Collection of Aircraft and Ground-based Observation Data, FY1996 to FY1998
About this CD-ROM
1.IGAC/APARE/PEACAMPOT II(International Global Atmospheric Chemistry/ East Asian North Pacific Regional Experiment/ Perturbation by the East Asian Continental Air Mass to the Pacific Oceanic Troposphere, Phase II)
This CD-ROM is a collection of data from aircraft and intensive ground-based observation from 1996 to 1998, funded by the Global Environment Research Fund of the Environment Agency of Japan. The data were obtained through the project named "Studies on the Development of Comprehensive Model of Atmosphere-Soil and International Cooperative Field Survey to Clarify the Budget of Environment Acidifying Substances in East Asia", one of the themes of the Acid Deposition Area study. This research was recognized as one of the sub-projects for IGAC/APARE (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program/East Asian North Pacific Regional Experiment), and carried out as a PEACAMPOT II program involving international cooperative observation and research with researchers in China and Korea.
2.Outline of Yearly Observations, FY1996 to FY1998
The FY1996 aircraft sampling was made on Jan. 11 and 13, 1997 on the following flight tracks: Nagasaki --> over the East China Sea south of Cheju Island, Korea --> Nagasaki. Round trip observations were made between 32°25'N, 128°30'E and32°25'N, 125°30'E. Total two flights were made.
The FY1997 aircraft observations were made from Dec. 9 to 12, on nearly the same flight tracks as above, but west most point was slightly moved southward. Round trip observations were made between 32°25'N, 128°30'E and 31°00'N, 126°00'E. Observation flights were made on 9, 11, and 12 Dec. 1997.
The FY1998 aircraft observations were carried out from Feb. 2 to 6, 1999, on the same flight tracks as FY1997. Observation flights were made on 2, 4, and 6 Feb. 1999.
The altitudes of the observations were approximately 2500 and 500 m. In order to avoid clouds we were forced to observe higher or lower altitudes sometimes. The flight period was about 1 hour at each altitude.
Intensive ground-based observations were carried out on Fukue Island, Nagasaki Prefecture.
Shiro Hatakeyama, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Kentaro Murano, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Fumio Sakamaki, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Hitoshi Mukai, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Hiroshi Bandow, Osaka Prefecture University
Shigeru Tanaka, Keio University
Yuichi Komazaki, Keio University
Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science
Fukuoka Institute of Health and Environmental Science
4.How to Use This CD-ROM
This CD-ROM has a hybrid format (ISO9660), and can be used both by DOS and Macintosh users.
If you have a browser (Netscape Navigator version 3 or later or Internet Explorer version 3 or later, for example), open your browser and you will find the contents of the text, tables, and figures for each year. The text is written in MS-Word format, and HTML files are also attached. The tables are in MS-Excel format. The figures are bitmap images.
To read the text, tables, and figures, not only must you use your browser, but you must also have available other software suitable for reading the data (MS-Word 97 or later version for texts, MS-Excel 97 or later version for tables, and Paint or other graphic software for figures). Your browser needs to be set to read the data using this software.
Even if there is no browser installed on your PC, you can use the above software to open the files directly.
5. Use of the data
In any types of papers or reports of researches using the data compiled on this CD-ROM, the author(s) is (are) requested to refer to the use of the data on this CD-ROM (Ed.: Shiro Hatakeyama, Published by Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies).
To obtain a copy of this CD-ROM, please contact at the address on the back cover of this pamphlet.
Shiro Hatakeyama
Atmospheric Environment Division
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-0053, Japan