John Muir Branch Winter Dance

Saturday December 11, 1 PM

Grace Episcopal Church, Madison

Kendall’s Hornpipe Graded 22 32J2

1-8 1C, 2C Rights and Lefts

9-16 1C leads down for 3, leads up for 3, Cross and cast to 2nd place

17-24 Lady’s Chain

25-28 1W with 2M, 1M with 2W Advance, Retire

29-32 1C turn RH 1 and ½ times to own side

Catch the WindIslandbay 32H3

1-8 1C set, Cast one place, Dance ½ Fig 8 around 2C, 2C step up on 3-4

9-16 1C set twice, 1W pull back RS on 2nd setting step, 1W followed by 1M cast up around 2M, dance down middle to end 1W facing 3M, 1M facing 2M.

17-24 RS reels of 3 across the dance

25-32 1W followed by 1M cast up around 3 M, 1C turn RH in center to end 2nd place on own sides

*Sugar Candie Book 26-3 32S3

1-4 1C set, Cast off, 2C step up on 3-4

5-8 1C pass LS cast round 1st corners to end in middle back to back facing ends

9-12 1W with 2C and 1M with 3C three hands around to the left

13-16 1C pull back RS to face each other, Set and turn BH to end facing 1st corners

17-24 Turn Corner, Partner, Corner Partner end 1M facing down 1W facing up

25-30 LS Reels of 3 on the side with corners

31-32 1C cross RH

Joie de Vivre Book 39-2 32J3

1-4 1C set, cast to 2nd place 2C step up on 3-4

5-8 1C dance down between 3C cast up to 2nd place

9-12 2C, 1C, 3C turn partner RH

13-16 Chase clockwise halfway around to end opposite sides in order 3,1,2

17-20 All C Back to back with partner

21-24 All C Set, Turn partner RH half way

25-32 All C Allemande

Lady Susan Stewart’s Reel Book 5-9 32R3

1-4 1C Set, Cast off two places

5-8 1C Lead to top, Cast off to face 1st corners

9-16 Hello-Goodbye Setting finishing facing 1st corners

17-24 Turn Corner, Partner, Corner, Partner, Finish in middle facing down

25-28 Lead down between 3C and cast up to 2nd place

29-32 Lead up between 2C, Cast down to 2nd place


The Kelloholm Jig Leaflet 32 32J3

1-8 1C Set, Cast off as 2 C step up, 1C (on sides) set to 1st corners, Change places RH with corners

9-16 1W and 3W and 1M and 2M set to each other, change places LH on side, 1C Turn RH 1 ½ times

17-24 1C set to 2nd corners, Change places RH, 1M and 3M and 1W and 2W Set and change places LH on side

25-32 3C, 1C 2C Advance, Retire, Circle 6 hands to left half way

The Earl of NorthamptonBoston 50 Years 32S2 (6X)

1-8 1C and 2C Set and Link, Circle 4 hands to left

9-16 2C and 1C back to back with partners turn BH ready for

17-24 6 bars of Allemande, on last 2 bars turn RH to stay in middle for

25-32 Knot

*The Saltire Society Reel Leaflet 32R3

1-8, 1C cross through 2nd place as 2C steps up, 1W and 3M turn LH while 1M and 3W turn RH. 1C dance up middle, 1W and 2M turn LH while 1M and 2W turn RH to 2nd place

9-16 Reels on side, 1C cross down to begin, meet in middle facing 1st corners with LH joined

17-24 1C set to 1st corners, turn inward to face opposite direction join RH and set to partner’s 1st corners who advance, to dance RH across, 1C end facing 2nd corners

25-32 1C set to 2nd corners turn inward and join LH, set to partner’s 2nd corners who advance to LH across, 1C ending on own sides in 2nd place.

