SAC Meeting


  1. Call to Order: (3:00PM)
  1. Roll Call: All present

III.Prayer: Given by LeeAnn, to give prayer at next meeting.

  1. Approval of minutes: 2/22/12 minutes were approved without change
  1. Public Forum

++Emily McLaughlin: Embrace your Neighbors March 15th 5pm, Evanston Rec Center 3204 Woodburn Ave.

Lyden Foust: TEDx presentation purpose and explanation

You are hoping for 400 attend? yes. is that something to worried about? not worried because info has not been received, already received 38 rsvps.

Can you tell us how much you are asking for $15-16,000. proposing for $4000.

Are all those people speaking 1-5pm? yes, one after another.

VI.Review of the Budget

Crystal Guffey

(Budget passed around)

VII.Report of the SGA Executive

Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran

Not Emailed


Report of the President, Ryan Alleman

Not Emailed

++who is the person in charge of xavier students think?

Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach

Not Emailed


VIII.Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak

First, I'd like to say 'welcome back!' to all of our NACA delegates and thank you so much for all of your hard work over the past few days. I enjoyed hearing about your trip on the ride home from the airport and I can't wait to hear more from you all soon!

Last Thursday I met with Mouhammed from Tedx. He had asked that SAC help him solely with promotions, and I agreed that we would help them out. At all of our events leading up to Tedx they will be passing out fliers about Tedx and we will have a few status updates promoting the event.

I had also met with Ian Helfin, as I had mentioned last week, and I suggested having a Chipotle donation at the next MAD and at Xavierfest. From our conversation it seems more likely that the donation will go towards towards MAD because Ian doesn't believe that Chipotle will be able to donate enough to satisfy the amount of students that will be at Xavierfest.

You will be receiving evaluations at the end of this week and you will have until the next meeting to fill them out. They will be structured differently than our previous evaluations. I will explain everything better in an e-mail once I finish writing them out.

Don't forget SAC apps are due Friday by 5! If you have any questions about the application feel free to ask me!

Promo - Dance the Day Away 3/12

MAD 3/12

Proposal - Mayhem Poets 3/11

++ TEDx - do they need flyers? do we need to do anything? no, just want to promo at our events.

Will they attend events to pass out? yes.

IX.Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis

Not Emailed


X.Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey

Not Emailed


XI.Opinion Entries



XII.Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)

FAC, Jim Reitenbach


Not Emailed

(Initial Questions)

+do people feel this is going to conflict with Xavierfest? He thinks it's great because people will flow in and out of the other, alumni will be on campus.

there will only be 1 hour of overlap

(Debate and Discussion)

fits our standards, will be voting yes.

what was his method for getting people to sign up.

Debate Ended



Dance the Night Away
Chairs: Kate Sabetta and Makenna Leibold

Date: Sunday, March 25th 2012

Time: 6-9pm

Location: Dance Club Studio

Attendance: 22 people (20 people + Kate and Makenna)

Event Description:

Come for a fun night of dancing at Dance Club Studio! Students will be learning swing from 6-7pm, salsa from 7-8pm, and then enjoy a dance hosted by Dance Club Studio on their beautiful 44’ x 25’ double floating floor where students will get to practice their moves they learned in class! Food and drinks will be provided.

Budget Requested From: Life and Culture

Cost Breakdown:

Class/Tickets- $15/person = $330

Bus- $250

Promo- $125

Total Amount Proposed: $705

(Initial Questions)

+when will sign ups be? two days. studio said if we get more interest we can bring 30.

Does SAC automatically get to go? no, has to sign up like regular

(Debate and Discussion)

Is there a way you can get a different transportation? bus is $250? there is a liability issue, have to use bus company. Is in rules of order.

Debate Ended


Free Rides to Final Fridays

Date: March 30th, 2012

Time: 6-10pm (Buses will be looping during this time)

Location: Over the Rhine!

Event Description:

Students can have the opportunity to travel into Over the Rhine enjoying many different art exhibits as well as food and a good time!

“Starting with the Pendleton Art Gallery, now more than 20 galleries in Over-the-Rhine open their doors the last Friday of every month. Get a close-up look at the artists and artisans at work here, from the collection of studios in Pendleton Art Center to individual galleries along Main Street. Pick up a map at Enjoy the Arts, and dive in. Plenty of bars, restaurants, clubs and some of the newest, hippest shops in OTR are open, too.”

Cost Breakdown:

One Bus: $240.00

Promo: $60.00

Contingency: $30

Total Amount Proposed: $330

(Initial Questions)

+is this a looping bus? every 30 min, will always be sacer on bus.

Is it in the rules of order that studnet can't drink on trip? no

(Debate and Discussion)

sounds like a really cool event, cater to a lot of students?

would you cap it at anything? bus full, can't get on.

