Ilsington Parish Council Meeting

at Ilsington Village Hall

Tuesday the 24th November 2015


Present: Mr M Retallick

Mr R Winsor

Mrs K Bainbridge

Mr R Bainbridge

Mr R Dale

Mr L Dunkley

Mr A Fairs

Mr A Patch

Mrs J Prior

Mr R Steemson

Mr M Wills

Also in attendance: 1 member of the public, Mr S Barker County councillor and Mrs Retallick Clerk.

Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

15/121 To accept apologies for absence.

None received

15/122 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.

None declared.

15/123 Clerks Report including information for a decision of new council website

The noticeboards have now all been put back into place after been renovated. The quote has come back to renew the safety signs at the skate park and I have ordered them up.

It has been confirmed to me that the green bin at the church yard has been kept and paid for one year.

I attended the meeting about air wave broad band and it seems that if the planning permissions are successful the first customers will benefit in December, the company hope to improve the download speed to a minimum of 15 MB but ideally 24MB, the final stage for this area should be completed by March.

Website – please see report and discuss. All happy to go forward to Visionict Rob Steemson Prosing and MW seconded all agreed.

15/124 PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)

(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)

Mr Fairs noted that sometimes people come to the meeting advertising the events and wondered how that can be improved.

Katherine reported about a Gregory’s lorry in the village mentioned at the last meeting.

Mr Barker has already asked the highways engineer to come out to the parish; he will meet him again this week and make enquiries with him.

Sign post at swine Parks off and in the hedge.

Marking of Drumbridges round about that a box junction should be for the Liverton exit.

Consultation for Drumbridges and the speed limits – this parish council would not like to see the village sign being removed.

15/125 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting 27th of October 2015.

After an amendment was made to 15/113 adding Mr Dunkley as expressing an interested then these were signed as a true record of that meeting.

15/126 To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.

Mr Barker reported from a Highways meeting he asked why there has not been a box junction painted at the Liverton junction onto Drumbridges the engineers are looking into it. The new lighting is low cost led lighting and DCC responsible for the slip roads and the works and maintenance of the roundabout is funded by highways agency. Discussed the traffic regulations and signs now agreed money from on street parking will pay for any orders that are needed.

He gave a report about budget issues at DCC and informed the meeting that it is difficult to predict the any changes if any to the council tax at the moment.

Mr Retallick asked about improvements to the parking issues near Blackpool school as the parking has extended over the bridge and of the corner, this council asked about the 30mph limit to be extended and as the parking has extended can the limit now be extended. Mr Steemson noted the double yellow lines at the school but the cars are abusing the area and are still parking and dropping off. Mr Barker suggested an officer should visit the area to make observations.

The Syrian refuges crisis – several families have already arrived then another 1000 are arriving in this area they have all been checked TDC are allocated 5 families. A national agency will be finding home and allocating the houses.

Mr Steemson reported that on Friday the DNPA Rangers are meeting with highways to plan if the area gets snow. He also reported that funding cut backs will not be known until January. There is a Forum meeting on Friday and Mr Bainbridge will attend.

15/127 Business Brought forward by the Chairman.

Memorial service was well attended by chairman and vice chairman attended PC paid for the wreaths.

15/128 Approval of 2016/2017 Precept.

The budget papers were circulated and the precept request was approved by the meeting.

Risk assessments Mr Dunkley gave brief report and advised the meeting that he will inspect the areas quarterly, he reported on damage that he has identified, also gave an update of works that has been carried out. The meeting agreed that the small seat on the children’s climbing frame at Ley Close could be removed. Discussed the signs at the skate park new ones have been ordered. The risk assessment for the tennis courts will be passed onto the club, Mrs Bainbridge reported that the club is looking to improve the area. The Parish Council will write to the IPFARA to ask them remove the moss build up on the courts. The chairman thanked Mr Dunkley for his report – As there were several things that require attention the chairman asked for authorisation from the council for the clerk to instruct a local contractor to do the work required and this was agreed.

15/129 To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District.

Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.

a) DNPA 0578/15 – proposed demolition of existing single and two storey rear extensions and replacement with new single and two storey rear extension with associated landscaping at Smallacombe Farm, Ilsington. No objection

b) DNPA 600/15 – Proposed enlargement of existing roof structure and formulation of new en-suite at White House, Haytor Vale. No objection

15/130 To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.

Mr Steemson reported that the Jane Ford trustees had a meeting to update signatures for the bank account.

Mr Patch – reported about events at Liverton Village hall a Christmas social which was being advertised on their website and notice boards. The lucky seven group had disbanded therefore Tuesday evening are free and he asked if more council meeting could be down at Liverton. The committee have submitted a Grant application for improvements to the kitchen and hatch.

Devon community resilience forum at Finagle Glen mainly focused in flooding, the clerk circulated the report from that event. The meeting asked how this could be taken forward – some other parishes has planned for emergencies and have developed an action plan; this could start with an open meeting to see who would be interested. Mr Patch offered to start initiates this he will put a summary paper together for the January meeting.

Mrs Prior reported from the Ilsington village hall committee meeting where they talked about loft ladders which have not arrived yet, new chairs have been purchased for the meeting room and WI tapestry are now on the walls as is a photo that was donated by their chairman. There is a new booking system called hall master. The play park has been inspected and the items which were causing concern have been removed they plan to put in a new bench so carers can watch the children. Grants have been successful and a new stage has been purchased.

Mr Fairs has been investigating defibrillators for communities. The committee are hoping to host some training though air band. Since the new recycling system there has been problems disposing of pack lunch rubbish so the pre-school children will need to start taking there rubbish home. The storage beneath the hall is causing some concern over fire risk the hall committee are organising Fire assembly points. There meeting also spent time discussing the parking of the minibus, currently it is parked at Ashburton school but they feel it should be closer to the parish. Mrs Bainbridge asked if IPFARA could offer a space at the playing field.

Mr Dale told the meeting that the signs for above the new notice boards are in the process are being made and the chairman thanked him and reminded him to pass on any costs. Mr Patch asked if he could see the signs before they were finalised and it was agreed that Mr Dale would circulate a picture for comments.

Mr Winsor – reminded the meeting of the offer from Mike Beasley for a bench which could go into the play area at Ilsington.

15/131 To authorise payments of cheques presented.

1. C Retallick Salary for 2 months £ 1045.20

2. Ilsington village hall – hall rental £ 14.00

3. Ground Maintenance SW £ 466.23

4. Fusiontech renovation of N/Boards £ 590.40

5. DALC – conference fees £ 48.00

7. G Bruce – repairs to war memorial £ 876.00

8. SLCC 9th Edition local Council admin book £ 72.30

9. SLCC – subscription £ 118.00

10. J Court – Remembrance grant £ 133.00

Cheques total for this month £ 3363.13

DD Talk talk £ 25.00

Total expenditure for this month £ 3388.13

Balance held in the bank from both accounts at the end of October 2015

£ 58,165.00

All authorised

15/132 Correspondence.

TDC request for any local knowledge for sites that could be used for local self-build housing.

To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on

Tuesday January 26th 2016 in Liverton Village Hall at 7.30 pm.