Magnolia Education Foundation


With the assistance and advice of school district personnel, the Board of Directors has developed several programs, which emphasize the Education Foundation’s mission to enrich and maximize the quality of education in Magnolia Schools. All programs will be monitored by the Foundation to ensure that they are effectively meeting the mission of the Foundation.


1. Grants:


The purpose of Grants is to enhance, promote and augment classroom instruction in areas not allotted in regular budgetary funds or not eligible for reimbursement from other sources. At this time, travel and capital equipment are not considered for grant allocation due to cost factors. If funds become available, consideration will be given to these areas.

Amount of Award

$500 to $1,000 for Individual grants.

$1,001 to $3,000 for Departmental grants.

Funding Periods

One funding period will occur in the 2015-2016 school year.


  • Complete an Application Form
  • Provide all requested information
  • Demonstrate specific need(s)
  • Present a creative and/or innovative approach

2. Dissemination of Application Information

All applications and information regarding the application process will be distributed to campus principals, teachers, administrators and staff.

3.Selection of Recipients

It is the responsibility of the Selection Committee, under the guidance of the Chairperson of Allocations, to review applications and recommend grants. Selection will be based on the quality of the program as well as amounts requested relative to funds available. Whenever the quality or appropriateness of material requested is in question, the committee will seek consultation from content area specialists.

4.Distribution of Funds

Funds will be distributed and coordinated by the Activities Fund Accountant in the Central Administration Building. Awardees must spend their grant money by April 15, 2017.

Magnolia Education Foundation

Grant Application Guidelines

  1. Grants that directly benefit a large percentage of students will be given preference.
  2. Grants which utilize durable, reusable items will be given preference.
  3. Creative programs are preferred over commercially available packages.
  4. Grants that share materials and/or techniques between grades, groups, schools, etc. will be given preference.
  5. Correct grammar and spelling are a must. Errors may be held against the grant writer.
  6. A clear, concise, organized plan for use of money granted, with specific evaluation steps and criteria will enhance the application.
  7. Pictures and/or other visuals of major items to be purchased are helpful.
  8. Proposals for new programs are preferred over repeat requests.

Note: Grants will be disqualified for any of the following:

a.) Request not within stated dollar amount.

b.) Request is made for non-funded items – see #3 below.

c.) Proper approval from the Principal of the campus.

d.)Each grant must be the original work of the submitting teacher or department and

may not be shared with another teacher or department as a request for funding.

e.)Furthermore, the same grant cannot be submitted as an individual grant from a

teacher and as a departmental grant whether that teacher is included in that department or not.


  1. A detailed itemization of all costs and materials is expected. Estimates by categories are not acceptable.
  2. Grants will not be awarded for costs and items that may be available from other sources such as PTO/PTA, federal or state funding.
  3. No funds will be awarded for field trips, salaries, teacher trips, food, stickers, speaker’s fees, or store value cards including iTunes or gift cards (ex. Amazon cards). Chromebooks and/or iPads will not be awarded without sufficient justification.
  4. The Foundation will not fund grant requests, which exceed the stated dollar limit.
  5. Applicants, who do not file timely evaluations with the Foundation by the stated deadline, will be eliminated from consideration for grants for the following academic year.
  6. In the event a recipient of a grant transfers to a school within thedistrict, the teacher may transfer the grant program to the transfer school, provided the transfer is to a compatible grade level. If the transferring teacher is one member of a department grant, the grant will remain at the school awarded the grant. Any dispute regarding a grant transfer may be resolved by a special sub-committee of three board members appointed by the President of the Magnolia Education Foundation.
  7. A teacher can receive up to two (2) grants for the same funding period, one for Individual and one for Department.
  8. All grants must be submitted electronically. Applications delivered to the ESC will not be accepted.
  9. All grant applications that are not funded will be kept on file for one year.
  10. All submitted applications, whether funded or not, will not be returned.

Revised September 2015