General informationProgramme of reference / IEEA – Intelligent Energy
Deadline / 31 October 2006
Maximum European Financing (%) / 50% of eligible actions
Promoter (Applicant) / Association TECLA
Type and expected number of national partners / Provinces of Palermo, Perugia, Rieti
Target / Society at large, state schools in the provinces of reference
Type of activities planned /Priorities to which the action refers / SAVE (Vertical Key Action 1 and 2)
Horizontal Key Action 4 “Monitoring & Evaluation”
Expected duration / 24 months
Approximate cost estimate / € 700,000 (of which 50% sustained by European funds)
Project idea
Territory of action / Territories of the Provinces of Palermo, Perugia and Rieti
Problem(s) identified / Failure to monitor the implementation of EC Directive 2002/91/CEon energy efficiency and saving in buildings.
Why is/are the problem(s) identified considered important for the territory in question? / Given the responsibilities of provincial authorities regarding school buildings, it is necessary to monitor the degree of implementation of the EU directive on energy efficiency and saving in public buildings. In order to do so, it might be possible to set up “shining” initiatives in historic buildings whose exemplary value and visibility would enable them to constitute good practices. Obviously, such measures would need to be accompanied by communications, information dissemination and awareness raising initiatives aimed at society at large in such a way as to encourage general virtuous behaviour regarding energy saving and efficiency.
The suggested monitoring initiatives and technical actions should also be accompanied by a series of training/information dissemination tools which encourage the participation of young people and thus help fulful the objective of raising awareness with respect to the issue. These tools will thus have a considerable influence at educational level.
Possible solution(s) / Development of a standard energy efficiency monitoring methodology for buildings which can be easily implemented through participatory actions involving students and teachers in schools.
Dissemination of the culture of energy saving in schools and in the home by involving pupils and teachers in actions designed to monitor energy efficiency and saving in buildings.
Energy manager: appointment of a figure of reference within schools whose task is to coordinate the various participatory energy efficiency monitoring and diagnosis initiatives set up.
Indicate any previous experiences, actions completed and initiative implemented in the sector and the area by at least one of the partners.
Clarify whether and how these activities are connected and contribute to the project which is being promoted / The Province of Perugia has recently implemented photovoltaic systems and installed anti-dispersion windows and doors in schools which now provide exemplary conditions to be copied in other buildings and promoted for the purpose of raising the awareness of society at large with respect to the issue of energy efficiency and saving.
Palermo has recently refitted 9 schools according to the EU directive on energy saving and efficiency.
Transnational partnership
Type and expected number of European partners.
Indicate any preferences regarding type and geographical area of origin of the partners / The inclusion of a European partner in the partnership will contribute examples of good practices regarding the implementation of energy efficiency measures in schools and of the active direct involvement of pupils to the project. (See what has been done in GB and try to involve a partner).
Similarly, in order to balance the Italian partnership it will be necessary to find a public partnership in an EU country with the same priorities regarding energy efficiency and saving applied to schools.
Scheda idea progettuale_Associati