IGU Commission on Gender and Geography
Newsletter 52 June, 2014
IGU AWARD to Gender Commission!
Our Commission is the first recipient of the IGU award for the Commission that has most successfully advanced the objectives of the IGU! The decision was based on the report of our activities for 2012-13. The award is certainly reflective of all our efforts, especially the past Chairs and stalwarts of the Commission – Janet, Ruth, Joos, Tovi and Robyn and newsletter editor, Jan.
The award will be announced at the Opening Ceremony in Krakow in August so I hope those of us headed for the meeting will be able to be at the opening. We will get a prize of USD2,000 and the right to deliver a public lecture on “the most important scientific results” of our Commission’s activities at Krakow. I hope we can all start thinking about what those are.
Since the last newsletter, the Commission has been busy finalising our sessions at the IGU Regional Conference in Krakow this coming August. I am pleased to share that we will have about a dozen sessions around the main conference theme of “Changes, Challenges, Responsibility” (see for the preliminary programme). I am very grateful to all the session chairs who have put in the effort to organise the sessions which will examine gender issues in ranging from participatory methodologies, mobilities, tourism, human rights, food chains, everyday lives, parenthood and media and surviving and thriving in academia.
I am also very grateful to our colleagues at Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies at the University of Warsaw who have taken on the challenge to organise our Pre-conference Workshop on “The Gendering of New Realities: Unequal Challenges and Responsibilities” on 16-17 August. The workshop will examine the wide array of postcolonial experiences in geographical research and/or teaching on gender across the world. They are still seeking papers! Please go to for registration details. The registration fees include a half-day guided city field trip.
Finally, I am very pleased to announce that the Gender Commission is recognising Professor Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon, Autonomous University of Barcelona, for her many contributions to feminist geography and the Commission. Maria Dolors has been one of feminist geography’s most constant international supporters. She was founding secretary of the IGU Gender Study Group that preceded our Commission status, has hosted and secured funding for conferences, research on gender issues, as well as mentored many young feminist geographers through her career. We wish her all the best in her upcoming retirement this year. We will accord her the honour at the conference on “Feminist Geography: Who we are, what we do, why we do it” held in Omaha at the University of Nebraska on 15-18 May 2014.
As this academic year draws to a close, I wish you all a productive summer and hope to see you in Krakow and Warsaw!
Shirlena Huang (NationalUniversity of Singapore)
Chair, IGU Gender and Geography Commission
News from Around the World
Congratulations to our colleagues at the University of Waikato, New Zealand,who have received major recognition. Robyn Longhurst has been appointed as the University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Education beginning January 2014 and also received the university’s 2013 postgraduate supervision excellence award. Lynda Johnston has received one of the University’s four Research Excellence Award. which recognized her community impact. It acknowledged more than 20 years of informing debate and shaping community opinions on issues such as marriage equality, queer identity, and sexual health and well- being. Lynda and Robyn were also both honored at the 2014 Association of American Geographers meeting. Lynda was awarded the Jan Monk Service Award of the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group while Robynwas also present to accept that award for 2013 which she had been unable to accept in person last year.
On Australia Day, January 26, 2014, Ruth Fincher (Professor of Geography,University of Melbourne) has received a major award from the Australian government, as a Member of the Order of Australia, It honors her significant service to education, particularly to geography and urban studies and to national and international geographic associations. Ruth served as a Vice-President of the International Geographical Union, 2008-2012, as Chair of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography, 1996-2000; is currently President of the Academic Board of the University of Melbourne, was Executive Committee Member of the International Social Science Council, 2010-2013 , and has played many other roles in academia. Congratulations on this high national honor!
A 'gender task force' has been formed in the VGDH (Association of GermanGeography) to conduct a quantitative and qualitative study about the persistence of gender inequalities in German geography departments. Additionally, the Deutscher Geographentag has been renamed into Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in order to respond to the 'new' reality of German geography, in which both female and male geographers now play an important role. The old name used only the male form of geographer (Gegographen) (which excluded female geographers - Geographinnen).
Congratulations to Anne Buttimer (Emeritus Professor, University College, Dublin) who was awarded Lifetime Achievement Honors by the Association of American Geographers at its 2014 Annual Meeting in Tampa, Florida, in April 2014. The award recognizes her sustained contributions to philosophies of geography and to connecting geography and social policies as well as recognizing her international leadership including Presidency of the International Geographical Union (2000-2004) and Vice Presidency of Academia Europaea.
Tovi Fenster, Tel Aviv University gave a series of talks about 'Gender and the City' at the end of January, 2014 at the La Laguna University in Tenerife, Canary Islands.hosted by Prof. Luz Marina Garcia Herrera who has an active group that do research on this issue..
