment: Pathways to America

Part I: Researching the Issues
Assign one group to research each of the following questions. Students should read the stories linked below the questions or look for additional stories in The Times’archives, listing key facts and arguments to answer their question.