Ба2.718.028 РЭ
Operation manual
Ба 2.718.028РЭ
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Теchnicalcharacteristics
1.3 Composition8
1.4 Structure and functioning
1.5 Labellingandsealing
1.6 Packing
2.1 Switchingon, switchingoffandelectricpowersupplyof a meter
2.2 Batterycharge
2.3 Safetyprovisions
2.4 Meter connection diagrams to the object of measurement and auxiliary electrodes
2.5 Groundingresistancemeasurement
2.6 Determinationofthecoefficient of mutual-coupling between two separate groundings
2.7 Measurementofsoilresistivity
2.8 Measurementofhomogeneoussoilresistivity with the test electrode
5.1 Preface
5.2 Operationsandverifyinginstruments
5.3 Verification conditions and preparation for it
5.4 Safetyrequirements
5.5 Conductingofverification
5.5.1 Visual inspection
5.5.2 Withstand-voltage insulation test
5.5.3 Determinationofinsulationvoltage
5.5.4 Checkout
5.5.5 Determination if the relative basic error
5.6 Presentation of the verification results
Thisoperationmanualisintended to familiarizethe maintenance staff with the composition andthe principleof operation of TSS4107 digitalresistance measurer(hereinafter-measurer)andcontains the information necessaryforits properuse in theoperation, maintenance, storage and transportation.
Before turning on themeasurerandits intended use, please read thisoperation manualand follow allthe recommendations in it.
The measurer is included in the Stateregisterof measuring instrumentsapprovedfor use in Ukraine. Registrationnumber isU2968-09.
The measurer is included in the Stateregisterof measuring instrumentsallowed for usein the Russian Federation. Registrationnumberis44704-10.
The measurercertification data is written in Annex А.
Developerandmanufacturerof the measurer:
Open joint-stock company «Uman factory «Меgameter»,
Sovietskaia str., 49,
Uman,Cherkassy region,
1.1.1The measureris designed to measurecurrent spreadingresistanceof grounding deviceswith the help of auxiliaryelectrodes, activeresistance measurementanddetermination ofsoil resistivity.
The meterallows to:
-measure thegrounding resistanceconcentrated, as well ascontour(complex) grounding;
- measureactive resistances, including resistanceof the conductorsof the terrestrial part of the grounding device;
- to determinethe couplingfactor between two separategroundingdevices;
- determinesoilresistivity.
1.1.2Meteris manufacturedinaccordance with GOST22261-94"Means of measurement of electricaland magnetic quantities. General technicalconditions"andTУ У33.2-00226106-013:2009"Grounding resistance meter ЦС4107. Specifications. "
1.1.3 Normalapplicationconditionsofthemeteraccording to GOST 22261 and point 5.3.1 of the operation manual.
1.1.4According to the values ofinfluencing quantitiescharacterizing climatic andmechanical influence in the workingoperatingconditions, the meter is related to measuring meansofgroup4 according to GOST22261.
Working application conditions:
- ambient temperaturefrom -10ºCto +55ºC;
- relative humidityup to 90%at 30 ºC.
1.2 Technical characteristics
1.2.1Indication of the measurement results is alphanumeric on a liquid-crystal display with micro-light (further – LCD indicator).
1.2.2Powersupply of the meter consists of eightNi-MH batteries with the dimension type AA, the voltage of 1.2V, capacity of at least 2Aperh.
1.2.3Consumption current strength of the meter from batteries is notmore than 1.0A.
1.2.4Measuring range -from10 megaohmto 20kiloohm.
Permitted valuesfor theresistance of electrodes for measurable resistances (Rизм) are shown in Table1.1(whereRП1, RП2are resistances of potentialelectrodes andRТ1, RТ2-resistanceof current electrodes).
Тable 1.1
Measurable resistances / Measuring range of permitted values for the resistance of:potential electrodes / current electrodes
RП2or sum
(RП1 + RП2) / RТ2or sum
(RТ1 + RТ2)
10 mОm – 1 Оm / 0 – 5 kОm / 0 – 1000×Rизм
but not more than 50 kОm
1,001 Оm – 20 kОm / 0 – 50 kОm
1.2.5Operationmodeisrecursiveshort-time, measuringupto 1 minute, intervaltimetillthe reset is not limited.
а) automaticselectionofaresistanceunitselectionor its submultiple and multiple values (mОм; Оm; kОм);
b)Batterycharge from the power supplyandthe vehicle electrical systemviathe cigarette lighter socket;
d)automatic shut-off in no more than120 secondsafter final shut-off;
e) storing in a memorythe results of50previous measurements;
е) automatic disconnection from power supplywhen the batteryvoltage
drops below 8.8V;
g)indication: occurrence of alternating voltageinterferencewith the frequency of50Hzon potential clips on potentialclips over 7 V; exceeding the allowableresistanceof electrodes.
