III General Assembly in Cairo, November 1992
(Adopted by the Third General Assembly)
Recognition of Single Disability Bodies
(Resolution 92.1)
WHEREAS the World Blind Union was formed in 1984 to speak as the authoritative voice of blind people throughout the world, to identify specific needs and promote solutions concerning blindness; and the needs of blind people are generally different from those of people with other disabilities; and there is a trend among United Nations Agencies, National Governments and other bodies to view people with disabilities as a homogeneous population;
This Third General Assembly of the World Blind Union, composed of Members from 128 countries on behalf of the world's fifty million blind people, meeting in Cairo, November 2-6 1992, resolves, with reference to the Resolution titled "World Blind Union and its Relationships with Organisations Dealing with Other Disabilities", adopted by the Second WBU General Assembly, Madrid, 1988:
(a)To oppose the trend towards cross-disability organisations, at both National and International levels;
(b)to cooperate on equal terms with the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), the International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap (ILSMH), and Disabled Peoples International as the representative body of people with physical disabilities, known as DPI, on matters of common interest and concern;
(c)to call upon the United Nations to recognise the World Blind Union with "A" Status, as the only consultative international organisation in matters concerning blind people.
Recognition of the International Blind Sports Association
(Resolution 92.2)
WHEREAS the World Blind Union has recognised the important role of specific interest bodies such as the International Blind Sports Association (IBSA),
This Third General Assembly recognises that IBSA should continue as the supreme governing body of blind sport at the international level, and affirms IBSA's claim that cooperation with other bodies, such as the International Paralympic Committee, should be in conformity with this principle.
Towards Equalisation of Opportunity
(Resolution 92.3)
WHEREAS a number of the members of the World Blind Union throughout the last decade have called for the development of standards of service for blind persons; and the United Nations is in the process of developing Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for People with Disabilities; and the WBU has been consulted by the United Nations in this process; and the "Charter for the Blind of the World" was adopted by the International Federation of the Blind, in 1969; this Third General Assembly resolves:
(a)That the World Blind Union continue to press the United Nations for the adoption of the Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for People with Disabilities;
(b)that the Officers of the WBU look towards developing a specific social charter identifying the basic needs of blind persons.
Assistance to Organisations in Developing Countries
(Resolution 92.4)
WHEREAS the sustainability of an organisation and its structure depends upon the skill and expertise of its human resources; WBU members collectively have a wealth of experience, talent and knowledge; there are many excellent examples of WBU Regional and National human resource development and sharing among member countries; and the WBU pilot project, known as the Institutional Development Project, is entering its third year; this Third General Assembly of the World Blind Union resolves:
(a)To officially adopt a program of action to recognise and facilitate formal programs of institutional development;
(b)that the newly elected Officers should consider this as the highest priority and responsibility.
Status of Blind Women
(Resolution 92.5)
WHEREAS the WBU recognises the urgent need to improve the status of blind women; and effective programs to advance their status can be carried out at the local, national and international levels; this Third General Assembly resolves:
(a)To reaffirm its Resolution titled "Status of Blind Women", adopted by the Second WBU General Assembly, Madrid, September 1988;
(b)that national affiliates be requested to carry out projects to advance the status of blind women, and the Regional Presidents be requested to report on progress within their Regions at each Officers meeting;
(c)that WBU should expand its program of auspicing and resourcing special projects such as leadership training for blind women.
(Resolution 92.6)
Whereas blindness plus poverty plus illiteracy prevents full participation and equality of opportunities; and literacy helps to improve the socio-economic conditions of a blind person, and consequently his/her self esteem; and literacy is indispensable to make a person able to speak by him/herself; and Braille is the basic means of communication used by blind people; this Third General Assembly resolves:
(a)To support the Regional Unions in their promotion and support of literacy campaigns, especially in the developing world;
(b)to promote the provision of basic equipment, as well as technological resources, to produce Braille materials.
Needs of Elderly
Blind People
(Resolution 92.7)
WHEREAS the problems of elderly people are increased by blinding conditions, with subsequent effects on the quality of their lives; and the population is ageing in both the developed and developing countries; and blindness is commonly associated with ageing, so that the majority of the world's blind people are elderly; and
the WBU endorses the declaration of the First International Convention for the Aged-Blind, held in Japan, October 1991; this Third General Assembly resolves to request the Officers to establish a special Task Force, including representation from each Region:
(i)To make an in-depth study of the situation of this group of people; and
(ii) To determine short and long term strategies to meet the needs of elderly blind persons.
United Nations White Cane Day
(Resolution 92.8)
WHEREAS the white cane has become both a tool of safe and independent travel and a symbol of blindness; and many countries presently recognise that October 15 is White Cane Day; and the United Nations, a prestigious international voice, already promotes international themes; this Third General Assembly resolves to request the United Nations to recognise and declare that each year the 15th day of October henceforth be known as "United Nations White Cane Day".
Vote of Thanks
(Resolution 92.9)
WHEREAS the Government and the hospitable people of Egypt have contributed greatly to the outstanding success of this Third General Assembly of the World Blind Union; and all Delegates were very honoured, and grateful for her participation, by Her Excellency Lady Susan Mubarak; and the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Sheikh Abdultah AI-Ghanim, and his colleagues: the Program Committee, the President, the Secretary General and his staff, and the Treasurer of the WBU, have worked tirelessly to arrange and host the Assembly; and Dr. Mohammed Abdel Salam El-Banna and his group of volunteers have helped to make all participants feel at home, and have taken care of their every need; this Third General Assembly resolves:
To place on record its deep appreciation and sincere thanks to all those whose hard work made this Assembly such a significant event.