Автономная некоммерческая организация
620014, г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта, 13, офис 712
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ОГРН 1026605630732; ОКПО 52324806;
ИНН/КПП 6663072963 / 667301001
Autonomous Non-profit Organization
8 Marta Str 13, office 712
620014 Ekaterinburg
Russian Federation
Tel./Fax (343) 219-23-58;219-69-05; 219-78-93
PrimaryState Registration Number1026605630732;
Russian Business and Organization Classification52324806;
Personal Tax Reference Number/Code of Reason for Tax Registration: 6663072963 / 667301001
IIIInternational Olympiad on Russian as Foreign Language
2012/2013academic year
Held in honour of Boris Strugatsky, Russian writer and scriptwriter
for the first round
TheOlympiad on Russian as a Foreign Language objectives:
- to sustain positive motivation for studying Russian;
- todevelopstudents’ creativity, erudition, and the so-called ‘feel for language’;
- to develop the ability of independent analysis of a linguistic material and of application of linguistic knowledge, skills and competencies in non-standard environment;
- totrain students’practical perception of the language,to formbroad and up-to-date views on learning the Russian language.
Theaimofthefirstround:to assess the knowledge ofRussianas a Foreign Language(hereinafter RFL)among comprehensive school students of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 forms from the neighbouring countries. Toselectthe most well-prepared students for participation in the second (final) round of the Olympiad.
- Participants of the first round.
The first round of the Olympiad on RFL is by far the most democratic and accessible. All comprehensive school students of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 forms from the neighbouring countrieswho are willing to participate can do it without any preliminaries.
- Content of tasks:
Olympiad tasks on RFL correspond to the academic level of students of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 forms; they consist of 4 parts and comprise 25 tasks.
Part 1 – 5 close-ended testtasksfor selecting one answer out of four or five, marked 1 point each.
Part 2 - 5 close-ended testtasksfor selecting three answers out of six, marked 3 points each.
Part 3 – 10 tasks, five for matching and five for sequencing tasks with 5 elements, marked 5 points.
Part 4 – 5 most difficult open-ended test tasks requiring a short answer, marked 6 points each.
Time allotment for completing the Olympiad tasks of the first round is 75 minutes (1 hourand 15 minutes).Tasksofthefirstroundcorrespondtotheelementaryandintermediate levelsanddifferin level of complexity in accordance with B. Blum’s classification. TheOlympiadtestsonRFLincludegrammar, lexis, and area studies questions.
- Procedure
The first round is held at schools. The school administration voluntarily notifies the teaching staff, students and their parents of terms of conducting the first round of the Olympiad on RFL, and registers on the website. The registration guide is to be found on The teacher responsible for the Olympiad procedures lodges an application for a preliminary round on the website in the school cabinet.
To lodge an application for participation in the RFL Olympiad preliminary round, one is to visit the school’s cabinet on the website. Select the “Olympiad List” section – “Russian as a Foreign Language” – “I Round” – “Application for Participation in Preliminary Round”.
The following margins are to be filled: class, name, surname. Date of birth is indicated only in case there are people of the same surname in the list of participants. For the rest of the students, this margin is not compulsory. Opposite to the subject “Russian as a Foreign Langage”, a check mark is to be put. There exists an opportunity to edit the application before the start of the first round. Eachparticipantis assigned his/her individual code at lodging an application.This code can be used as a password for entering the testing complex for each participant.
On the first day of the first round, an access to the Testing Complex ON-LINE is provided in the cabinet. Achoicebetweenon-line (viacomputer) andcombined (computerandprinted) test variants is offered.For the on-line testing the participants do contest tasks via computers. For the combined version we suggest supplying the participants with paper copies of tests.
The participants shall complete their work in a classroom and enter their answers in a special form. After the Olympiad the teacher collects their works and enters them in a computer. The list of results is formed in the cabinet on the Internet as soon as the testing is over.
The timeframe of first round
The first round is held on 21-30January 2013.Applications andtarget contributions for participation in the first round are received till 18January 2013.
The Organizing Committee is ready to help schools with information in case any difficulties with lodging an application and ON-LINE testing should arise. A schoolhas a right to independently distribute dates and time of holding the Olympiad between parallel classes within the specified timeframe.
- Summing up the results and awarding
According to the results of the first round, the participants whose score exceeds 60 points advance to the final round.
The final protocol of the first round shall be placed on later than 15 February 2013,theOlympiad Organizing Committee shall send layouts of Certificates of Participants of the Olympiad first round to the e-mails of the participating schools.The certificates are awarded to ALL participants of theOlympiad first round.
- Amount and order of distribution of voluntary target contributions
The charge for participation in the first round is 70 (seventy) roubles. Methods of payment are discussed with each participating country on an individual basis.
- Contact information:
SupervisorofRFLOlympiad: EkaterinaSavushkina
Tel.: +7(343) 377-65-06