1.2.8Number of measurementsin normalconditions withfully charged batteries is not less than 500.
1.2.9Degree of protectionforthe meteris IP42according to GOST 14254-96"Degrees of protection provided by shells(codeIP)».
1.2.10Dimensions -230 mmx140 mmx 59mm.
1.2.11Weight, kg, not more than:
-Meterwith batteries- 1;
-Power supply-0.3.
1.2.12 Meterrefersto the measurement instrumentsof accuracy class2.5. The limits of permissible relativebasic errorof measurementequal ± 2,5%of the measuredresistance.
1.2.13 Measurement error caused byexposure to alternating voltage interference of sinusoidal form of 50 Hz frequencyand voltage up to 7 Vmust be within thepermittedvalue of the relativebasic error.
1.2.14Limits of additional permitted error of the metercaused bychanges in ambient temperaturefromnormal to anywithin the operating temperature, equal half therelative basic errorlimitsfor every 10C change of the temperature.
1.2.15Limits of permitted additional error of the meter, due to changes inthe ambient relative humidityup to 90% at the temperature of 30 C,equal to the limitsof the relativebasic error.
1.2.16Measurement error caused by theinfluence of an externalmagnetic field with induction0.5mT and sinusoidaltime-varying with the frequency of 50Hzshall be withinthe limits of permissiblevalue of the relativebasic error.
1.2.17When thepower supply voltageranging within the limits from8.8V to12 V, then the measurement error of the meteris within the limits of the permitted value ofthe relativebasic error.
1.2.18Rate of the average life of the meter to failure is 10,000hours.
1.2.19Average lifetime of themeter is 10years.
1.3 Composition of the item
1.3.1Delivery set of the meter is shown in the Table 1.2:
Таble 1.2
Description / QuantityGrounding resistance meter ЦС4107 / 1 piece
Bag / 1 piece
Strap / 1 piece
1,2 V battery ofАА form factor / 8 piece
Power supply unit 12 V, 0,7 А / 1 piece
Car adapter / 1 piece
Clamp / 1 piece
Conductor / 1 piece
Nozzle / 3 piece
Operations manual / 1 copy
The meter canbe usedwith complete accessoriesP4126M2that comesona separate orderTУ25-04-1328-76.
1.4Structure and functioning
1.4.1The meteris made in the caseof high impact plastic. The exterior of the meteris given in Figure1.1.
1 – measuring fans (Т1, Т2 – current fans, П1, П2 –voltage fans).
2 – LCD display.
3 – battery charge indicator.
4 – button ON/OFF (off and on of the meter).
5 – LIGHTbutton(offandon of the LCD-indicator illumination).
6 – connection socket of the power supply (central connection -plus).
7 – MEASUREMENT button.
8 – memory recall buttons for the results of previous measurements
9 – strapattachmentpointfor the meter carrying.
Figure 1.1 – The exterior of the meter
1.4.2On the backside of the case thereis a compartmentforbatteries installation.
1.4.3Operationand function principle of the meter are basedon the measurement ofthe voltage dropon themeasured resistancein passingthe measuring current.
The metergeneratesmeasuring pulsecurrentof alternating polarity with the frequency of 128Hz,the amplitude valuesof the currentnot exceeding 350mA,maximum voltage output value not exceeding 36V.
The voltage from themeasured resistanceandthe current sensoris converted with the analog-to- digitalconverter(ADC) and is delivered to a microcontroller whichcalculates theresistance.Conversion resultcorresponding to the valueof the measured resistanceis displayedon the LCD display.
The microcontroller operates the work of ADCand performing of the functionsmeter functions(1.2.6).
1.5Labeling and sealing
1.5.1On themeterbear the following marksand symbols:
/ –Accuracyclass designation;/ –Testvoltage, kV;
/ –Class IIprotectionequipment(electrical circuit is protected byreinforced insulation);
/ – manufacturer’s trademark;
Т1, Т2 / – current fans;
П1, П2 / – voltage fans;
САТ ІІІ / – Installationcategory(overvoltagecategory);
IP42 / – degree of protectionprovided by the shell;
12V / – power supply connection socket;
/ – Attention! (see Operations Manual);
/ –Approval markof measuring equipmentof Ukraine;
/ –Conformity mark of the typeof measuring equipmentof Ukraine;
/ – A sign ofapproval of measuring instrumentsof the Russian Federation;
№ … / –serial number ofthe meter;
20… / – year of manufacture.
