Resurrection Regional Catholic School

Social Studies Project

Dear Parents,

Our Fourth Grade Class will have a choice between two project ideas to complete on the Native Americans of Pennsylvania. The project will count as a major grade.

Project Idea 1 – Make a Corn Husk Mask

You will find the directions for making the mask attached to this letter. Follow the directions carefully and be sure the completed mask is neatly done.

Project Idea 2 – Make a Diorama

The diorama is a small model of either an Algonquian village or Iroquois village displayed against a painted background. Please use a shoebox to create your diorama in. Turn the shoebox on its side, paint the background, and then be creative in designing your village. Make it as authentic as possible. Your text book should be used as a guide. Do not use store bought Indian villages, especially no tepees. Neither the Algonquians nor Iroquois lived in tepees. The Native Americans built their villages from the forests, so using items found outdoors would be an excellent idea in constructing a village. Label the top of the box with the name of the Native American group your village represents.

The project is due Monday, November 13, 2017 , but may be turned in earlier. If you bring your project in before the due date, be sure to bring it in a bag so others are not tempted to copy your ideas. Every day the project is late five (5) points will be deducted from the grade.


There is a separate rubric for each project. Please circle the project your child is interested in completing and the corresponding rubric will be given to them so they will know what is expected.

Mask Diorama

Please sign below to indicate you are aware your child has a social studies project.

Parent’s Signature ______

Student’s Name ______

Name ______


Accurately represents Algonquians or Iroquois (25 pts.) ______

Well-constructed (15 pts.) ______

Over-all appearance of model (20 pts.) ______

Creative use of materials (15 pts.) ______

Painted background (15 pts.) ______

Label of Native American group appears on box (5 pts.) ______

Shoebox used for diorama (5 pts.) ______


Name ______


Holes for eyes and mouth are neatly cut (10 pts.) ______

Holes around plate are about 1 inch apart and

about 1 inch in from the edge of the plate (10 pts.) ______

Corn husks, raffia, or yarn used to make

3 braids (10 pts.) ______

One braid has been coiled around each

eye (10 pts.) ______

Corn cob or toilet paper roll has been

decorated and attached as the nose (10 pts.) ______

Corn husk, raffia, or yarn have been tied or

looped through each home around the plate (10 pts.) ______

Mask is well constructed (10 pts.) ______

Over-all appearance of mask (10 pts.) ______

Directions have been followed (10 pts.) ______