Ilsington Parish Council Meeting at Ilsington Village Hall

Tuesday the 22nd of November 2016


Present: Cllr R Winsor Cllr M Wills

Cllr R Dale Cllr L Dunkley Cllr A Patch Cllrs Mrs J Prior

Cllr Fairs Cllr K Bainbridge

Cllr R Bainbridge

Also in attendance: Mr J Christophers, Teignbridge District Councillor and Mrs Retallick (Clerk).

Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

16/123 To accept apologies for absence.

Received from Cllr Retallick and Steemson.

16/124 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.

None declared

16/125 Clerks report.

Attended the DNPA local plan workshop and a DALC training day ‘Essential clerks course at Exeter both interesting events. An Air band meeting has been arranged for Friday at Ilsington village hall local MP will be present to received information about the product.

With reference to the enquiry for provision of a dog waste bin in Liverton the bins are approx. £90 to purchase and £7.20 per empty, TDC street officer would inspect the site to authorise the location and request. Cllr Winsor reported that he could provide a waste bin for £30 and has information of a sponsor who would pay for emptying the bin.

The website company has still not given an update the councillors agreed to set a deadline for middle of next week if still no comments the clerk will demand a refund.

16/126 PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)

(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)

Cllr Katherine Bainbridge was pleased to see the potholes on Old Town hill repaired, but the broken sign at Woodhouse Bridge is still damaged. The gully at Lenda is blocked and there is water on the road, Cllr Winsor noted this is a problem throughout the district. Cllr Wills reported Star In is closed but temporary managers are due to go in soon.

16/127 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting 25th October 2016

These were signed as a true record of that meeting.

16/128 To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.

Cllr S Barker reported that the yellow lines painting on the road near to Blackpool school will be advertised in November for the painting to be carried out.

He reported that refugees have been taken by North Devon that was close to local facilities. Places have been found for them all and the Home Office funded this project.

The travellers at Drumbridges have been given notice at the end of September the end date is 31st December they have originated from Haldon and have been moved on before it is expected they will move by the deadline but if not the legal team are ready to action the notice. A County officer is visiting every 2 wks. to make sure the site is kept fairly clean. Cllr K Bainbridge asked if the site would be secured property once they have left, Cllr Barker hope that is will happen.

The highways engineer has visited the parish to look at the increased potholes and the problem with lorries coming into the village and damaging property Cllr Barker has not received a report from this visit but will report back at the next meeting.

Cllr Barker is going to Westminster and will meet with six ministers to talk about social care and funding.

The clerk asked about capping of council taxes he doesn’t feel that this will affect the parishes’ at the moment.

16/129 Business Brought forward by the Chairman.

Cllr Winsor reported from the TALC meeting that 1 in 5 councils do not get a police officer attending there meeting. Cllr Wills asked if our local police or PCSO could attend a meeting soon and Cllr Patch suggested it could be that they are just too busy.

16/130 To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District.

Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.

a) DNPA 0580/16 - Proposal: Change of use from former Methodist Chapel to single dwelling at Ilsington Methodist Church, Honeywell Lane, Ilsington. Support making good use of the building.

b) 0587/16 - Proposal: Two storey rear extension and alteration to existing dormers at Homefield, Liverton. No objection

Grant of conditional Planning Permission

·  DNPA 0505/16 - Erection of single storey extension and terrace at 11 Town meadow, Ilsington

·  DNPA 0501/16 - Ground floor kitchen/porch and dining extension and first floor bedroom extension at Blue Mist, Haytor.

Refusal of Planning applications

·  490/16 - Rora Christian Fellowship Trust Proposal: Erection of bungalow for residential use by worker associated with Rora House Christian Fellowship Trust at Rora House, Halford, Liverton

Applications withdrawn

Erection of single storey side extension to 4 Trumpeter Cottages, Ilsington

16/131 To review the projected budget for 2017/18 and agree the precept request.

The projected budget for the next financial year had been circulated to the councillors. The clerk reported the precept request and all the councillors agreed to the amount needed to run the parish for 2017/18.

16/132 Funding request from Bowling Club for repairs to the carpet – discuss and decision

Cllr Dunkley LD confirmed that the bowling club members are looking after the carpet, he described the condition of the carpet and how the repairs needed. A figure for the donation was not stipulated. Cllr Winsor asked how many members were there? Approx. 16/18 members. Cllr K Bainbridge explained the fund raising events to help towards this project and how all the clubs are working together to encourage new members. The councillors agreed in theory to help but asked Cllr Dunkley to report in January a figure that is needed.

16/133 Submission of Property to Teignbridge District Council's Register of Assets of Community Value (Right to Bid).

Cllr Patch asked the council to consider adding the Star Inn, Liverton onto the list of assets of community value. The councillors wondered if the building was listed but agreed that even if wasn’t it was still an important building for the Liverton community. It was also agreed that the Carpenters Arms in Ilsington was equally as important so Cllr Patch proposed both building should be added to the register this was seconded by Cllr R Bainbridge and all councillors were in favour.

16/134 Request for village Christmas tree – discuss and decision

Cllr Fairs gave the meeting more information about the request already made to this council; the lights required would cost approximately £195 plus an allowance for electricity. The request gave information how the tree would be fixed and where. For future years they would be stored. It is planned the turn on for this year would be on 16th December. Cllr Winsor informed the meeting that he would donated 400 lights and Cllr Wills proposed a donation of £20 should be given towards the electricity all present agreed.

16/135 To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.

Cllr Priors reported that the Ilsington village hall meeting is due soon and she will report to them the grant for the defibrillator and the electric for the tree lights. Defibrillator training courses is this Sunday.

Cllr Dunkley reported that Liverton village hall held a successful night salsa over 100 tickets sold. The money went towards new lighting, the electric circuit test has been completed and the committee are considering putting in new metres, finally they are seeking quotes for fencing.

Cllr Dunkley also reported that the Risk assessment is up to date but the sign at skate park has been covered in paint (Cllr Dale offered to replace the vinyl sheet).

Cllr K Bainbridge informed the meeting of an open day for tennis court which will be May 2017. The tennis club are still waiting for quote for disabled access. A race evening for fund raising is organised for the end of Feb (money toward bowls carpet). The lights at the courts will be replaced with LEDs. Also the committee hope to get a notice board similar to the Liverton village hall and are seeking donations towards this. IPFARA still hope to get signs to direct people to the field.

Cllr Winsor reported he has a meeting with MP to discuss the self-build in Liverton

16/136 To authorise payments of cheques presented.

1 . C Retallick Salary x 2mths £ 1163.66

2. Ilsington village Hall (hall hire) £ 7.00

3. R Ray (Cleaning bus shelter) £ 10.00

4. SW Arb & Fencing Ltd (Repair to fence) £ 114.00

5. SW Arb & Fencing Ltd (Grd maintenance) £ 1339.49

6. SLCC Subscription £ 108.00

Cheques total for this month £ 2742.15

DD BT October £ 68.25

Fleur Broadband £ 25.00 93.25

Total expenditure for this month £ 2,835.04

Balance as from bank statements at the end of October 2016 £ 62,827.74

16/137 Correspondence.

Emailed correspondence already circulated -

Devon Highways - Town & Parish Council Conferences – 2016, You are invited - *CREDITON Information & Advice Surgery, 8th November, Airband at the hall, Local appeal for items of clothing for young refugees, Devonshire News 21/10/16, Your monthly ebulletin from Healthwatch Devon, TALC Meetings in 2017

To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on

Tuesday 24th January 2017 at Liverton Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………...

Items for next agenda

Quiet lanes

Weed killer

Dog bins

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)