Note 1. Designationof connecting clams T1,P1, P2, T2 correspondsto the designation of connecting clams E, ES, S, H,recommendedin DSTUEN 61557-5:2005 «Electrical safety of low voltage distribution systems of the voltageup to 1000 Vand 1500 V of alternating current. Equipmentfor testing,measuring ormonitoringof security measures. Part5.Resistancetoearth.(EN 61557-5:1997,ІDT). "
Note2. Incase of the absence of acertificatethe appropriate signis notapplied on the meter.
1.5.2Sealingthe meteris carriedon the backside of the casein the recessmountingholes.
1.6.1The meter pack must comply withGOST9181-74"Electric meters. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage" anddesign documentationБa 2.718.028.
The meteris packed in anindividual packaging(bag) as a set according to the Table1.2. A bag is packedin a consumer packaging(cardboard box).
Packed meters are placed in shipping containers for transportation.
1.6.2Transport packaging, weight and dimensionsof packagesfordesign documentationБа2.718.028.
Forcarriagebyrailtherearesmall and low-tonnage dispatch types.
2.1Enabling, disablingandpower supply of the meter
2.1.1To turn onthe meter press the ON /OFF button.
Note. Inthis manual in all cases under the push of a button it is assumed pressingit and then releasing.
2.1.2Switching offthe metertakes place automatically upon the expiration of (90- 120) after the end of workorafter pressing theON / OFF button.
2.1.3Power supply to the meter comes from batteries. Powersupplyandcaradapterofthemeter delivery setare designed for the battery charge.
2.2Battery charge
2.2.1To check the state of charge of the battery. To switch on the meter. OnLCD-indicatorthere will be show the result of the last measurement (Figure2.1).
where:1 – number of measurement;2 – battery symbol;
3 – measurement result.
To estimate the state of the battery chargeaccording to the completingof a the charge icon:
– The batteries are discharged;
– Batteriesare chargedin part;
– batteries are charged completely.
where:1- number ofmeasurements; 2 -battery symbol;
3 -measurement result.
2.2.2To charge the batteriesit’s necessary to connectthe suppliedpower adapterto the AC supply of 220 Vsocketor to the connector of a car adaptor to the carcigarette lighter, andthe matingconnector to be connected to the meter. Indicator glow “Charge” signals about the battery chargeprocess. Completion of thechargeis signaledby the decrease of the light intensity of the glowing of the “Charge” indicator.Slight heating of the battery cover is allowed. In case of strong heatingof the coverimmediately disconnectthe meter from thecharger andcheck sanity of yourbattery.
2.2.3Recommended time of the battery charge is till their full discharge to fullcharge(12– 15)hours (depending onthe typeof batteries used).
2.2.4When working with themeterat the time ofbattery dischargebelow the acceptable level, the LCD display will showinformation about theirdischarge (Figure 2.2). This meter will be automatically The automatic disconnection will take place after that.
Figure 2.2
2.3 Safety provisions
2.3.1As to thesafety, themetermeets the requirements IEC61010-1:2005of DSTU"Safety requirements to the electricalequipment formeasurement,controland laboratoryuse.Part 1.General requirements"andGOST51350-99" Safety of electricalinstrumentationand laboratory equipment.Part 1. General requirements"*)
The meterrefers to the installation category products (overvoltage category) IIІ, pollution degree 2according to DSTUIEC 61010-1.
2.3.2The meterhas reinforced insulation. The class of protection againstelectric shockis II.
2.3.4The voltage atthe terminals ofthe currentmeteris safe.
2.3.5Electromagnetic compatibility meter meetstherequirementsofIEC61326-1:2002DSTU"Electricalequipmentformeasurement, control and laboratoryuse.Part 1.Requirements forElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)."
*)Forthemetersmeant for delivery to the Russian Federation
2.3.6When using themeterit’s necessary to be guided bythe requirementsДНАОП 0.00-1.21-98"Guidelines for SafeUse of Consumer Rules" GOST12.3.019-80"Test & Measurement electric.General technical requirements"and "Rules of safety in the operationof electrical installations”. "
2.3.7Insulationbetween the measuringcontacts and the meter case was tested during one minute by AC voltageof 1 kV(rms), 50 Hz according to GOST R51350.
2.3.8Insulation resistancebetweenshorted measurement terminalsandthe meter case is at least 40megohms.
2.3.9Do not operatethe meterif:
- the object ofmeasurement is notenergized;
-the surface of the housingin the area ofthe measuringcontacts is contaminated;
-there ismechanicaldamage to the shell;
-insulation has defectivecords.
