CHAMPS Charter High School – 2017-2018Movement and Body Awareness Syllabus

Periods 5 & 7, 5th Floor Commons

Mrs. Noel Britton


Program Overview Physical Education is an integral part of our total educational program here at CHAMPS. Through the mediums of sport and movement, all students will participate in a sequential, differentiated program that fosters each student’s personal health, fitness and safety. Through exposure to a wide variety of activities, students will gain the necessary knowledge to understand the importance of, and be able to make educated decisions around opportunities to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Respect, cooperation, communication, teamwork and sportsmanship are important aspects of the curriculum, and will be emphasized throughout the year.

CurriculumAll students enrolled in Physical Education at CHAMPS will participate in the California Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Elements of the test will be practiced and evaluated weekly as cardiovascular and muscular strength improve during the course of the semester. Testing of the fitness elements will include the official 9th grade PFT during the Spring semester, and during semester finals for all students. Students’ achievements will be measured using the California Department of Education’s FITNESSGRAM Healthy Fitness Zones.

The remainder of the curriculum emphasizes non-traditional physical activities including, but not limited to: Pilates mat, Yoga, Interval training, Barre/dance-based calisthenics, and integrated stretch methods. These exercise methods simultaneously condition, stretch, strengthen, tone and align the body while eliminating excess tension and strain on the joints. Emphasis is placed improving posture, coordination and balance; building strength and endurance; increasing flexibility and agility; and providing a refreshing mind-body workout. Students will learn basic anatomy, as well as injury prevention.


(Per Discretion of Faculty, percentages may change slightly per class)

50% Participation & Professionalism (Includes Dress)

30% Benchmark Assessments, PFT

20% Classwork, Homework, Journals

For every class, students will be given a daily in-class professionalism/contribution/participation grade based on readiness AT THE SCHEDULED START OF THE CLASS PERIOD, preparedness (proper dress, etc.), as well as the level of focus, energy, and commitment brought to the class. A student may earn up to 10 points per class attended. Dressing is also very important for each student’s safety, comfort and hygiene. DRESS FOR SUCCESS! Students are advised to regularly check their progress, and assignments in their Student Account on Q.

DEDUCTIONS (Per Discretion of Faculty)

* Unexcused/Excused Absence= -10/class

(If excused by Attendance Office within 2 days as outlined in Student Handbook, students with excused absences may earn credit by completing an alternative assignment within 7 days of the absence. In the case of shared classes, students must make-up credit per each class/instructor & per their guidelines. Credit is given based on the quality of the work. MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS for Ms. MELODY’S Class are provided under her teacher page on the CHAMPS Website. Unless pre-approved, credit can not be given for multiple teachers/classes. This is the student’s responsibility.

* Tardy= -3/class (-5 point deduction for excessive tardiness)

  • Sitting out= -10/class
  • Short term/Long term injury with Doctor’s note= student must complete sit-write, as well as alternative assignment, as specified by each individual teacher
  • Lack of preparation/ jewelry/hair= minimum -3 per teacher discretion
  • Non-dress= -3
  • Partial dress (not per dress code, or use of loaner clothes)= -3
  • Gum chewing, food and/or use of electronic devices in class= minimum -3 per teacher discretion
  • Distracting others/lack of focus, commitment/not participating as a positive ensemble member= up to -10 point deduction
  • Credit will not be earned if you miss class to make-up an assignment or test in another teacher’s class.

Attire for PE Class

For quality participation in the non-traditional movement forms described previously, fitted attire that shows posture and alignment is required. The purple CHAMPS PE uniform tank tops and fitted shirts, along with solid black yoga pants/capris/leggings/fitted sweatpants, althletic/fitness attire are appropriate. Excessively loose, baggy clothing is not permitted. Closed-toe athletic shoes must be worn to every class. Once a week, the class will have cardiovascular and calisthenics training in preparation for the PFT.


Students are expected to follow Daily Behavioral Expectations which demonstrate respect for themselves, their teachers, their peers:

  • Arrive to class on time (passing period is 6 minutes)
  • After the bell rings, students will have 5 minutes to change clothes and be ready for attendance
  • Remove jewelry or hair accessories that may prevent proper movement and safety
  • Participate fully, and demonstrate appropriate behavior (respect, cooperation, teamwork, etc)
  • After dismissal, students have 5 minutes to change into school clothes
  • Restrooms should only be used during the 11 minutes for passing period + changing time before or after class
  • Make healthy food choices and hydrate throughout the day to feel your best!
  • Students may not wear street shoes in the classroom, unless explicit permission is given from the teacher.
  • Food and drinks are NEVER permitted in the studios or cubbies at any time! Only clear water in a closed water bottle is permitted. Please do not leave food or drink in your locker.
  • Bags should be placed in the back of the room. Cell phones must be put away and stored in your bag or locker. If student/s chose to use cell phones during class, teacher will collect all phones at the beginning of class and students may retrieve them at the end of class. Cell phones utilized for music are only permitted on run days if the student chooses to listen to music during the run. The teacher is not responsible for any lost or stolen phones, jewelry, money, or any other personal items.


* Students with SHORT TERM injuries or conditions that prevent active participation in the classroom activities must present a signed note from a parent/guardian. If the student is unable to do any form of physical activity, he/she may do an assignment given by the teacher. The assignment must be appropriately completed in order for the student to receive credit each day of his/her medical excuse.

* Non-participating students will need to complete alternate assignments for work missed due to non-participation. Please consult your instructor for make-up credit work or a sit-out assignment.

* Please inform your teachers if there are any existing medical conditions or injuries that will affect your physical capabilities. Students who require inhalers for asthma must bring the inhalers with them into the classroom or on run days should they need them.

* Extended Injury and Illness- If you are seriously injured and cannot participate in class for an extended period, you must bring a note from your doctor stating: - The injury - What you can and cannot execute - Length of incapacitation - The prescribed treatment. Parents please contact the teacher if your child has a chronic injury. A project or assignment may be assigned to counteract the loss of Daily Participation Points or missed benchmark.


Teachers will communicate with parents/guardians and students using Q, email, and phone contact when necessary. Parents are encouraged to check Q regularly, and may contact any teacher with questions or concerns. We encourage students and parents to communicate with the teacher first, rather than going to the office, as the office does not always have the “answers” or solution you might seek. We find that with active communication, together the teacher, student, and parent can best come up with a solution and/or explanation. Please send a Doctor’s note with your student on the first day of school (or when an injury arises) if your student has any medical condition that could affect their performance in physical activities.

Security and Personal Belongings

Students are responsible for either locking up their valuables in a locker or bringing their possessions into the classroom. The PE department faculty asks that valuables such as money, jewelry, cell phones and iPods not be brought to class and if so, students are responsible for the security of their possessions.

Please use a permanent marker to label your PE clothing with your name, and use a lock on your locker during class time. The PE department is not responsible for lost or stolen items, but security searches will be done when deemed necessary.

I have read and agree to the Physical Education syllabus for Mrs. Britton and CHAMPS Charter High School for the 2017-2018 school year.

Print Student Name: ______

Period: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______

Please return THIS PAGE ONLY to Mrs. Britton

Keep the syllabus for your records and reference during the year. Thank you!

I have read and agree to the Physical Education syllabus for Mrs. Britton and CHAMPS Charter High School for the

2017-2018 school year.