Strathcare Skye Collection 32S3

1-8 1C and 2C Poussette right round

9-12 1C turn RH, Cast off as 2C steps up

13-16 1C Cross RH and cast to R, dancing in from top and bottom to end back to back facing 1st corners

17-20 Set to 1st corners, set to 2nd corners

21-24 1C spiral round each other to end 1M between 3C facing 3M, 1W between 2C facing 2W

25-30 RS Reels of 3 across

31-32 1C Cross RH

*White Heather Jig, Cosh 40J4S

1-4 1C turn RH, Cast off as 2C steps up

5-8 1C turn LH spiraling up to end between 2C

9-16 Reel of 4 with 2C, 1C passing RS on 15-16

17-24 Corner, Partner, Corner, Partner ending between 3C ready for

25-32 Reel of 4 with 3C, 3C dance up to 2nd place at end

33-36 1C turn LH, Cast off as 4C steps up

37-40 1C turn R


*The Montgomerie’s Rant Book 10-1 32R3

1-8 1C cross RH, Cast off as 2C steps up, 1C cross LH and cast 1W around 2M, 1M around 3W to end between 2C and 3C respectively, facing first corner.

9-16 RS Reels of 3 across the dance ending with 1C joining nearer hands facing 2W

17-24 1C set to 2W, turn inward and set to 3M, set to 3W, turn inward, set to 2M end with 1M facing up, 1W facing down

25-30 RS reels of 3 on side starting with 2nd corner

31-32 1C cross RH

No L’s StrathspeySnowdon Leaflet 32S3

1-8 1C and 2C set advancing, dance around partner RS spiraling to partner’s place, RH across half way

9-12 All 3 C cross RH, 1 C cast to R to end 1M between 3’s at bottom of set, 1W between 2’s at top of set while 2C, 3C set diagonally to each other

13-16 1C with 2W and 3W and 2M and 3Mcross RH up and down the set, 1C cast to R to end in 2nd place on opposite side while 3C and 2C set diagonally

17-20 All C turn RH

21-24 All C chase to R halfway to own side, 1C ends facing 1st corners

25-32 1C turn 1st corners RH, pass partner RS, turn 2nd corners RH pass partner RS to 2nd place on own side

The Cranberry Tart SEVEN-YEAR Itch (Glasspool) 32J3

1-8 1M set, Cast off, Set, Petronella to end between 3C while 1W waits, Sets, Casts, Sets

9-16 1M Sets with 3C, 1M with 3C advance, retire and 1M advance alone while 1W petronella to end between 2C, Sets, advances and retires with 2C

17-24 Reel of 3 across with 2C 1M following 1W who gives RS to 2W to start

25-32 Parallel Reels of 3 on sides, 1M giving RS to 3M 1W giving RS to 3W

*Fair Donald Book 29-4 32S3

1-4 1C dance down between 2C and cast to place

5-8 1C dance down between 3C and cast up to face first corners

9-16 Reels of 4 with 1st corners passing LS to

17-24 Reels of 4 with 2nd Corners, end with nearer hands joined facing up between 2C

25-28 1C cast off to 2nd place, all C set

29-32 All C turn partner BH

*The Sailor Book 24-4 32H3

1-2 1C Cross down RH to 2nd place as 2C steps up

3-4 1C and corners balance

5-6 1W cast up into line between 2C and 1M cast down to end in line between 3C

7-8 All Set

9-16 RS Reels of 3 across set face 1st corner to start, at end finish in partner’s place in 2nd place

17-24 Lead down for 2, Lead up for 2, Cross for 2 and Cast for 2

25-32 2C and 1C Rights and Lefts

*instructions in 100 favorite Dances Plus 63 More

John Muir Branch Winter Dance

Saturday December 11, 1 PM

Grace Episcopal Church, Madison

Kendall’s Hornpipe Graded 22 32J2

Catch the WindIslandbay 32H3

*Sugar Candie Book 26-3 32S3

Joie de Vivre Book 39-2 32J3

Lady Susan Stewart’s Reel Book 5-9 32R3


The Kelloholm Jig Leaflet 32 32J3

The Earl of NorthamptonBoston 50 Years 32S2 (6X)

*The Saltire Society Reel Leaflet 32R3

Strathcare Skye Collection 32S3

*White Heather Jig, Cosh 40J4S


*The Montgomerie’s Rant Book 10-1 32R3

No L’s StrathspeySnowdon Leaflet 32S3

The Cranberry Tart SEVEN-YEAR Itch (Glasspool) 32J3

*Fair Donald Book 29-4 32S3

*The Sailor Book 24-4 32H3

*instructions in 100 favorite Dances Plus 63 More