Internal Affairs Commission Minutes April 5th, 2010

I. Call to Order

II. Quorum Roll Call

III. Approval of Past Meeting’s Minutes

Approval of Past Meeting’s Minutes

Cano: Forgot minues but will email them after meeting.

IV. Consideration of Legislation

Abergel motions to move into consideration of legislation

Cano: Now in consideration of legislation

Consideration of Legislation

Abergel: Motion to see senate bill 49

Cano: Now seeing senate bill 49

Cano: The Bill changes the section to say “ex-officio members of the Senate” instead of “Commission Chairpersons”

Ramachandran: Lines 12-15 should not be indented

Cano: There should be a c actually

Chen: Line 5 “whom” should be who

Cano: Move into Public Discussion

Ramachandran: Should replace the members with specific titles

Cano: Authors amendment on line 14. Inserting ASUCD in front of “Senate”. Lines 27, 30, and 38 are going to have the same language. Also will say “as specified in bylaw 203” in line 14.

Cano: Just so you know the author is always an ex-officio member so they will not be affected.

Chen: Should capitalize section in lines 10 and 18.

Ramachandran: Motion to move into Commission Discussion

Cano: Now in Commission Discussion

Ramachandran: Motion to call this bill to question

Cano: Bill called to question

Cano: Bill 49 is passed

Martin: Motion to consider senate bill X

Cano: Now in consideration of senate bill X

Chen: I authored this because saw that budget hearings are the same week as Whole Earth Festival and would like to expand the time period in which budget hearings can be held. There is a two week gap between when budget needs to be finished and budget hearings are so that gap can be closed through this bill.

Martin: Under section 2f the “th” should be superscripted on 9th

Cano: Move into Public Discussion

Cano: Concerned about Senate not getting an extra week to consider the budget

Chen: That should not be a problem because they are still given time to consider the budget.

Abergel: Does it happen often that budget hearing coincide with whole earth festival?

Chen: Not to my knowledge

Tanner: I feel uncomfortable having budget hearing on whole earth festival because the people planning whole earth festival would have to come in during their event.

Cano: In theory if the budget is failed people will not be able to leave budget hearings.

Chen: I would be willing to strike the line that says a senate meeting cannot adjourn until the budget has been passed.

Tanner: Currently you can rest assured that we do not have a contentious senate table and that we will come to agreements before budget hearings occur. I would like to have the extra time to communicate with Joey about the budget planning.

Cheema: Did we look at something like this last quarter?

Cano: There was a bill previously about the presidents ability to withdraw budget hearings that was passed.

Ramachandran: Call the bill to question

Cano: Bill X is passed.

Now in orders of the day

Cano: Would like to discuss t-shirts if anybody has any ideas? Go home tonight and think about what you would like the t-shirts to look like. Now I would like to discuss a bylaw. Right now the president is allowed to select a chief justice out of the justices and is then not re-confirmed by the senate. I would like the chief justice to have to get confirmed.

Cheema: I agree

Cano: This requires a constitutional amendment so there is not anything we can do

Chen: I am the ASUCD controller and will be talking to Sergio soon about giving IAC more money.

Ramachandran: Motion to move into reports

Cano: Now in Reports

V. Reports

Martin: I am moving up on my waitlist

Abergel: My sorority is doing rush

Cano: Started my internship on Thursday for tutoring math. Had first official senate meeting.

Ramachandran: Went to Lobby Corps last week

Salman: Went to Lobby Corps and signed up to write the legislation for bill packets

Cheema: Done a lot of picnic day stuff

Maemura: Got over my jet lag.

Tanner: Had first meeting with five interns. Did not celebrate Passover. Had a lot of meetings.

Rombi: Did a lot for composting and working on getting more readers at campus copies.

Chen: got confirmed at senate and had first senate meeting and met with Bree today. Will be hiring a bunch of staff.

Bree: I am also hiring interns.

Cano: Moving into any other businner.

Cano: I don’t remember who is doing what long range plans. Cheema is picnic day.

Ramachandran: Melanie and I are doing Cal Aggie Camp

Abergel: I don’t have one

Freeman: I don’t have one.

Cano: Bike Barn has not passed yet.

Rombie: Darwin will not pass it unless Bike Barn comes to talk to them.

Chen: I would like Senate to refer it back to EPIC and would like to hand over authorship to Melissa.

Cano: I will see who is going to work with who and assign some more this quarter.

Cano: I put the posting for IAC alternates, we need one alternate but can hire up to three. It should go up tomorrow. Ryan the webmaster would like a new leg writing guide that IAC can do. It would include special committees and different kinds of bylaw and spending bills, resolutions, etc.

Martin: Are you referring to the website that talks about changing ASUCD.

Cano: He would like something more professional.

Don: I work for fund for the public interest and we are looking for people to work for public interest jobs. Doing an info session about summer jobs if interested.

Cano: He would prefer it to start from scratch rather than just be updated.

Ramachandran: Sounds like a good idea. Probably the best way to do it would be for each person to do a section.

Tanner: when you write a guide on how to create a special committee will you send it to me?

Chen: Will be discussing getting more money for more flyers and also to possibly have commissioners get copies of the bylaws and constitution.

Ramachandran: We could just get one official copy for IAC so that we would have something to refer to.

Cano: Thought about last year that Campus Copies should have the bylaws.

Rombi: I will talk to them about that.

Cano: That’s all I have

Cheema: Motion to adjourn

Cano: We adjourn at 5:56.