Venue: Maffra Recreational Reserve

Date:Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th February 2019

Competitors please enter via Gate C off Edward Street

On behalf of the Vic. Branch of the ACDS, Eastern Vic. Pleasure Harness Club presents two Driven Dressage Qualifiers for the State and National Driven Dressage Championships.

Time Table

All Classeswill be offered on both days, using two arenas, with the first test commencing at 8:00am. Single and Multiple classes will be offered at each level.

Freestyle to Music will also be offered, scheduled to commence at 4:00 pm.

(Example: Class 1 is Preliminary Pony/Horse Single. Class 2 is Preliminary Multiples)

Level / Class / Test
Preliminary / 1 / Single / ACDS Preliminary No 2
2 / Multiples
Novice / 3 / Single / ACDS Novice No 2
4 / Multiples
Elementary / 5 / Single / ACDS Elementary No 2
6 / Multiples
Intermediate / 7 / Single / ACDS Intermediate No 1
8 / Multiples
Open / 9 / Single / ACDS Open No 2
10 / Multiples
Advanced / 11 / Single / FEI HP3*B
12 / Multiples / FEI No 8B
Cones / 13 / Single / To be driven directly after your second test. Cones to be conducted under the ACDS CDE Rules.
14 / Multiples
to Music / 15 / Single / Please supplyyourownmusicwith appropriate device / See the current Driven Dressage Manual
Chapter 1
pages 17-18
16 / Multiples


EventDirector:Tom Dowling

EventSecretary:Cheryl Dowling

DressageJudges:Dot Willcoxson + 3 TBA

Cones Judge:Doug Willcoxson


General Information

Dress/Attire:Hat, gloves, whip, apron and jacket are compulsory. Presentation is not marked, however,a more formal dress is expected.

Catering:Light refreshments will be available for purchase both days. Saturday Night will be a Meal &Trivia/Fun Evening.

Camping:Is available – power/showersetc and MUSTbe pre-booked (See Entry). Please contact the Event Secretary for details.

Covered Shelters:Are available. Shelters are open fronted and measure 3.8 x 2.7

Dogs:Dogs are allowed but MUST be restrained/controlled at ALL times. No dogs are permitted on the Main Oval (Council Rules). Any dog owner that does not abide by these rules will be asked to leave the venue (Entry money will not be refunded).


The Cones Course is to be conducted under current ACDS Rules for Combined Driving Events. As such, grooms will be required as per these rules, that is:

Small Single Pony – Optional

Horse or Pony Single – 1

Horse or Pony Tandem – 1

Horse or Pony Pair – 1

Hose or Pony Four-in-Hand – 2

Please provide your own groom, but we will endeavor to have a suitably experienced person available to act as a groom, if necessary.



  1. This event will be conducted according to the Rules listed in the current version of the ACDS Driven Dressage Manual – including updates & variations relevant to Victoria.
  2. All horses/ponies competing at official Graded Driven Dressage events must be ACDS registered. Non-ACDS drivers competing under a One Activity Membership may drive an unregistered horse, however, that horse is not eligible for grading points, qualification for GDD Championships or for prizes awardedat any GDD events.
  3. At official Graded Driven Dressage events, each horse must compete in two (2) tests, (as listed in the schedule) at the horse’s graded level OR one test at their graded level & one test at the level immediately above. Multiples will be graded per each combination.
  4. Championship Qualifying: - ALL horses MUST be ACDS registered and havecompeted at and completed a minimum of two graded dressage competitionsto qualify for the Championships, having complied with condition no. 3 above. Alternative second tests WILL be included in the Championship schedule. HorsesmayonlycompeteattheChampionshipsattheir gradedlevel. Grading is taken as at the date of close of entries.
  5. Horses/ponies gaining 10 grading points at one level must upgrade to the next level. CDE gradingdoes not apply to horses in this competition.
  6. Subject to Organising Committee approval, competitors maydrivemore than one combinationinthesameclass.
  7. Hat, gloves, apron, whip and jacket with long sleeves are compulsory. Long sleeved blouse/shirt only if weather is very hot. Drivers, passengers and grooms under 18 years MUST wear an approved helmet. Plaiting is optional and is not expected for graded driven dressage events. Formal attire is expected for Championships. Presentation points are not added to any dressage test’s total score. Safety helmets and body protectors may be worn.
  8. Any helmets/protective headgear suitable for Equestrian sport worn at this event, must be securely fastened and conform to ACDS requirements.
  9. AllCompetitors MUSTbemembersoftheACDS. Official judges must be ACDS members or judges approved by the ACDS.

ACDS One Activity Membership is available at an additional cost of $30.00 per day for non-members for DRESSAGE TESTS ONLY.

