Overture to Memorialize the Commission on Theology and Church Relations to Draft Doctrinal Statements

WHEREAS there is sharp disagreement within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod over a number of doctrinal matters; and

WHEREAS the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) has the authority to submit Doctrinal Statements (as defined by LCMS Bylaw 1.6.2(b)) “to the Synod in convention for further consideration and possible adoption by majority vote” (LCMS Bylaw 1.6.2(b)(4)); and

WHEREAS an official district conference of ordained and/or commissioned ministers may submit a proposal for the development of doctrinal statements to the CTCR (LCMS Bylaw 1.6.2(b)(1)); therefore be it

Resolved that the ((insert district name here)) District Pastors’ Conference memorialize the Commission on Theology and Church Relations to develop Doctrinal Statements on the following topics:

· The Male-Only Pastorate;

· The Six Days of Creation;

· The Necessity of a Call and Ordination for the Exercise of the Pastoral Office;

and be it finally

Resolved that the ((insert district name here)) District Pastors’ Conference memorialize the Commission on Theology and Church Relations to submit these doctrinal statements to the 2016 convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for further consideration and possible adoption by majority vote, pursuant to LCMS Bylaw 1.6.2(b)(4)ff.