June 11, 2007
1. Comment: Law Firm Advertising
2. Focus: Family-Based Immigration: Nuts And Bolts
3. Articles:
(a) The Fiscal Impact Of Immigration Reform: The Real Story by Daniel Griswold of the Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute
(b) America Dreamed by Rosa Martha Villarreal
4. News:
(a) CRS On Terrorist Watchlist Checks
5. Classifieds:
(a) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
(b) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
(c) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
(d) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
(e) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
(f) Help Wanted: Immigration Paralegal
(g) Help Wanted: Immigration Paralegals
(h) Help Wanted: Immigration Paralegal
(i) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
(j) Credential Evaluation And Translation
6. ComingsNGoings:
(a) The International Who's Who Of Business Lawyers 2007 -
New York, NY
7. Letters From:
(a) David D. Murray, Esq.
(b) Robert J. Divine, Esq.
(c) Roger Algase, Esq.
(d) KO
(e) Dave Anderson
(f) Robert Yang
Books On Immigration Law:
Immigration Law Seminars:
Immigration Law Workshops:
To Get Clients:
Law Firm Advertising
According to a law.com news story,"Although firms themselves have
undergone profound changes since the U.S. Supreme Court decided
30 years ago this month that even lawyers were entitled to free
speech, the profession's advertising manner and message --
especially among the larger firms -- have evolved very little in
those 30 years, according to many industry observers." For the
full story, see here.
We welcome readers to share their opinion and ideas with us by
writing to mailto:.
Family-Based Immigration: Nuts And Bolts
Our new book, Family-Based Immigration: Nuts & Bolts; Editor:
Charles Wheeler of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
(CLINIC) features:
++ Chapters: Immediate Relatives And The Preference System,
Overview Of The Application Process For Permanent Residence,
Adjustment Of Status, Consular Processing, Immigrating Through
Marriage, Grounds Of Inadmissibility, Waivers Of Inadmissibility,
Affidavit Of Support, Self-Petitions For Abused Spouses And
Children, & Ethics
++ 35 Appendices include: Sample Request For Criminal History,
Documenting I-130 Petitions, Sample Motion To Reinstate I-130,
Consular Processing Instruction Package, Consular Processing
Appointment Package, Suggested Evidence Of Bona Fide Marriage,
I-601 Waiver Packet Based On INA § 212(h) (Criminal Convictions),
I-601 Waiver Packet Based On INA § 212(i) (Fraud Or
Misrepresentation), I-601 Waiver Packet Based On INA § 212(a)(9)
(B)(v) (Unlawful Presence), & I-212, Request For Permission To
Reapply For Admission After Deportation
++ CD-ROM includes: relevant regulatory sections from 8 CFR, 22
CFR, etc., many forms from USCIS, DOS, SSA & IRS, significant
statutory provisions, key BIA & Federal cases, selected USCIS
memos, public health service documents, etc.
For more info on Family-Based Immigration: Nuts & Bolts, and to
For the fax order form,
(a) The Fiscal Impact Of Immigration Reform: The Real Story
Daniel Griswold of the Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato
Institute writes "One frequently heard criticism of comprehensive
immigration reform is that it will prove too costly to
(b) America Dreamed
Rosa Martha Villarreal writes "Perhaps it is only appropriate to
begin a conversation about the future of illegal immigrants in
America with a reference to the Mexican anthropologist Guillermo
Bonfil Batalla and his insights about what constitutes a
"civilization project."
(a) CRS On Terrorist Watchlist Checks
The Congressional Research Service issued a report on measures
taken in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to
improve terrorist watchlist screening.
(a) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
Dallas, TX - USCIS Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) seeks
experienced attorney for the position of Service Center Counsel,
Texas Service Center. Responsibilities include, but not limited
to, serving as attorney providing legal advice to TSC personnel
on issues involving immigration related adjudications,
inadmissibility and deportability grounds, and national security.