2.3.10Inthe battery compartmentother AA sizebatteries can be inserted andconnected, including thosenot subject tocharge.
2.4.1Four-wire connecting diagram of the meter is shown in Figure2.3.
Four-wireconnecting diagram of the meter should be usedwhen measuringearth resistance, determiningsoil resistivityandresistance measurementconductors of the ground part ofthe grounding device.
To measure theresistanceof thegroundpart of the grounding deviceit’s necessary to connectthe delivery set wire to terminalsT1,P1of the meter, andthe terminalsT2, P2 to connect with insulated wires of the required length, the ends of which are connectedtogether andconnected tothe delivery set clamp. Then it is required to connect theprobeto the hullof the groundedconductorequipment andclamp–to the groundwiring bus,with the place of connectionto the metal pre-stripped.It is recommendedtoconnect theends of thewirewith the delivery set caps.
where RЗis a measurement object,
RП, RТ – resistance of the potential and current electrode,
lЗП, lЗТ, lПТ – distanceoftheinstallation ofpotential and current electrodes from the measurement object and among themselves.
Figure 2.3- Four-wire connecting diagram of the meter
2.4.2Three-wireconnecting diagram of the meter.
Three-wireconnection diagramof the meter(Figure 2.4) is to be usedin the same casesasa four-wireone, whenconnectingtwo wiresto the objectof measurementis difficult orwhen theresistance of the earthis large compared to the active resistanceofthe conductorfrom RЗtoterminalsТ1–П1, as itenters directlyintothe measurement result.
Figure 2.4-Three-wireconnectionof the meter
2.4.3Two-wireconnectionof the meter.
Wire circuitmeter(Figure 2.5) to be used in thehealth checkmeter, and for control of the measuring circuitintegrity monitoringand measuringresistances.
Figure 2.5-Two-wireconnection of the meter
2.4.4Wiringthe meterto determine thecoupling coefficientbetween two separategroundingis shown in Figure2.6.
where RMandRNare measurement objects
Figure 2.6 –Wiringfor determiningthe coupling coefficient
2.4.5Wiringthe meterfor determiningsoil resistivity-A four-electrode Venus setting(Figure 2.7).
whereаis a distance between the electrodes.
2.5 Grounding resistance measurement
2.5.1Grounding resistance measurement has to be done according to the schemein Figure 2.3orFigure 2.4. Spacingof the electrodes(rp, RT) should be carried out a single-beamordouble-beamonschemes.DistanceslZP, lZT, lPTare accordingto Table 2.1, while lZP, lZTshould be measured fromthe geometric center ofthe earthing circuit.
Earthing / Вид и схема разноса RП и RТ / Spacing, mlЗТ / lЗП / lПТ
Focused (dotty) RИЗМ
/ Single-beam
/ Maximum possible, but not less than 30 / 0,62 lЗТ / 0,38 lЗТ
/ Тhe same / lЗТ / 0,5 lЗТ
Contour (complex)
/ Single-beam
/ Maximum possible, but not less than 1,5 D + 30 / 0,62 lЗТ / 0,38 lЗТ
/ Тhe same / lЗТ / 0,5 lЗТ
Note:Increasing the distancelЗТandthe corresponding change of lЗПandlПТreducessystematic errorandincreases theaccuracy of measurement ofearth resistance.
2.5.2Determine the type ofcircuitandelectrode spacingandto set electrodeRТat a maximum distancefromthe earth electrode. On the recommendations ofTable 2.1to determine a placeforRpelectrodeand install it.
2.5.3Connect themeterto the earth electrodeandthe auxiliary electrodeandRП and RТ. Prevent the situation when: the connectingwires are in paralleltransmission lineroute, the conductors to thecurrent and potentialelectrodesare next to each other, in other words thatthe area of themeasurementis free ofbulkymetal.
Wiringfrom the terminalsT1 andP1to the earth electrodeshould be carried outon one-piece metalat a distance of(0.1 ... 0.3) m from each other.
2.5.4Turn onthe meter.
2.5.5PressMEASUREMENT button. The display will show information(Figure3.8).
2.5.6After completionof the measurement process the result of the measurement will appear on the displayt (Figure 2.1).
If theelectrode resistanceRTorRTandRporRp are more than acceptable(paragraph1.2.4), then the display will show "RESISTANCERp IS ABOVE NORMAL" or "RESISTANCERt IS ABOVE NORMAL" or " RESISTANCERt AND Rp ARE ABOVE THE NORMAL".Ifthe interference voltagebetween terminalsP1, P2 is stronger than 7V,thenthe display will show "INTERFERENCE LEVEL ABOVE THE NORM". Ifthere are defects in the currentor potentialmeasuring circuitpreventing from measuring(bad contact in the joints,open circuit, the object resistanceis too large) the display will show the following information"DESCREPANCIES IN THE MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT."