Dedicated to Ragnhild Lund, NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology and a member of the steering committee of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography, the book Alternative Development: Unraveling Marginalization, Voice Change honors her career in fostering international collaborative work in development and gender studies. The book, edited by Catherine Brun, Piers Blaikie, and Michael Jones, is inspired by Ragnhild’s four decades of “balancing academic life and activism with themes of alternative development such as local knowledges and practices, poverty, gender,environment and sustainable development, and addressing recent debates such as forced migration, conflict, and climate change.” The volume includes an autobiographical discussion between Ragnhild and Michael Jones on her life and career since the mid 1970s. Chapters focusing on gender themes are identified below in the section on articles and book chapters. We congratulate Ragnhild on this tribute.volume.
Congratulations to Nazgol Bagheri (University of Texas, San Antonio) who has received the 2013 University of Missouri-Kansas Outstanding Dissertation Award selected from a highly competitive pool of applications by the university’s School of Graduate Studies. Her Ph.D dissertation is entitled “Modernizing the Public Space: Gender Identities, Multiple Modernities, and Space Politics in Tehran.” She presented on this research at the IGU Regional Conference in Kyoto in 2013.
Congratulations to Carolin Schurr who has received the Swiss Latin American dissertation award for my dissertation 'Performing politics, making space: a visual ethnography of political change in Ecuador' with a 6.000 CHF prize money.
Over 60 paper and/or panels sessions at the Association of American Geographers were sponsored or co-sponsored by the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group. Among co-sponsoring specialty groups were Sexuality and Space, Development Geography, Cultural and Political Ecology, Latin American Geography, Rural Geography, and History of Geography. In addition to presenters from the United States were also geographers from Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, and the U.K. A full list of sessions and abstracts can be accessed by entering Geographic Perspectives on Women at the site for the preliminary program.
Congratulations to Karen Schwiter and colleagues who have been awarded a multi-year grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation for the project "Anticipated parenthood and employment trajectories. The interrelation of family and career plans of young adults and their implications for occupational gender segregation." The project is hosted at the Center of Gender Studies of the University of Basel and runs from June 2014 to December 2016. Karen (University of Zurich) is currently spending a research semester in Vancouver..
Bradshaw, Diane (ed.) Gender Issues and Human Rights.2013. Cheltenham, Gloucester and Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar.
Bradshaw, Sarah. Gender, Development and Disasters. Cheltenham, Gloucester and Northampton MA: Edward Elgar
Brun, Catherine, Piers Blaikie, and Michael Jones. 2014. Alternative Development: Unraveling Marginalisation, Voicing Change. Farnham, Surrey and BurlingtonVT., Ashgate.
Dixon, Deborah P. and Sallie A. Marston. 2013Feminist Geopolitics: At the Sharp End .
London and New York: Routledge.
Eriksen, Christine. 2014. Gender and Wildfire: Landscapes of Uncertainty. London and New York. Routledge.
Fenster, T and Shlomo, O. (eds.) (2014), Cities of Tomorrow? Planning , Sustainability and Justice Today?, Hakibbutz Hameuhad Publishers, Tel Aviv (Hebrew)
Gorman-Murray, Andrew, Barbara Pini, and Lia Bryant (eds). 2013. Sexuality, Rurality, and Geography. Lanham MD. Rowman and Littlefield.
Heinonen, Paula. 2013. Youth Gangs and Street Children: Cuture, Nature and Masculinity in Ethiopia. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.
Oberhauser Ann M. and Ibipo Johnston-Anumonwo. 2014. Gender and Space: Engaging Feminisms and Development. New York: Routledge.
Oso, Laura and Natalia Ribas-Mateos. 2013. The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Trannationalisn Cheltenham, Gloucester and Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar.
Otto, Dianne. 2013. Gender Issues and Human Rights. Edward Elgar.Cheltenham, Gloucester and Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar.
LES Online6(1) 2014 is a special issue of ten papers from with Proceedings of the II European Geographies of Sexualities conference. Information can be obtained from Edward Ferreira ().
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift has issued two special issues devoted to gendered mobilities: Volume 67 (4) edited by Ragnhild Lund and Anna Karlsdottir deals with Asia and 67 (5), 2013, edited by Haldis Vallestrand, Destra Walsh, Siri Girrard and Marit Aure deals with the North. See below for individual articles.
French, Amber and Parvati Raghuram (eds) 2013. Female Migration Outcomes II. Gendered Analysis of the Outcomes of Migration: Research Agendas and Policy Proposals. Volume 15, No. 2. This issue includes seven articles addresses research agendas, policy proposals, and case studies from Asian European, African, Middle Eastern and Canadian settings (see individual entries below).
