The New Jersey Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology will host the sixthKidTech Day on April 18, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 the NJ Department of Education, 100 Riverview Plaza in Trenton. School district staff, parents, community leaders and legislators are invited to attend.

Kid Tech Day offers an opportunity to showcase presentations made by students exemplifying best practices in technology that lead to student achievement in a specific content area. Winners will be announced February1,2012 on national Digital Learning Day (

If your students have made academic progress due to the implementationof effective educational technology practices, we encourage you to submita proposal to present at Kid Tech Day.

Benefits of participating in Kid Tech Dayinclude: learning how other districts are using technology to deliver effective and cost efficient instruction,showcasing best practices from your district in a statewide forum at Kid Tech Day, and announcing your Kid Tech Day participation at a national forum on Digital Learning Day.


  • The district must have an approved Educational Technology Plan.
  • The practice must be directly linked to a Core Curriculum Content Standard/Strand/Content Statement and Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI), English Language Arts Common Core State Standard/Range/ content area of focus/ grade specific standard, or Mathematics Common Core State Standard/domain/cluster.
  • Assessment results are provided that show increased student academic achievement.

Proposal Submission: Each district is invited to submit proposals by providing the following information.

  1. Title of the proposed educational technology practice/project.
  2. A detailed description of how the practice proposed for consideration in the Kid Tech Day program is infused in learning.
  3. An explanation of how the intended student outcomes support students meeting an identified Core Curriculum Content Standard or Common Core State Standard. Standards other than Standard 8.1 Educational Technology must be the primary focus.
  4. Explain how the practice is designed to enable all students including students with disabilities, English language learners and struggling learners the opportunity to acquire the content knowledge as a result of the practice.
  5. Explain how the practice addresses the real world beyond the classroom.
  6. Provide a description of increased achievement results with the most significant results highlighted.

Participants are responsible for: travel expenses, chaperones, parent permission forms, and media releases for presenters (names will not be published without permission). School districts also need to ensure students and teachers bring a brown bag lunch as well as all presentation materials (e.g., laptops, projectors, monitors, extension cords). At least one teacher must be present during ongoing tabletop presentations made by (2-4) students to circulating attendees. Presentations will occur on a rotating basisfrom 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to accommodate lunch breaks.

Participants are expected to arrive at the department by 9 a.m. to allow ample time for setting up presentation materials and to remain onsite until the conclusion of the event at 12:30 p.m. Each presentation area will include a four-foot covered table and chairs. Electrical power is available, but Internet access is extremely limited.

To be considered to participate inKid Tech Day 2012, please complete and submitpart I and part II of the proposal by January 20, 2012. Proposals may be submitted to OR by fax at 609-292-7276. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Atkins at 609-292-5276.

NJ Department of Education


Event Date: April 18, 2012(10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)

Proposal due:January 20, 2012


  • The district must have an approved Educational Technology Plan.
  • The technology practice has been implemented for at least two years.
  • Assessment results are provided that show increased student academic achievement.


Practice/ Project Title:
Grade level of proposed practice: / Indicate the number of years the educational technology practice has been implemented:
County :
School District:
Chief School Administrator’s (CSA) Name:
(Please Print)
CSASignature: (Note: CSA signature is required to process proposal)
CSA E-mail Address:
Telephone: Fax:
School Name:
School Web Address (especially if it provides information on the technology practice submitted):
Contact Person’s Name:
Email Address:
Telephone: Fax:
Principal’s Name:


The cover page must be signed by the district chief school administrator, nonpublic school principal or charter school lead person or his or her designee.

NJ Department of Education



Provide a narrative for each itembelow. Attach charts and provide evidence when data is requested.

  1. Title of the proposed educational technology practice/project. Please use the same title as on the Part I: Cover Page.
  1. Provide a detailed description of how the practice proposed for consideration in the Kid Tech Day program isinfused in learning. Be sure the description referencesspecificCore Curriculum Content Standard/strand/content statement/cumulative progress indicator (s) (CPI), English Language Arts Common Core State Standard/range/ content area of focus/grade specific standard, or Mathematics Common Core State Standard/domain/cluster.
  1. Explain how the intended student outcomes support students meeting the identified Core Curriculum Content Standard or Common Core State Standard noted above. Standards other thanStandard 8.1 Educational Technology must be the primary focus.
  1. Explain how the practice is designed to enable all students including students with disabilities, English language learners and struggling learners the opportunity to acquire the content knowledge as a result of the practice.
  1. Explain how the practice addresses the real world beyond the classroom. Authentic tasksrequire students to analyze, theorize and engage in problems that are connected to the world beyond the classroom. Tasks are purposeful, worthwhile doing, and have value to students because they model real life tasks and circumstances.
  1. Provide a description of increased achievement results with the most significant results highlighted. Ensure that there is a correlationbetween the technology practice and the achievement data provided. Attach the achievement results. The following examples are for your information. Additional areas of success could have been measured. These examples were written to underscore the need for specific data and years. Example 1: There was a 40% increase in Social Studies achievement directly attributed to this project for every 6th grader including subgroups. The 6th grade students increased from 40% proficiency to 80% proficiency over two years. Example 2: There was a 20% decrease in student discipline action directly attributed to this program from 2008 to 2009, and an additional 10% decrease from 2009 to 2010.

Submit Part I and Part II of the proposal byJanuary 20, 2012.

Successful applications will be announcedduring the national

Digital Learning Day Town Hall Meeting Webcast on February 1, 2012.

Proposals may be submitted by e-mail OR by fax at 609-292-7276. Questions may be directed to Ms. Dorothy Atkins at 609-292-5276.