You-Tube Presentation Assignment (75 points)
Intro to Psychology (MWF classes)
For you to demonstrate your understanding of how psychology is applied to a real-world situation, including your own life, I am going to give you the opportunity to apply psychology by choosing a maximum of a 3-minute video clipfrom present how this video relates to psychology to the class via an 5-7minute PowerPoint presentation. The necessary elements of this assignment are described below, but I posted an exampleon my website to guide you as well.
Step 1: Be assignedonepsychology conceptthat you will choose from the exam study guide
During the first week of class, you will need to submit three concepts from the final exam study guide that I posted on my website. You will list each one in order of preference (i.e., first choice, second choice, third choice). From these three you submit, I will assign you one of your listed concepts. Then, you will research and choose a video clip from you to apply this concept to the video clip. Your three concepts are due on Friday, January 15th and are worth 10 points.
Step 2: Choose a maximum of a 3-minute video clip and email it to me for my approval no later than one week prior to your presentation date
Although I will allow you to choose a video of your choice, I ask you to consider the choice you make with careful attention and forethought. Even though this is a college course in which we explore highly sensitive topics at times, which sometimes translates into you viewing sensitive visual material, I always take into consideration any undue stress that you as the audience may endure in viewing this sensitive visualmaterial, and always give you forewarning to any content that may be emotionally upsetting. So for this assignment,I want to minimize this potential conflict by placing the following stipulation on you in choosing a video: you cannot choose any video that has extremely graphic content via language and/or behavior. What is too graphic? Well, if you have to ask yourself whether something is too graphic, it probably is too graphic. In any event, to help you with this decision-making process, I will require you to submit your video selection to me via email no later than one weekbefore your presentation, so I can screen it and give you final approval before you present. Also, you might have the same concepts as someone else, but you need to choose a different video, which is another reason why I want to screen them. Please note that if you do not submit a video clip to me via email for my approval one week before you presentOR show a video that I rejected OR submit another video than the one you initially submitted and I approved, you will not be allowed topresentand will receive zero points for the assignment.
Step 3: Create and deliver a5-7minute PowerPoint slide presentation
In creating and delivering your PowerPoint presentation, the following elements must be addressed. First, turn in a copy of your PowerPoint presentation to me on the day of your presentation. Second, define your conceptthat can somehow be applied to the video clip you chose. Third, summarize and then show the video you chose (remember, it cannot be longer than 3 minutes). Fourth, discuss how this concept applies to the video. Fifth, apply how this concept relatesto a real-life example about you. Finally, address any questions that I or the class may have for you regarding your presentation.