Patient Participation Report

March 2014

A Description of the Profile of the Members of the PPG

The membership of the Patient Participation Group was established in September 2011. The group was initially set up as a virtual group as all members had access to the internet and a current email address. As the group progressed it was agreed that face to face quarterly meetings would be held.

The Patient Participation Group is currently made up of 15 males and 24 females, between the ages of 21 and 84. Ethnic groups represented include White British, White Other, Asian and Black Caribbean. All members put themselves forward, following practice publicity. A full breakdown of the PPG demographics can be found in Appendix 1.

Practice Population and Members of the PPG

As a Practice we have an incredibly diverse patient population of 11,176 patients and the Patient Participation Group have focused on trying to make the group as representative as possible. Although the group has become more representative over the last year it was noted that a very small number (5%) are in the 16-34 age bracket. The group would like to continue to focus on recruiting members of the younger practice population. It was also identified by the group that in comparison to the demographics of the Practice population, we do not have adequate representation from specific ethnic groups e.g. Black and Eastern European. Appendix 1 shows a full breakdown of the Practice population.

The group has taken the following steps to try and engage under-represented categories of the wider practice population over the past year;

-  Notices within Reception and on the LED display

-  A dedicated Patient Participation section on the website, which allows patients to submit their interest electronically

-  Notices advertising the group within local pharmacies

-  Notices advertising the group in local organisations which work with particularly underrepresented groups, e.g. MIND and Harrow Carers

-  Including information about the group at the end of all emails sent from the practice

-  Members of the PPG have spent time at a PPG Information Desk in Reception trying to engage patients and encourage membership.

-  All practice staff are aware of the Patient Participation Group and do their best to publicise it and encourage engagement.

-  The doctors have given out leaflets publishing the meetings of the PPG

Having the PPG Information desk in reception manned by group members was particularly effective and they were able to engage with a number of patients that may not have known about the group previously.

Agree Areas of Priority with the PPG

The PPG met and discussed the results and action plans from the previous year’s survey, they also discussed the priorities and issues they felt were affecting the practice and asked the Practice Manager to provide information on any priorities or issues the practice had that may require feedback.

It was felt that a small steering group should be set up to collate all of this information and put together a set of questions to form the practice survey.

The group comprised of 5 members of the PPG (including the Chair) and the Practice Manager. The group held a face to face meeting and went through the various areas the survey should cover. The following areas were agreed on;

Patient Access

Appointment availability and contacting the practice is one of the most common complaints received by the practice. Following last years patient survey, the online appointments system became fully functional, a new doctor triage system was implemented and staffing levels have been improved during busy periods. It was therefore agreed that this area should be re-visited to assess whether patients have felt there has been an improvement.

Consultations and the Care Received

This was thought to be one of the most (if not the most) important factor about a patient attending for a consultation. Looking at whether a patient is confident in the ability of the doctor/nurse they see and feel reassured following the consultation shows a great deal about how the practice is performing.

Communication and Patient Information

The whole PPG group had already agreed that the practice survey must look at how we communicate with the wider practice population. It was felt that this was particularly important as the practice and the PPG is continuously looking at ways to engage with patients from different age groups, ethnic minorities and categories and it was felt that the feedback from this survey would help this to be achieved. The Practice was also preparing to launch a new website, so information gathered would help shape the format and content of this.

Following this meeting a draft survey was put together. This was then sent by email to all members of the Steering Group for comment. As a result of this some small amendments were made.

The final version of the survey was then disseminated to all PPG members for approval by email before going live. Appendix 2 shows the final version of the survey.

Collecting the Views of Our Patients

The Steering Group agreed that the survey should be available both in paper format and electronically. The survey was available for completion and submission through the Practice website, and advertised on the ‘Home’ page, the ‘Latest News’ page and the ‘Patient Group’ page. A link to the survey was provided in all patient email correspondence during the period it was conducted.

Hard copies of the survey were available at Reception and in the doctors’ rooms. Members of the PPG spent time in reception (2-3 hour sessions at a variety of days and times) handing out copies of the survey to patients as well as providing them with information about the Patient Participation Group.

This allowed us to get a greater cross section of patients.

The website software used by the practice has the ability to collate and analyse the results of the survey, the hard copies were therefore entered manually by the PPG members and the Practice Secretary and stored.

Members of our PPG encouraging patients to complete the survey;

The survey was conducted over a 4 week period, and during that time 306 responses were received.

The results of the Survey

Once all the data had been inputted by the members of the PPG Survey Steering Group and the Practice Secretary, the hard copies were initialled by the individual entering them and returned to the practice. The survey was then closed and the results formatted into statistical data by the website software.

Appendix 3 shows the results of the survey.

Putting Together an Action Plan

The results of the survey were emailed to all members of the PPG on 21st March 2014. Members were asked to look at the results and make recommendations for the action plan.

These recommendations were then collated and discussed in a meeting of the PPG Survey Steering Group on 26th March 2014. The group also looked at the 2013 Action Plan and the progress made.

The group considered all suggestions from the PPG members as well as what actions they could implement to make the most difference to the wider practice population.

At this meeting an action plan was put together in collaboration with the Practice Manager.

