
IgniteAdvice Worker-job description and person spec

Main purpose of the job:

  • To provide expert rights- based advice and representation, and to find appropriate ways to build capability in people in the Willenhall area so that they are more in control of their own lives, more able to tackle problems for themselves, avoid crisis and benefit from opportunities.
  • To help IGNITE drive change in public services so that in the future they can do the same.

Responsible to:

You will be employed by Coventry Law Centre and you will work as a team under the guidance of the team leader. Overall management of the Coventry Law Centre aspects of IGNITE is the responsibility of Sue Bent, CLC Director. But this is a partnership programme with strategic leadership and delivery provided by two agencies, Coventry Law Centre and Grapevine. So what we do and how we do it will be shaped within a closely working joint team. All team members are accountable to the team.

Fundamentals of the role / Experience, knowledge or ability / Personal characteristics / Values
Give legal advice and build legal capability /
  • Experienced welfare benefits adviser
  • Experienced debt/housing adviser
  • Experience of using legal expertise to prevent problems escalating
  • Ability to provide help that enables the person to do it for themselves in the future
  • Experience of managing a caseload
  • Knowledge of case management software and word processing, preferably with Microsoft Word
  • Time management skills, able to organise own workload and understand the importance of meeting deadlines
  • Excellent negotiating skills
  • Understanding of Solicitor/client confidentiality, data protection issues and safeguarding processes
  • Attention to detail and accuracy
  • Numerate
  • Able to ‘unpack’ interlinked and complex situations and identify solutions to problems
  • Self motivated, able to work independently and on own initiative
  • Persistent and resilient
/ •Our services will be specialist, professional, expert and high quality; and they will be free
•We will seek and maintain partnerships with other agencies and organizations that further our aims and complement our skills
•We will treat clients with honesty and respect, and work in ways that build the confidence and legal capability of individual clients and communities
•We will safeguard our independence and remain politically neutral, and always act in the best interests of our client
•We will adopt a learning approach in all of our work and will seek to continuously improve and innovate
•We will be flexible and adaptable to meet changing needs and emerging problems
•Our organisation will be shaped by learning from those we seek to help and from our partners
•Leadership will be found and encouraged within everyone in our organisation.
•All colleagues play an equal role in achieving our goal, and all acknowledge responsibility to each other in the way we play our part
Build confidence and independence within clients /
  • Ability to build relationships with people based on trust,
  • Ability to understand important family relationships, wider networks and dynamics
  • Ability to help others to discover and voice their strengths, aspirations and needs
  • Ability to work closely and collaboratively with families, people, colleagues and external professionals in the wider system
  • Ability to help others think broadly and creatively about the choices open to them
  • An understanding about what living with enduring poverty and disadvantage is like
  • Positive and hopeful about people, believing they have strengths and the capacity to make changes
  • Brave, able to talk to anybody anywhere.
  • Curious and interested in the way people, families and communities are. Perceptive.
  • Nurturing and non-judgemental. You see past the ‘first glance’ or a bad reputation
  • Reflective about yourself and what needs or weaknesses might be affecting your work
  • Deep listener picking up other people’s signals, cues and feelings as well as their words
  • Creative – can imagine a new way to bring change about or to get people/groups talking and listening with you
  • Open and willing to share your own personality and story with people
  • Not telling others what to do but helping them realise it for themselves
  • Can cope with a lack of ‘quick fixes’ and can work step by step towards a better future
  • Ability to walk in their shoes and understand where they are
  • Belief in the resourcefulness and capability of all people and communities
  • Belief in doing the right thing even if it pushes boundaries and rules and isn’t ‘your job’
  • Willing to stand in solidarity – doing ‘with’ not ‘to’
  • Values self-reflection and self knowledge
  • Belief in the law as a tool for fairness and equality

Work effectively within ‘pathfinder’ teams involving ourselves and the public sector /
  • Ability to build effective and trusting relationships where all our roles and needs are well described, valued and understood by everyone
  • Ability to achieve influence
/ Collaborative, non judgemental, optimistic, persistent, confident, trustworthy and reliable / Values collaboration and co-operation and mutual respect
Value and comply with all learning and evaluation requirements. Contribute to learning events /
  • Can maintain electronic monitoring and evaluation records and respond promptly to data requests
  • Can reflect on action and draw out lessons
/ Attention and respect for detail, accuracy and timeliness / Values reflection as well as action

Some of the tasks you are likely to be expected to carry out are:

  • Work alongside a connector to uncover the root cause of people’s problems to create a plan that improves the likelihood of them resolving the issue and moving forward
  • Advising clients at appointments and in their homes
  • Liaising with other organisations and teams within the Law Centre to identify solutions to the issues
  • Representing clients with other agencies to ensure their rights are upheld
  • To undertake casework and maintain records and files in accordance with Law Centre standards
  • Keeping up to date with current legislation, case law and policy
  • Attending case conferences
  • Attending meetings with other organisations