Applicants must possess JD degree, be active bar member, and have
at least one (1) year of post JD experience. Applicants must
submit resume + writing sample not to exceed 10 pages. Send cover
letter, resume, + writing sample to Reid Tilson, Deputy Chief of
the Service Center Counsel Division, at
mailto:. All submissions must be received by
close of business June 22, 2007. GS13-GS15 levels and is open
until filled. No relocation reimbursement available. For more
info, key in Job Announcement Number: COU-CIS-2007-0006 at
(b) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
Austin, TX - Tindall & Foster, P.C., an established immigration-
only practice seeks experienced immigration attorneys. The
successful attorney candidate is expected to possess 2-5 years
experience in employment-based immigration law. Tindall &
Foster, P.C. has been practicing immigration law since 1973 and
has organized sub-specialty practice areas in employment-based,
investor, outbound, litigation, waivers, consular and employer
Sanctions. The Firm has offices in Austin and Houston and
continues to expand. Resumes may also be accepted for future
positions in the Houston Office as well. Please visit
for more information. 401(K), medical and dental offered. Salary
commensurate with experience. Experienced candidates may submit
resumes and salary histories to mailto:. No
calls please.
(c) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP,
an international immigration law firm seeks experienced
immigration attorneys with 3-5 years business immigration
experience for the New York and Philadelphia offices. The ideal
candidate will be familiar with all aspects of business
immigration, including NIV and IV, have had extensive client
contact, and be able to perform multiple tasks in a fast paced,
high volume environment. Candidate must also possess excellent
verbal and written communication skills. Competitive salaries and
excellent benefits offered. Please send resumes with salary
history to mailto:.
(d) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
Sherman Oaks, CA - The Law Offices of Jessica Dominguez, a
rapidly growing firm has immediate opportunity for an immigration
attorney to join its team. Attorney will represent clients before
immigration officers and in immigration courts. Excellent legal
research/writing and outstanding communication skills needed.
Ideal candidate has 2 years of experience-exceptional, motivated
candidates with less experience are also encouraged to apply.
Must speak Spanish. We are pleased to offer an alternative work-
plan schedule that allows its employees to take one Friday off
every eight weeks. Send cover letter + resume to Roxana Muro:
mailto:. All replies will be treated in the
strictest confidence and references will not be contacted without
prior approval.
(e) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
Fairfax, VA - USCIS Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) seeks
experienced attorney for the position of Associate Regional
Counsel, Northeast Region. Responsibilities include, but not
limited to, serving as attorney providing on-site legal advice to
Washington District Office USCIS personnel on national security
issues and drafting visa petition appeal briefs. Applicants must
possess JD degree, be active bar member, and have at least one
(1) year of post JD experience. Applicants must submit resume +
writing sample not to exceed 10 pages. Send cover letter, resume,
+ writing sample to mailto:. All
submissions must be received by close of business June 18, 2007.
GS11-GS15 levels and is open until filled. No relocation
reimbursement available. For more info, key in Job Announcement
Number: COU-CIS-2007-0005 at
(f) Help Wanted: Immigration Paralegal
13-person midtown NYC immigration law firm seeks paralegal with
2+ years of experience with business applications: nonimmigrant
and immigrant. Experience with family based, naturalization and
other applications a plus. Ideal candidate has BA degree, is
detail oriented, organized and conscientious. Candidate must also
possess excellent writing, communication & case management
skills. Competitive compensation package offered. Please email
resume + cover letter in MS Word format to Marcia N. Needleman,
Esq. at mailto:.
(g) Help Wanted: Immigration Paralegals
Chicago, IL - Laner Muchin,
one of the nation's oldest labor law firms, has two full-time
paralegal-level position openings: (1) experienced US immigration
paralegal and (1) entry-level global immigration specialist. The
ideal experienced US paralegal candidate must have 1+ years of
substantial experience in a wide variety of US employment-based
immigration processes. An entry-level opportunity is available
for a global immigration specialist to manage non-US visa case
matters. Mandarin fluency required for this position. For both
positions, successful candidates must be highly motivated,
detail-oriented and have outstanding communication, case
management, computer and people skills. College degree required.