Nothing planned, just dropping people off.

Debate Ended


Late Night Snack Graeters
Chairs: Becky and Blake

Date: March 29, 2012

Time: 10pm

Location: Atrium

Estimated Attendance: 225 people

Event Description:

We will be ordering between 3-4 flavors of ice cream from Graeter's for the March LNS.

Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming

Cost Breakdown:

Ice Cream: $590

Promo: $60

Total Amount Proposed: $650

(Initial Questions)

+will you be dipping ice cream yourself? yes.

You are buying pints and you will be scooping? I know graeters offers individual cups. Not sure how it will be done.

Where did you get the total amount? estimated.

Do you know flavors? will send out email to get input.

did you know when I was on sac I chaired this event. charged $80-85 per 5 pound jug, set them out hour in advance because scooping was slow. Great success.

(Debate and Discussion)

Last Late night snack students polled said they wanted graeters.

Debate Ended


Open Executive Session

XIII.Blast from the Past

++Sense & sensibility: 30 people came, play was awesome, bus was late - but we made it there with plenty time. Got reimbursement for unused tickets.

NEDAW: Monday went well, lecture, lots of people, news came out to cover

Arvin Mitchell: Only 58 people showed up. thanks for sac for showing up. Content was awkward at times.

What are you holding back? It didn't go well.

Arvin was sometimes inappropriate. I told him before hand to keep it relatively clean. was clean, but offense to certain groups of people. complained about theatre not being full, commented on who was responsible for promoting this.

I was surprised, NACA was one of the most booked.

I felt like he had a good ten mins, didn't seem prepared, spent the rest of time making fun of audience.

Is there anyway to prevent this from happening again? How do we improve? The date was bad, could have affected attendance. Can't really know with 5-10 appearance if they will be good.

this would be more work, watching more than 1 or 2 videos, find reviews. Doing more research.

Can talk to the schools where they have performed before. Not a hard step to take.

Drive: 136 people showed

XIV.Here and Now

++Get Ready for Spring Break: 6-9 GSC atrium. Handing out beach balls in caf, come out to help promote after meeting-6

XV.Committee Reports

Publicity, Annette Frac

Not Email

+did you know saw final fridays promo, was beautiful?

did you 4 NACA deligates saw what other schools are doing with promo, wouild be interested in talking.

REally liked david hall's promo.

Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer

Hey SAC! Short report. Thanks for passing Graeter's. We have Hunger Games finalized. We have a theater and will be purchasing the physical tickets ASAP. We will be doing ticket sign ups/sale on March 15th, 1st floor of Gallagher at 5pm. That's all I have for today. Have a great spring break!

+promo has already been ordered? yes. tickets free? yes, just sign up.

didn't do request for this because execs paid? yes.

why did we decide to do free? I know we can afford this, but for accountability?

Decided it would be free, because not an event that needs accountability.

revenue would go back into exec fund, not sac.

how many tickets? 194.

SGA get tickets? no, have to wait in line.

have you thought about how you will control lines? get line connectors.

I think people in line need to stand up for themselves if they are angry about it.

having done large concert kick-off, line dividers good idea.

should attempt numbered line.

we don't need people mad a SAC , need some kind of control.

Do agree that it's juvenile thing, but you will have to answer to people complaining wanting solution from you.

think you should have line barriers, not during the day, should have someone patrol crowd.

Concerts, Matt Morefield

Not Emailed

did you know dustin said we can ask for interest?+

what can we be telling the student body, I know it was in the newswire?

tell them it is tentative, waiting on administration to approve. Can only happen if they approve it. only if someone asked specifically.

When dustin asked to sign up for committees, what are they doing?

everyone has met except promotions, just putting together details.

Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds

Hi SAC! We hope everyone will be able to make it to the spring break event tonight! Again, it's from 6-9 here and GSC and should be a great time. Even if you're just free for a bit after the meeting, please help promo with the beach balls in front of the caf! Special thanks to Ian and Annette for getting that together for us. Luck on the Levee promo is up, so be sure to mark your calendars for ticket sales on Tuesday March 16th at 3:00 pm if you're interested. The awesome NACA crew has been helping us move forward with our lecture plans, so expect more info on that right when we get back. I hope everyone has a great spring break!


Life & Culture, Analisa Condon

Hey SAC! Thank you all for the help with tabling for NEDA. Your help is greatly appreciated! Also, thanks for passing Dance the Night Away and Final Fridays. Be on the lookout for some more proposals from us for a disability event and sustainability event. Thanks!


Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach

Not Emailed

+is 5K for SAC still happening? probably not. many races going on, thinking about doing it in fall when there is none.

Should consider working with distance for Dream.

  1. Closing Sentiments

Cynthia Bear was given to Jimmy, What is your favorite baseball team?

  1. Adjourned:(4:30PM)