I. Introduction

II. Status of Implementation of the Community Texts

a.) Ratification of the Community Protocols and Conventions

b.) Implementation of the Community Programs and Community ...... Levy

III. Political Situation:

IV. Security and Refugee Situation in the Region

V. Status of Implementation of the ECOWAS Macro-Economic Programs: Level of Achievement of Convergence Criteria

VIII. Conclusion

Mr. Speaker,

Deputy Speakers

Distinguished Colleagues

Ladies and Gentlemen

I. Introduction

It is with a deep sense of honor and great delight that I report on behalf of the Liberian delegation to this August body, Liberia’s developmental achievements since our last meeting here.

We do so with a renewed determination to working with other critical stakeholders both at home and within the Sub-region in accelerating the transformation of ECOWAS from an ECOWAS of States to an ECOWAS of Peoples.

This report represents Liberia’s Country Report to the ECOWAS’ Parliament. It discusses, amongst other things:

The political and security situation in Liberia;

Status of the implementation of the community texts;

Ratification of the community protocols and conventions, implementation of the community programs;

Refugee situation in the region;

Status of implementation of the ECOWAS macro-economic program as it relates to level of achievement of convergence criteria;

Status of implementation of the ECOWAS infrastructural and transportation policies and programs;

Sensitization activities carried out by parliamentarians;

II. Status of Implementation of the Community Texts

a.) Ratification of the Community Protocols and Conventions

Currently, Liberia has ratified all outstanding protocol conventions and has begun implementation of said instruments. For example, through the Ministry of Transport, the government has mandated all vehicles to sign up for the ECOWAS Brown Card for the 2017 FY for a nominal fee. Similarly, Liberia has begun working towards the operationalization of the ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS) and the Common External Tariff (CET) as it has begun exploring capacity-building opportunities for transition to the Value Added Tax (VAT) System

b.) Implementation of the Community Programs and Community Levy

As it stands, Liberia is in compliance with the ECOWAS’s Trade Levy as far as its contribution of payment is related. In the same vein, Liberia has begun working on the establishment of the National Platform as part of the Community Program initiatives. Through the ECOWAS National Office has developed a concept proposal for onward submission to the Liberian Legislature for the enactment of an Act for the establishment of the National Platform. The establishment of this act is a part of the requirements for the formation of such body as agreed upon and mandated by the Authority of Heads of State on the ECOWAS’ Migration Policy & Development.

Additionally, In April of this year Liberia hosted a Joint Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament Delocalized Meeting of the Joint Committee on Health and Social Services, Trade, Commerce and Free Movement. The Delocalized Meeting was held to discuss issues of “Health & Social Services, Trade, Customs, and Free Movement of citizens of its Member States under the theme: “ECOWAS Policy on Combating Counterfeit Medical Products and Expired Drugs: Role of Parliament in the Implementation and Monitoring of the Policy”.

The Meeting was formally opened by the President, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. On the third day of the Meeting, the President of the Republic of Togo graced the meeting at which time he and Her Excellency made separate remarks.

III. Political Situation:

Liberia continues to enjoy a peaceful democracy as we lead towards the pending 2017 general elections. There have not been any major political conflicts in terms of violence or crisis. Additionally, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has just completed a nationwide voter registration process without any incidences reported. It has also officially recorded a total of 21 political parties that are registered to take part in the ensuing legislative and presidential elections, while identifying 2,080 precincts or voter registration centers across the country to facilitate and aid the voting process.

The Release of 2017 General Elections Timetable:

In addition to the above referenced political developments in Liberia, the National Election Commission has begun the implementation of timeline for the below listed electoral activities leading up to the 2017 general and legislative election:

Civil Society and Community-Based Organizations accreditation (Completed)

Publication of Voter Roll Regulation (Completed)

Regional Consultation on Civil Voter Education for Voter Registration (Completed)

Accreditation of Political Agents, Media and Observers for Registration (Completed)

List of Registration Centers Published (Completed)

Official Launch of CVE for Voter Registration (Completed)

Voter Registration Period(Completed)

CVE for Exhibition (May 18th - June 17th)

Issuing Writ of Elections (Completed)

Accreditation of Party Agents, Media and Observers (August 5th - October 5th)

Objections and Appeals on Exhibition held & determined (July 2nd - August 9th)

Exhibition of Provisional Registration Roll (June 12th - June 17th)

Release of Final Voter Registration Figures (July 15th)

Objections & Appeals on Nomination held & Determined (June12th - June 28th)

Candidate Nomination (June 19th - July 11th)

Launch of CVE for 2017 Elections (May 18th - June 17th)

Preliminary List of Candidates Published (July 14th)

Presidential & Representative Campaign Period (July 31st - October 8th)

Final List of Candidates Published (July 31st)

Candidates’ Debate Period (August 15th - September 30th)

Election Day (October 10th)

Announcement of Final Results of Election (October 25th)

The Code of Conduct:

The Code of Conduct stood the test of the law when Selena Mappy-Polson of Bong County filed a Petition for Declaratory Judgment before the Supreme Court of Liberia in 2015, claiming that Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Code of Conduct Act of 2014 were discriminatory and infringed on her rights granted under the Constitution to freely partake in any elections.

Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Code of Conduct seek to exclude from candidacy, high officials {Presidential appointees or those with legislative terms to serve in positions of trust} of the Executive Branch of Government who did not resign from their positions Two (2) and Three (3) years respectively before the elections. On March 3, 2017, after two years on the dockets of the Supreme Court of Liberia, the Bench on March 3, 2017, in a 3-2 vote ruled that the Code was constitutional and does not in any way violate any provision of the Constitution

IV. Security and Refugee Situation in the Region

Liberia continues to support African Solidarity in the area of security as the recipe to Regional Peace, Democracy and Good Governance. Currently, Liberia is contributing troops to ECOWAS’ initiative towards the defense of democracy, peace and security in Mali. Unfortunately, Sergeant Ansu Sheriff of the Liberian Contingent lost his life when their base was attacked wounding other members of his Unit. Liberia also played pivotal role in the peaceful resolution of the Gambian political stalemate that ended peacefully without bloodshed. As Head of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS, Liberia is currently leading a peaceful settlement to the ongoing political situation in Guinea Bissau.

On the other hand, besides disputes over farmland ownership along the Liberian-Cote d’Ivoire border involving migrants mainly from Burkina Faso and Cote d’Ivoire as well as movement of ECOWAS’ Citizens associated with cross-border trade, goods and services, there has been no incidence reported when it comes to major migration of refugees along our respective borders.

V. Status of Implementation of the ECOWAS Macro-Economic Programs: Level of Achievement of Convergence Criteria

On the implementation of the ECOWAS’ Macroeconomic Program in relation to the level of the achievement on the Convergence Criteria, Liberia attained four of the targeted criteria in 2016. However, the country’s performance on the macroeconomic convergence scale changed in 2016, compared to 2015. Notwithstanding, the country satisfied all four of the four primary criteria including budget deficit, annual average inflation, gross external reserves and central bank financing criteria. Unfortunately, on the Secondary Convergence Scale, the country’s performance declined to one criterion in 2016, from two (2) criteria in 2015. Thus, the country met public debt-to-GDP criterion, but missed the exchange rate criteria.

The table below shows Liberia’s performance on Convergence Criteria:

Target / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / Country position
Primary criteria
  1. Fiscal Deficit/GDP(%)incl grants
/ ≤3% / 0.5 / -7.5 / 0.5 / -0.2 / -1.6 / -2.2 / Achieved
  1. Annual average inflation
/ ≤10% / 8.5 / 6.8 / 7.8 / 9.9 / 7.9 / 8.8 / Achieved
  1. Gross External Reserves
/ ≥3 months / 3.3 / 2.8 / 5.3 / 2.5 / 2.7 / 3.2 / Achieved
  1. Central Bank Financing
/ ≤ 10% / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / Achieved
Number of Primary Criteria attained / 4 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 4
Secondary criteria
Public Debt/GDP / ≤ 70% / 32.4 / 34.4 / 30.0 / 37.7 / 31.9 / 37.2 / Achieved
*Nominal Exchange Rate Stability / ± 10% / 0.7 / 1.8 / 12.1 / 0.0 / 6.8 / 15.8 / Missed
Number of Secondary
criteria attained / 2 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 5

Sources: Liberian Authorities and WAMA/WAMI Staff

VI. Status of Implementation of the ECOWAS Infrastructural & Transport Policies and Programs:

In March of 2017, Liberia hosted a high level panel meeting on Infrastructural & Transportation policies and programs that brought together Ministers from West Africa. The Dakar-Lagos as well as the Liberia-Guinea Road Corridors were highlighted on the agenda.

The renovation works at the Roberts International Airport are ongoing and making significant progress. The renovation works include the expansion and rehabilitation of the runway and construction of a new terminal.

Additionally, during the period under review, the Monrovia-Guinea highway was completed and works are currently ongoing on the Liberia Cote D' Ivoire highway whilst an agreement has been signed for the commencement of works on the Liberia Sierra Leone Highway which would complete the connectivity with Liberia and all of its neighbors.

VII. Sensitization Activities Carried Out By Parlimentarians:

In the wake of growing concerns expressed over the constraints to free movement of peoples, goods and services along the various ECOWAS’ borders as highlighted at the 50th Summit of the Authority of Heads of State of ECOWAS and Governments, the Executive Branch of Government and the Liberian Legislature initiated series of awareness and sensitization campaigns on cross-border trade, security and integration as recommended by the Authority in a mandate to the ECOWAS’ Commission.

In this vein, Liberia hosted awareness and sensitization campaigns in the border towns of Bo-Waterside, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia-Sierra Leone Border and Ganta City in Nimba County, Liberia-Guinea Border respectively, explaining the true intent of the various legal texts and protocols. Also, feasibility studies have been completed to hold similar sensitization and awareness in the Southeastern Part of Liberia in towns along the borders in Maryland and Grand Gedeh Counties, Liberia-Cote D'Ivoire Border respectively.

VIII. Conclusion

Liberia continues to make considerable progress on the regional front achieving key deliverables under H.E. Madame Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as Chairperson of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS. Liberia has demonstrated remarkable leadership in addressing some of the critical political, social and economic crises confronting the region. It has supported peace initiatives and political governance in the region. Similarly, it has become a key player in driving the region’s health reform process as well as advancing critical agenda to address and enhance its financial and economic viability.

Mr. Speaker, dear colleagues distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in the spirit of unity, regional cooperation and integration, allow us to use this opportunity of this occasion to renew the commitment of our delegation in particular, and Liberia in general, to advance the attainment of our community vision 2020 (ECOWAS of State to ECOWAS OF PEOPLES).

May God bless the work of our hands and save our Community!

Thank You! Merci! Obrigado!