Competitive compensation package + excellent benefits offered. E-
mail cover letter + resume to mailto:,
specifying either the experienced US paralegal or entry-level
global specialist position. We are an affirmative action/equal
employment opportunity employer. Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.
(h) Help Wanted: Immigration Paralegal
Washington DC - Georgetown law firm
has current opening for an experienced immigration paralegal.
Duties include but are not limited to: drafting and preparing
petitions and H1B visa applications for submission and approval
to USCIS; labor certification applications and related filings.
Candidates must have a minimum of 3 years experience as an
immigration paralegal or similar role; strong proficiency with MS
Office; excellent written and communication skills and attention
to detail. Firm offers excellent salary and benefits. For
immediate consideration, send resume and cover letter to: Garvey
Schubert Barer, Attn: Renee Alston by mail: 1000 Potomac Street,
N.W. Washington, DC 20007, fax:(202) 965-1729, or email:
(i) Help Wanted: Immigration Attorneys
Washington, DC - Cutting-edge nationally-recognized law firm
seeks experienced business immigration and immigration litigation
attorneys. Warm collegial atmosphere. No billable hours.
Fascinating clients. Challenging work. Competitive salary and
benefits (including in-office massage). J.D. plus minimum of two
years experience in business immigtration and/or immigration
litigation. Excellent writing and interpersonal skills required.
Excellent opportunities for advancement. Resumes to Paul S.
Haar, 1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 900, Washington, D.C.
20036 or e-mail to mailto:.
(j) Credential Evaluation And Translation
As the nation's leader in foreign credential evaluations and
translations, American Evaluation and Translation Service, Inc.
(AETS) provides the most competitive rates in the industry - $50
educational evaluations, as well as $200 'expert opinion' work
experience and position evaluations completed by PhD university
professors who have the "authority to grant college level credit
for work experience and/or training." AETS offers a variety of
turn-around times, including same-day service for educational,
work experience, and position evaluations. For list of rates and
times, see:
AETS also provides certified translations in 100+ languages,
with translators that are specialists in 80+ fields. For a copy
of the Application for Credential Evaluation and Translation
Services, please contact AETS at (786) 276-8190, visit
or email:
6. ComingsNGoings
Readers can share their professional announcements (100-words or
fewer at no charge), email: mailto:. Readers
interested in learning about featuring your event or conference
in Immigration Daily, see here
To feature your
newsletter in Immigration Daily, see here
(a) The International Who's Who Of Business Lawyers 2007 - New
York, NY
Cynthia J.Lange of Fragomen Del Ray Bernsen & Loewy LLP's New
York, NY office was awarded "The International Who's Who Of
Business Lawyers 2007" honor.
Readers are welcome to share their comments, email:
mailto: (300-words or fewer preferred).
Many letters to the Editor refer to past correspondence,
available in our archives.
(a) Dear Editor:
Newsflash. The sweeping immigration overhaul endorsed by
President Bush crumbled in the Senate on Thursday night, leaving
the future of one of the administration's chief domestic
priorities in serious doubt. In other news, Los Angeles socialite
Paris Hilton refuses to come to court ... Judge orders LA County
Sheriff's Department to pick her up, but after a half hour Paris
refuses to emerge from her Hollywood Hills mansion. There is
speculation that Paris refuse to ride in a police car, opting for
a white Bronco, in which it is reported there is $10,000 in a
brown paper bag and a Manny Mueller Makeup kit containing a
pencil thin mustache and a black wig. It appears America's legal
system is burning at both ends. The question is, will justice be
served? It is rumored that one of Paris Hilton's mega-team of
top-name lawyers remarked, "Not if I can help it." Meanwhile, it
is reported that Jose Jimenez and Mary Diluchio are each 30 days
into their sixty-day sentence in the LA County Jail for a
probation violation stemming from drunk driving charges. In view
of the present breakdown in the American legal system, 12,000,000
illegal aliens patiently wait to learn of their fate, while plans
are being made to turn McArthur Park into a homeless shelter.