Following the meeting the action plan was emailed to all members of the PPG for final approval.

Below you will find a copy of last years action plan and the progress made, as well as the 2014 action plan devised by the Patient Participation Practice Survey Steering Group.

Practice Survey 2013 and What We Did

The Steering Group looked at the action plan agreed following the 2013 survey, and the progress made.

PATIENT ACCESS / A review of the telephone system will be carried out to assess whether any improvements can be made to the queuing system and the way calls are handled.
Staffing levels will be assessed to ensure that there are the right amount of staff answering the telephones during busy periods. / A review was done and new monitoring software purchased in July 2013, to help monitor the volume of calls coming into the practice, as well as call answering times. This software has been used to audit call volumes and efficiency rates. The Practice has identified times when there is higher number of call volumes and worked staff rotas appropriately.
Appointments availability will continue to be reviewed and new systems trialled. Use of the online booking system will be monitored closely.
The practice will discuss its current late night and weekend service to assess whether changes need to be made in response to demand. / The Practice has permanently adopted a duty doctor triage system for dealing with any afternoon emergencies. The current extended hours were assessed and it was agreed that the days should not be altered.
The Practice has continued to promote the online appointments system, and currently 10% of the practice population have signed up and received a username and password.
The practice will look at alternative ways of communicating with patients e.g. Text alert for recalls / The Practice trialled an SMS notification pilot for our Summer 2013 Smoking Campaign. It was not found to be very successful in that a high percentage of the mobile numbers recorded on file for patients were out of date or incorrect. This was fed back to the PPG and taken into account when identifying areas for the Practice Survey.
PATIENT INFORMATION / Website development will continue to include more downloadable information for patients / The new Practice website went live at the beginning of 2014.
The Practice along with the PPG will consider holding patient information events in Reception / This requires further planning and development. This area was addressed in the 2014 Practice Survey.
The PPG, along with the Practice Manager and Lead Partner will discuss the viability of producing a Practice Newsletter / This is still to be actioned, and has been addressed in the 2014 Practice Survey.
The practice will look at the viability of having a more interactive waiting room i.e. Blood pressure machine, weight and height monitoring equipment. / A blood pressure pod for patient use was introduced to Reception in the Summer of 2013. The number of patients using it has increased month on month.
PATIENT PARTICIPATION / Continue to advertise Patient Reference Group in order to have a more diverse membership. / The group has continued to be advertised and group members have spent time in Reception encouraging new members and providing information about the group. This is ongoing.
Ensure future meetings times are suitable for as many members as possible / A survey was carried out amongst PPG members and the preference was to continue with daytime meetings which should be held quarterly. This will be re-assessed as the group develops.
Consider more formal approach to group i.e. Chairperson and constitution. Agree how we want the group to progress. / A Chair has now been appointed who has also made valuable links with other PPGs and is part of the Harrow Patient Participation Network. The group are in the process of formalising their constitution and terms of reference.

Practice Survey And Action Plan 2014

As a result of the survey the following action points have been formulated by the PPG;

Patient Access / Consider staffing between 8.30am and 10.00am. Is there a capacity for current staff to provide additional cover during this time or employ a part time staff member during these periods? / Practice Manager / June 2014
Find out whether the current telephone software has a queuing facility add on available. If it does consider feasibility of purchasing this product. / Practice Manager / End of April 2014
Consider a call back facility on the website. This would allow patients to request a call back from Reception at times when the phone line is busy. / Practice Manager & Partners / End of April 2014
Practice to consider employing a salaried GP. / Practice Manager & Partners / June 2014
Focus on promoting the online appointments facility and increase the number of appointments available online as appropriate. / PPG and Practice / Ongoing
No changes will be made to the current extended hours (late night Monday and Saturday morning). However, this will be reviewed as the Practice develops services in line with the NHS England agenda / Practice Manager, Partners and PPG / Ongoing
Communication and Patient Information / The notice boards in Reception will be updated to provide clear information about the Practice, local updates and specific conditions. / Practice Manager & PPG / End of April
The PPG will set up a sub group to develop a Practice Newsletter. This will then be distributed electronically to patients that subscribe via the website and hard copies will be available in Reception / PPG / June 2014
PPG and Practice to put together a schedule of events in Reception for the forthcoming year, based on the feedback from the survey / PPG & Practice / End of April 2014
The Practice will set up a Twitter account to try and encourage patient involvement from patients in different age groups. This will link directly to the website and will alert patients to any useful information or events that are happening e.g. Flu clinics. / Practice / End of April 2014
Practice to work more closely with local pharmacies to help promote practice events and useful information. / Practice & PPG / Ongoing

This report has been circulated via email to all members of the Patient Participation Group, Partners and Practice Staff. A copy of both documents can be found on the home page of the website and is available at Reception on request.

Practice Opening TIMES AND how to Access our Services

Monday 8.30am – 6.30pm and 6.30pm – 8.00pm (Pre-bookable appointments)

Tuesday 8.30am – 6.30pm

Wednesday 8.30am – 6.30pm (Closed between 1.00pm and 2.00pm)

Thursday 8.30am – 6.30pm

Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm

Saturday 8.30am – 11.15am (Pre-bookable appointments)