/ HIPAA COW EDI Networking Group Call
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Conference Call

1.  Fall Conference

2.  WPS to NGS transition

3.  Operating Rules

/ HIPAA COW EDI Networking Group Call
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
conference call
Facilitator: / Melissa Bruechert
Note taker: / Wendy Ellwein
Attendance: / Attendance is no longer taken.
Review of Assignments from last call
The following assignments still need to be completed from the last call:
Agenda topics
Fall Conference
Fall conference will be held on Friday, October 18th at the Wilderness Resort in the WI Dells. EDI Speakers have been confirmed:
·  Session 1: Preparing for the ICD-10 Paradigm Shift, Valerie Rinkle, Navigant Consulting Services.
·  Session 2: EFT/ERA Operating Rules - A Panel Discussion, Lynn Benson, Humana; Linda Klapperich, Ministry Health Care; Connor Prahl, WPS; Michael Schram, OS Inc; Melissa Bruechert, Holy Family Memorial.
** What questions / issues would you like the panel to address? The group did not have any at this time.
·  Session 3: Future Regulations for Transactions and Operating Rules, Debbi Meisner, Emdeon.
Registrations are now being taken. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e7yo1tydba77e726&llr=7xtbtyiab
We are looking for an EDI Track Manager. If you are interested, let Wendy know TODAY!! As a thank you, your conference registration fee will waive.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
WPS to NGS Transition
Jen Cohrs from WI Medical Society invited Christine Obergfell from NGS to be on the call today to give updates. NGS is having Connex problems. Electronic remits (ERAs) were being sent on a weekly basis. They are now as of Thursday are being sent out daily. Psychiatric denials, made adjustments type of service code was not matching. Invalid procedure codes – claims are incorrectly rejecting from dates before September 7. Occurring service mismatch. They were mass adjusted today. Adjustment schedule for remaining work is being set up. Lots of Chiropractic claims rejected. Adjustments are completed. Remittance advice being reviewed by CMS. Issue with NPI vendor sending their file with NPI numbers so payments can go out. An email went out it has been resolved on the 25th. Still working with CMS on responsibility remarks for patients is incorrect. Watch production alerts for updates on all issues currently being worked on. Production alerts are being posted on the www.ngsmedicare.com. Choose your line of business - Part B. Accept. Scroll down the page to go to the production alerts. To get on list serves also on the left hand side of the home page. J6 listserve as well as Part B in general.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Operating Rules
Jen asked, do we have an easy summary for physicians on what Operating Rules are. Melissa did not think that HIPAA COW had such a thing. It could be promoted or mentioned in the e-Newsletter that goes out by WI Medical Society every Thursday.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Talk to Greg and Suzanne about creating this summary. / Melissa Bruechert
HIPAA COW is Linked-In
HIPAA COW is now Linked-In. Go to the website http://www.linkedin.com/. Search forHIPAA-COW (HIPAA Collaborative of WI)under Companies to Follow Us.
HIPAA COW Facebook Page
HIPAA COW now has a Facebook page. Go to the website http://hipaacow.org/home/home.aspxand click on the "Like us onFacebook" icon on the lower left orLog in to yourFacebookaccount and enter Hipaa Collaborative of Wisconsin (hipaa cow) in the search bar. Check it out!!
Minutes are posted on HIPAA COW website
Minutes from all EDI networking group meeting are available on the website. Go to the HIPAA COW website, www.hipaacow.org. Go to the Networking Groups tab to view prior meeting minutes.
Next Meeting
Next call will be on November 6th at 2:00pm
Call in number: 800-524-3094
Call code: 281237
Email Agenda items to:
Melissa Bruechert () or
Suzanne Geske ()