Stay tuned for late breaking news.
David D. Murray, Esq. Newport Beach, CA
(b) Dear Editor:
If this indeed is the end of the meaningful process, then the
Administration and a host of Senators in both parties can be
credited with a very good honest try. The silent majority of
Americans with ambivalent feelings about many issues, but who
have a concerted belief that a solution is needed, should let
their representatives know how disappointed they are.
Robert J. Divine, Esq.
(c) Dear Editor:
Christine Flower's letter's outrage (06/08/07 ID) over my
comments (06/07/07 ID) to the effect that the point system is
biased against Latinos might be easier to understand if her
letter to the Editor explained what other avenues for legal
immigration would be open to most Latinos and other minority
immigrants who lack a higher degree and English fluency. If CIR
becomes law. It is not that the point system is in and of itself
a bad thing in theory. More flexible variations of a point system
seem to be working well in places like Canada and Australia, and
are helping to make those countries among the most diverse on the
globe. The problem with the CIR point system is that it would
replace, not supplement, the two pillars of minority immigration
during the past forty years, namely family immigration and
employment based immigration, with an elitist system which may
not be openly intended to exclude most minority immigrants, but
will certainly have that effect. When the uncertain
"legalization" program, all but useless "guest worker" program,
and draconian "enforcement" provisions, which are clearly
intended to and definitely will hit Latino immigrants, their
families, and their US employers the hardest, are also taken into
account, the conclusion of bias is hard to escape. Therein lies
the real outrage.
Roger Algase, Esq. New York, NY
(d) Dear Editor:
I wanted to express my deep gratitude to all my brothers and
sisters who fought very hard to help stop the amnesty bill from
passing. Thankfully all of our efforts have paid off as the
amnesty bill is officially dead and with any luck it will never
soil the halls of Congress again.
(e) Dear Editor:
This is in reference to Christine Flowers's letter (06/08/07 ID)
which defends a point system weighted towards higher-skilled,
more educated applicants. Her letter ended by saying "I think it
is inappropriate and dangerous to ascribe racial intolerance to
those who support a system that favors language fluency,
education and skills. To imply otherwise is to insult the very
people whom the letter writer seeks to defend. To imply otherwise
is to insult the very people whom the author seeks to defend."
OK; and I look forward to eating the food those applicants will
bring to the marketplace.
Dave Anderson Gainesville, GA
(f) Dear Editor:
Here are the deals for those who wish to sponsor their family
members to immigrate here: 1. must have 700+ credit score, 2. own
a house, 3. make 125% above US average per capita income with
minimum net worth after debt US $ 250,000, 4. willing to sign
affidavit that they will support their parents or adult single
children until they can support themselves without asking for
public welfare. 5. they must own their own health insurance and
cover their immigrant family members as well, 6. they must
support their relatives to learn ESL if they don't speak English
from their own out of pocket. I am tired to hear those who
complaint they can't bring family members here but they
themselves are still living on welfare, struggling to feed
themselves here and living paycheck to paycheck. I fully
understand their desire to bring their loves one here, who don't?
But please check our financial situation first before ever
dreaming to bring our parents and relatives here. Bringing
relatives to the USA yes absolutely but don't expect others to
take care of their welfare and expenses.
Robert Yang
The first daily in the field of immigration. Forward this to a
Publisher: Sam Udani Legal Editor: Michele Kim ISSN:1930-062X
An Important disclaimer! The information provided on this page is
not legal advice. Transmission of this information is not
intended to create, and receipt by you does not constitute, an
attorney-client relationship. Readers must not act upon any
information without first seeking advice from a qualified
attorney. Copyright 1999-2005 American Immigration LLC, ILW.COM.
Send correspondence and articles to . Letters and
articles may be edited and may be published and otherwise used in
any medium. The views expressed in letters and articles do not
necessarily represent the views of ILW.COM.
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