Agyei-Mensah, and Cahrlotte wrigley-Asante. 2013. “Gender, Politics and Development in Accra, Ghana.”in Catherine Brun, Piers Blaikie, and Micahel Jones (eds). Alternative Development: Unraveling Marginalization, Voicing Change, Farnham, Surrey and BurlingtonVT., Ashgate.
Aiello, G. Bakshi, S. Bilge, S. Hall, L. K. Johnston, L. and Pérez, K. 2013 “Here, and not yet here: a dialogue at the intersection of queer, trans, and culture.”Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 6(2): 96-117.
Alfasi, N. and T. Fenster, 2013. ' Urban Justice in the 2011 Protest Movement in Israel', Pamin: Journal of Culture,Society and Education, 64, 113-123, (Hebrew).
Andrew,Caroline., Fran. Klodawsky, and Janet Siltanen, 2013, “Soft skills and hard prejudices: Pathways to improving recent immigrant women’s successful integration in Ottawa, Canada”, Diversities, 15/1, pp. 67-78
Atehortúa, Juan Velasquez. 2014. Barrio women’s invited and invented spaces againist elitisation in Chacao, Venezuela.”Antipode 46(3): 835-56.
Attanapola, Chamila t. “Ignored voices in globalization: Women’s agency in coping with human rights violations in an export processing zone in Sri Lanka.” Catherine Brun, Piers Blaikie, and Micahel Jones (eds). Alternative Development: Unraveling Marginalization, Voicing Change, 135-154.. Farnham, Surrey and BurlingtonVT., Ashgate.
----. 2013. “Back and forth with hopes and fears.: Sri Lankans men’s narratives on gendered mobility in transnational livelihoods.” Norsk Geografisk Tidsscrift 67(5): 219-28.
Aubrey, Tim, Fran Klodawsky, and Benjamin Coulombe. 2012. “Comparing the housing trajectories of Different Clusters Within a Diverse Homeless Population”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 49/1: 142-155.
Aure, Marit. 2013. “The emotional costs of employment-related mobility.” Norsk Geofrafisk Tidsskrift 67(5): 284-94.
Azmi, Farzeeha. 2014. “Impacts of internal displacemenr on women’s agency in two resettlement communities in Sri Lanka.” Catherine Brun, Piers Blaikie, and Micahel Jones (eds). Alternative Development: Unraveling Marginalization, Voicing Change, 243-257.Farnham, Surrey and BurlingtonVT., Ashgate.
Bailey, A. and S. Darak. 2013. “Spaces of disclosure and discrimination: Case studies from India”. In P. Liamputtong (ed.), Stigma, Discrimination and Living with HIV/AIDS-A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-94-007-6323-4
Bailey, Marion M. “Engendering space: Ballroom culture and the spatial practice of possibility in Detroit.” Gender, Place and Culture 21(4): 489-507.
Bailey, Marion M. and Rashad Shabazz. 2014. “Gender and sexual geographies of Blackness: New Black cartographies of resistance and survival (part 2).” Gender, Place and Culture 21(4): 449-52.
----. 2014. “Gender and sexual geographies of Blackness: anti—black heterotopias (part 1). Gender, Place and Culture 21 (3): 316-21.
Baldin, Talita; Brito, Rosemeire Santos. 2014. “A mulher em cena: o feminino na tragédia grega 'Medéia'.”Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 5,(1)114-25.
Bartlett, Alison. 2013.”Feminist protest in the desert: Researching the 1983 Pine Gap women’s peace camp .” Gender, Place and Culture 20 (7): 914- 26.
Basilio. Luciana., 2014.”As Educadoras e o Sistema de Ensino do Município de Porto Velho: Uma História de Ausências. Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero, ,5 (2)209-29.
Baylina, Mireia, Anna Ortiz Guitart, and Maria Prats Ferret. Adolescència i gènere al barri del Besòs.” In Blanca Gutiérrez , Adriana Cioccoletto (eds). 2012. Estudios Urbanos, género y feminismo. Teorías y experiencias , Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Institut Català de les Dones, Generalitat de Catalunya.: 175-90
Bélanger, Danièle and Linh Tran Giang 2013. “Precarity, Gender and Work: Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Asia.” in Female Migration Outcomes II. 15(1).
Benwell, Ann Ferger. 2013. “ Making migration meaningful: Achievements through deparation in Mongolia.” Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 67(4): 239-248.
Berjano-Rodríguez, Daniel. 2014. “¡Harka!: Del Homoerotismo a la Opresión de Género y Raza.: Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero, 5,(2):1-18,.
Bernardes, Antonio and Benhur Costa, 2014. ““Pinós da. Microterritorializações homoafetivas na cidade de Presidente Prudente-SP: o lazer noturno e as relações de interface..”. Revista Cidades. UNESP: Presidente Prudente, SP.
