______’s_ Art Journal
This sketchbook is a tool to help you record your ideas in art and do your own art. It contains activities that will help you prepare for in class activities and improve understanding. These activities give the teacher a formative assessment.
Some pages of this sketch book are to accompany the artwork that we are creating in-class. Included are the rubrics for the class assignments so you always know what your grade is going to be. Other pagescontain exercises for your imagination. Also some pages of this book have been left blank so that you can draw your own artwork. But the goal is to make all the activities fun!
Students are asked to bring an old large t-shirt or smock to wear during art. Students should also wear shoes that can be wiped clean. Suede or cloth shoes are not recommended. Some paint does not wash off easily and we cannot reimburse students for spotted clothing or shoes.
Sketchbook grades-Sketchbook assignments are graded from a 0 to a 4 scale. All sketchbook assignments start at a 2 but certain conditions add or subtract from the score.
-1 point- For each one of the following conditions a sketch receives
-1 pt.: Very little effort, contains very little detail, is messy, only one or two elements of art, traced.
+1 point- For each one of the following conditions a sketch receives +1 pt.: Exceptional effort, contains lots of detail, great craftsmanship, contains four or more elements of art, very creative.
Your art grade-Your art grade is based on three types of assignments.
- Class participation, behavior and sketchbook assignments, which include some activities and the drawing that you do on your own. This is %25 of your overall grade. (This grade starts at %80; if a student misbehaves they lose points. The grade goes up for each sketch point a student receives or they can gain points for exceptional connections that they made during a discussion.)
- Formal assessments, these are quizzes and some of the activities in this sketchbook. This is %15 of your overall grade.
- Class projects, these are all the major projects that we do in art, Most of the rubrics and introductions are all in this sketchbook. This is %60 of your overall grade.
Art contract-
I ______promise to try my best in art class. I will ask questions when I need guidance and use feedback given to me by my teacher. I will be safe, respectful and responsible.Art is a hands-on activity, and it can get messy.
Student signature, (Please sign if you have read and except.) ______.
You are the colonist! (Two day project)
Pretend you are the Leader of a group of people who are colonizing a new planet far away from Earth. The planet is in a different solar system and it has air and water to support human life. This world has is very different from Earth.
You are going to imagine your world, I want you to make it as wild or strange as you can imagine. It is important that you make your new planet different and do not make exact copies of places from our world, fiction or your fellow students. Today you are going to create a map of this world, but to do that we have to review a few things from social studies so we make our map right.
Map words
EQUATOR:The equator divides the earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.
LATITUDE:A line of latitude or Line of Parallel is an imaginary line around the earth that runs parallel to the equator. It shows in degrees (º) how far north or south a place is. The latitude of 0 degrees is on the equator — an imaginary line on the earth's surface.
LONGITUDE:A line of Longitude shows distance in degrees you are east or west from a special line that joins the north and South Pole called the lines of meridian. The world turns west to east (anticlockwise from above).
CONTINENT: Continents are the main land masses of your planet, continents on earth include Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. You will be drawing continents on your planet,they can be shaped however you want.
A map key is found on a map usually in a box on the map that has translation of the icons on the map (city population, state highway & interstate highway icons) map scale, & inches to the mile. It tells what certain symbols on the map mean. For example, the "star" on most maps means state/country capitals. You will create your own symbols for your map, examples would be a mountain, lakes, or something more strange such as a mushroom forest or a fudge volcano.
Information:On the area where the map key is you are asked to write down some things about your world. They will affect later lessons that have to do with such things as native creatures and how you need to construct your buildings on this new planet! The information you should record is Hazards, Size, # of moons, climate and other.
Hazards- Earthquakes, tornados, blizzards, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions are just some of the examples of hazards that are on Earth. On your planet I encourage you to invent new or even weird hazards whether they be cheese blizzards, dangerous alien creatures the important thing is that you use your imagination. Keep in mind that later you have to design the buildings in your colony to withstand the hazard.
Size- For size write, smaller, same size or larger than Earth. Smaller planets usually have lower gravity (Things would be lighter) and larger planets have higher gravity (things are heavier).
# of Moons- For this just write how many moons, you can name them also. Keep in mind moons gravity effect the tides of any oceans or seas you have on your planet so if you have allot the tides can be crazy.
Climate- Climate is the Weatherconditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region. This statistic will also affect how you design your building. Examples of climate types would be tropical, desert, artic…
Rubric- You will be graded from 4-10 you receive points for each of the item.Points
Completing all parts of the assignment. (Key, Statistics, Map drawing in color.) / 1-3
Coming up with your own original world. (not copying TV, Books, other students.) / 1-2
Filling your map with details such as texture, symbols and colors. / 1-2
Good craftsman ship or good effort. (Judged by the individual’s skills.) / 1-2
- Design a map of your imaginary world, starting with landmasses continents and islands.
- Fill the map key with symbols or colors that you will use to identify areas on your maps.
- Fill out the statistics area of the map key.
- Fill the entire map with symbols or colors.
You are a Biologist!
Pretend you are a biologist of the group of people who are colonizing the new planet that you mapped out. Imagine that you have discovered a new life form and must study it. You must take into consideration the environments and hazards on your world because they will effect the way your creature evolved into what it is today. You are going to create a sketch and fact sheet of the creature you discovered. But to do that we have to review a few things from science so we do it right.