  1. Singles andMultipleswillhaveseparateclassesateachlevel.
  2. Only horses on the entry form are permitted to attend, unless prior approval has been received from the organising committee.
  3. Grooms are optional for Adult drivers in all Dressage classes. Pairs and tandems – One (1) groom, Four-in-hand – Two (2) grooms. Junior drivers between the ages of 10 and 16 years MUST be accompanied by an able and responsible adult ACDS member (over 18 years) on the carriage.
  4. Awards for Graded Driven Dressage events will be 1st - 3rd in each class (as a minimum, depending upon number of entries in each class). Best Young Driver Award (Driver 25 years & under).
  5. It is the responsibility of each competitor to inspect their vehicle and equipment to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the day’s activities. All drivers compete at their own risk.
  6. SafetyRulesmustbeadheredto.
  7. Competitors areawareofandagreetopaythe current excessthatappliestoanyinsuranceclaim, whichmay arisefrom theirparticipationinthisevent.
  8. Theorganisershavetherighttoalteranyadvertisedtimes,refuseanyentrywithorwithoutstating thereason,orre-allocateahorse or ponytotheappropriate class.
  9. Horse Event Participation Declaration form MUST be completed with the Entry Form.

No FULLY completed forms – NO ENTRY

  1. Parents are responsible for their children at this event.
  3. EVPHC members competing will be expected to assist. You will be notified of your required assistance time/job in a roster which will be sent out by the Event Secretary.



Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th February 2019


ENTRIES CLOSE:Friday 1st February 2019

DRESSAGE:$30.00 each day per entry (2 tests each day)

CONES:$15.00 each day per entry (2 rounds each day)

FREESTYLE:To Music - $10.00

Property Identification Code (PIC) – if available: ______

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Club: ______ACDS Membership No: ______

Young Driver: Yes/No (Please Circle) If a Young Driver – Date of Birth: ______

ENTRY DETAILS / Day 1 / Day 2
Class No / Horse/s Name/s
(As stated on the ACDS Registration Card) / ACDS Rego / Age / Entry Fee / Entry Fee
Non ACDS One Day Activity Single / Family Members Insurance Fee of $30.00 (Dressage Only)
Cones / Conducted under ACDS Rules. Small pony wheel width to be used for cones either 125 or 138 cm (please circle one)
Camping / Power and Showers available - $10.00per camp site for both days
Dinner / $15.00ea / Number of Meals / Dietry Requirements?
Trivia / $5.00 per person

Please make cheques payable to Eastern Vic. Pleasure Harness Club and mail to the address below along with your entry form. Direct Deposit BSB: 633000 Acc No: 158 112 185. Please use you surname as a Reference.

Please Post Entries to: Cheryl Dowling, ‘Catara’, 23 Heath Road Stratford, VIC 3862

(Please tick the appropriate Box)

The horses/ponies listed are the only ones I am bringing to this event

I have contacted the Secretary and have permission to bring additional horses/ponies to the event and have provided their details.

NOTE:This Entry MUSTbe accompanied by the fully completed Declaration Form on Page 5.



Please read carefully before signing the Entry Form:

Any person causing a claim to be made against the ACDS Insurance Policy is personally liable for the excess amount in full as determined by the Insurance Policy at the time of the incident. I/We agree to abide by and adhere to the rules and the by-laws of the Australian Carriage Driving Society and all conditions of entry as stated in the Event Schedule incorporating the variations relevant to Victoria. All Competitors and Grooms compete at their own risk; neither the ACDS nor their appointed officials accept any liability for any accident, theft, illness or damage to horses, drivers, grooms or any person whatsoever. All competitors, by entering this event, agree to be bound by this regulation.

Competitor’s Signature:______Date: ______

Parent / Guardian name if competitor is a minor: ______

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______

Parent / Guardian must sign if the Driver is a Junior

ACDS Victorian BranchHorse Event Participation Declaration

NO Fully completed from – NO ENTRY

EVENT: Driven Dressage Qualifier, conducted by the Eastern Vic. Pleasure Harness Club at the Maffra Recreational Reserve, Maffra-Newry Rd, MAFFRA, VIC.

Details of the Owner/Person in charge of the horse/s:


Address: ______

Phone No: ______Mobile: ______ACDS M’ship No:______

Full Name of Horse/Pony / Identification
(colour, markings, brand, microchip etc)
ACDS Rego Number / Microchip No: / Current Hendra Vaccination
(Yes or No)

Address of Property from which the horse/s has/have moved to this event:

1: ______2: ______

Are any of these properties considered to be located in a Hendra ‘Hotspot”?  Yes  No

Address of the Property to which the horse/s will move to after the Event:

Health of Horse/s

I, ______declare that the horse/s named above has/have been in good health, eating normally and not showing signs of any disease during the last 3 days leading up to this event entry closure. **I give my authorization to call for a veterinary inspection of the horse/s named above and in my care, should they show any signs of any illness at any time during the course of this event. I agree to pay any veterinary fees incurred as a result of this and any ensuing veterinary examination. In addition, I agree to be responsible for any costs incurred by me, or my horse/s in the event of a lockdown.

**If my horse/s do not remain healthy between the event entry closing date and the event itself, I agree not to attend.

Signed:______Date: ______

Indemnity:Neither the Australian Carriage Driving Society (ACDS); VictorianBranchoftheACDS; Eastern Vic. Pleasure Harness Club (Inc.), Wellington Shire Council, Maffra Recreation Reserve Committee, the Officials/Organising Committee, or their appointedofficialsacceptanyliabilityfor anyaccident,theftor illness to horses,drivers andgroomsor anypersonor propertywhatsoever, in connection with this event.