Boivin, Renaud René. 2014.”La homofobia discriminación violencia hacia las inorias sexuales en las urbes mexicanas. Revista Latino-americana de Geografia eGênero, 5 (1):80-
Brito,Leandro Teofilo de Freitas, José Guilherme de Oliveira; and Mônica Pereira dos Santos, 2014. “Não, Isso não é Coisa pra Homem” - Masculinidades e os Processos de Inclusão/Exclusão em uma Escola da Baixada Fluminense – RJ. Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero,. 5 (2)) 114-25.
Brown, Michael. 2014. “Gender and sexuality II: There goes the gayborhood.” Progress in Human Geography 38: 452-65.
Brun, Catherine and Piers Blaikie. 2014. “Introduction Alternative Development: Unravelling Marginization, Voicing Change” in Catherine Brun, Piers Blaikie, and Micahel Jones (eds). Alternative Development: Unraveling Marginalization, Voicing Change, 1-21. Farnham, Surrey and BurlingtonVT., Ashgate.
Buda, D. d’Hauteserre, A-M and Johnston, L. 2014: Feelings and tourism studies, Annals of Tourism Research, 46: 102-14.
Caires, lisângela Santos Pereira de; Gomes.Almiralva Ferraz; and Santana. Weslei Gusmão Piau 2014. “ Relações de Gênero: Uma Análise da Participação das Mulheres no Espaço Organizacional de uma Concessionária de Veículos.”Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero,5 (2)126-45.
Carbó, Mónica, Mireia Baylina, and Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon,. 2013. “Women’s ventures in a rural context: livelihood and identity.” Hagar: Studies in Culture, Poltics and Identity 11(1): 100-20.
Caro, E,. Bailey, A. and van Wissen, L.J.G. 2014. “Exploring links between internal and international migration in Albania. Social and economic capital, a supporting or an impending adjustment factor? “Population Space and Place 20 (3),: 264–76
Caretta, M.A. and Börjeson, L. 2014. “Local gender contract and adaptive capacity in smallholder irrigation: a case study from the Kenyan dry-lands.” Gender, Place and Culture. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2014.885888
----. 2014. '”Credit plus’: Microcredit schemes: a key to women´s adaptive capacity'” Climate and Development. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2014.886990
Cé, João Pedro; Cardoso, JoãoGabriel, Maracci Silveira. Barcinski, ARCINSKI, Mariana; Pizzinato, Adolfo. 2014. “Em Casa que Mulher Manda, até Galo Canta Fino: Análise da Construção Midiática da Personagem Dilma Rousseff.” Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero, 5(2): 175-88.
Chant, Sylvia . 2014.“The Informal Economy in Cities of the South.” In Vandana Desai and Robert Potter (eds), The Companion to Development Studies, 3rd edition (London: Hodder and Stoughton): 200-7.
Choi, Eunyoung, 2014. “North Korean women’s narratives of migration: Challenging hegemonic discourses of trafficking and geopolitics.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104(2): 271-79.
Costa, Benhur Pinós da. 2014. “Práticas espaciais de 'pegação' homoerótica: o caso dos banheiros públicos nas cidades de Presidente Prudente -SP e Vitória da Conquista - BA. Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero, 5 (1)):52-79.
Cupples J and Glynn K 2014. “Indigenizing and decolonizing higher education on Nicaragua’s AtlanticCoast.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 35(1): 56-71
Cupples J and Glynn K. 2014. “The mediation and remediation of disaster: Hurricanes Katrina and Felix in/and the new media environment.’ Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 46(2):359-81.
Delgado, Cecília Maria Neves. 2014. “O género como instrumento de definição de cidades mais equitativas: constrangimentos e oportunidades.” Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero. 5(1): 66-72.
DeLyser, Dydia and Wendy S. Shaw. 2013. “For menopause geographies.” Area 45(4): 504-06.
Devasahayam, Theresa W. 2013. Making the Most of Remittances: Obligations, Aspirations, and Precarity among Indonesian Women Migrants in Singapore” in Female Migration Outcomes II. 15(1).
Dinis, Nilson Fernandes. 2014. “O amor entre mulheres: a tolerância esconderia mais preconceito?” Revista Latino-americana de Geografia e Gênero, 5(1): 142-51.
Dixon, Deborah P. 2014. “The way of the flesh.: geopolitics and the weight of the future.” Gender, Place and Culture 21 (2): 136-151.
Dominguez-Mujica, Josefina and Rosalia Avila-Tàpies. 2013. “ The in-between lives of Japanese immigrants in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.” Gender, Place and Culture 20 (7): 896-913. 46(1): 229-45.