Carnivore: A flesh-eating animal.
Herbivore: A plant eating animal.
Omnivore: A animal that eats flesh and plants.
Parasite: A creature that feeds off another without necessarily killing it.
Environment:The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms. It’s the home of the creature or the area it lives in.
Evolution: Evolution is a change in a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the differences among individuals. This results in the development of new species that is usually better adapted to it environment.
Completing all parts of the assignment. / 1-3
Coming up with your own original creature. (not copying TV, Books, other students.) / 1-2
Filling your creature drawing with details such as texture, forms, depth(Spatial strategies), and colors. / 1-2
Good craftsman ship or good effort. (Judged by the individual’s skills.) / 1-2
- On the next sketch page design a creature that lives on your imaginary world andfill out basic information and write about your creature’s behaviors.
- Show depth using spatial strategies by using construction papers make the foreground middle ground and background.
- With cardstock paper draw your creature, cut out, paste in foreground.
My Species name is: ______.
Diet: Environment:
Write at least three sentences about the behaviors of your creature.______
Sketchbook points/ Draw your favorite cartoon character
What do you like about your drawing, what do you think could have been better? ______How can Mr. Forish help you draw this to your liking , ______
The power of value.Sketchbook points.
Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. As light hits an object it creates the highlight and shadow on that object. This highlight and shadow help make an otherwise flat looking object look like it has form. To create different values with a pencil you have to press hard to make dark value and lightly to make light value. Creating different values with a pencil requires practice. Try to complete the activities below.
Value scale (Create different values by pressing light or hard in the rectangles below). Values should slowly get lighter from the left to the right.
Black / Darker values Medium values Light values / WhiteValue drawing exercise (try to reproduce the top drawing on the bottom).
Landscape by Courtney LandsArchitecture design
In this project we are creating block prints (stamps) for the elements of architecture of our planet or town. Before we create our print blocks we will be carefully drawing them on paper.
You have to create, windows, doors, roof, and building texture anything else is optional. Remember to keep the culture, climate and hazard you imagined in mind while designing. If your having trouble getting ideas look at your architecture packet but don’t just copy everything adapt and change things the way you want them to be.
Before printing you must check the rubric-
Rubric- You will be graded from 4-20 you receive points for each of the item.Points
Does your building reflect the environment / hazards of your planet? Have you used your creative thinking skills to find a solution for the problem? / 1-6
Does your design reflect the culture that you have Chosen or created for the people of your planet? / 1-4
Did you use shape, line, texture and space in your building? / 1-5
Good craftsman ship or good effort. (Judged by the individual’s skills.) / 1-5
- Design a creature building that would be on your imaginary world, starting with the largest forms.
- Fill the drawing area with the environment, textures, and details.
- Be sure to use at least on of each kind of the architectural elements as in the packet.
- Show depth using spatial strategies..
Architectural Elements Identification Sheet. For sketchbook points.
DIRECTIONS: Look at the illustration and identify the name of this architectural element.
1. ______2. ______3. ______
4. ______5. ______6. ______
7. ______8. ______9. ______
Architectural Elements Identification (Write in correct spot)
Roman ArchRose WindowColumnCorinthian Capital
Doric CapitalIonic CapitalDomeOgee/Islamic Arch
Gothic Arch
The most wonderful vacation in the universe
Now that your planet is colonized the people of your colony have begun exploring your world. Some of these explorers have found a wonderful place for a vacation resort or an amusement park. Imagine that you are going to build such a place in this location to attract vacationers from around the universe to your planet to spend their space bucks. Use your imagination to draw what you imagine the vacation spot would look like, include all the attractions and the landscape of your planet using spatial strategies.
First plan your vacation spot on the lines bellow.
Name of Vacation spot:______
Explain what attractions would bring people to your vacation spot, word what you write like an advertisement.: ______
Rubric 4-20 pts
Did you use detail, texture, patterns, shadow and fill paper with objects:
( 1-2 pts -Very little) (3-4 pts some but could use more) (5-6 pts lots of detail)
Did you write a convincing advertisement:
(1 pt wrote nothing or very little) (2 pts good writing but the ad could be more convincing) (3 pts Great, very convincing ad)
Did you use spatial strategies:
( 1-3 pts -Very little) (4-5 pts used some but could use more) (6-8 pts used all effectively)
Did you take your time to craft the neat and unique artwork:
(1 pt messy and not unique) (2 pts good and fairly unique) (3 pts Great craftsmanship and very unique)
Classic architecture
Modern architecture
Compare the artwork
- Compare these two buildings using the Venndiagram.
- Write a letter to the architect of one of these designs. Write two questions not already answered in the pictures that you would ask the architect and explain why you asked the question.
Drawing prompts
These prompts are designed to get your creative ideas flowing. Remember drawing sketches is a part of your grade.
• If I ruled my own country, my flag would look like...
• If I could build my dream house...
• My dream car would look like...
• The scariest monster I can imagine...
• If I lived in a castle, it would look like...
• The funniest looking creature I can imagine...
• The fanciest and most expensive dessert ever would look like...
• My favorite meal is...
• My dream vacation would be...
• My favorite thing to do on the weekend is...
• The most delicious dessert that could ever be made would be...
• My favorite place to go is...
• If I could own any pet, it would look like...
• If I could design my own dream bedroom, it would look like...
• If I was turned into a cartoon character, I would look like...