Note 1.To measure the resistance of the grounding of the tangent tower it’s necessary to disconnectit from theground wire.
When it is impossibleand ifthe cableoffthe ground loopisnotunder the foundationsupports andis not alignedwith it, disconnect the ground pathfrom the supportandmeasure the resistance ofthe earthing circuitsupportsusing the usual methodaccording to 2.5. Multiply theresult of the measurementby a factor 1.2, taking into account themutualinfluence ofloop impedancegrounding andfoundationsupport.
Ifa ground loopis combined withthe foundations,the influenceof their mutualresistanceis significant, and the results of measuring the resistanceof the disconnectedfrom the supportcontourare unreliable.
Note 2.When measuringresistanceto thecurrent spreadingfrom a longstraighthorizontalearthing, it’s necessary to place auxiliary electrodesRTandRpon both sides ofthe earth electrode (Figure 2.9).
2.6.1Following the procedureof subsection2.5,to measurethe earth resistance of the earthingRM ,and then-earthingRN.
2.6.2To measure the resistance of RMNaccording to the scheme of Figure 2.6.
2.6.3To calculate the coupling resistance between groundings according to the formula 2.1:
2.6.4Calculatethecouplingfactor according to the formula 2.2:
2.7 Measurementofsoilresistivity
2.7.1Connect themeter to thecurrentand potentialelectrodeaccording to the schemeof figure2.7.
2.7.2Turn onthe meterandsimultaneously press the buttons«▼»and “LIGHT”andenterthe measurement modeof soil resistivity. The display showsinformation (Figure2.10)
Figure 2.10
2.7.3Press thebutton “LIGHT”, the display showsinformation (Figure2.11)
Figure 2.11
With the help of buttons«▼»or«▲»set thedistanceаbetween the electrodes.Setting rangeа isfrom 1 m to99 mwith the pitch of 1m
To entervalueаintoamemoryof the meter press again”LIGHT”button. Symbol will appear on a displayon the left fromthe battery symbol.
2.7.4Pressthe “MEASUREMENT” button. Aftercompletion of the measurementthe following information will appear on the display(Figure2.12)
Figure 2.12
Soil resistivity is calculated by the meter according to the formula2.3
, (2.3)
2.7.5 Toexitthesoilresistivitymeasurementspresssimultaneouslybuttons«▼»and LIGHT, and the display will showinformation (Figure 2.13)
Figure 2.13
Meterexits the mode of soil resistivity measurement also after disconnection of the power supply of the meter.
2.8.1Takea testelectrode with certain geometric dimensions, for example a steel rodwith a diameterdand pushitinto the testsoil to the l depth.
2.8.2Connect themeter according to scheme of figure2.3 orfigure2.4 andmeasurecurrent flowing test resistanceR.
2.8.3To calculatethesoilresistivityρbytheformula2.4:
3.1Maintenance is limitedto compliance withthe rules of operation, storage and transportation of the meter.
3.2Repairof the meter shouldbe carried out onlyin specializedrepair shopsorat the factory.
3.3 Maintenanceof batteries should be carried according to the technicaldocumentationandcompanion documentation on batteries.
3.4The meter after the repairor after the end of arecalibration interval, is subject to the periodic checkout to the extent ofSection 5 of thismanual.
4.1Transportation and storage of the meter is carried out inaccordance with GOST22261to the measuring equipment of group4.
The meter canbe transported by alltypes of covered transport.
Extreme conditions of transportation:
- Ambient temperaturefrom -50ºC to 70ºC;
-Relative humidity of ambient air:95% at30ºC;
-Multiple mechanical shockswith acceleration of100m/s2 andpulse duration of16 ms.
4.2For rail transporttypesdispatches- smalland low-tonnage.
4.3To store the meterinmanufacturer's packagingat an ambient temperatureof0C to40C and relativehumidity up to 80% at 35 C.
4.4The unpacked meter should be stored at an ambient temperatureof 10C to35C and relativehumidity up to 80% at a temperature of25C.
5.1SectionVERIFICATION of the Operations Manual is approved bythe First DeputyGeneral Director ofthe State Enterprise "Ukrmetrteststandard" N.S.Zhaldak based on the results ofstate acceptance tests of the earth resistancemeterTSS410718.12.2009.
VERIFICATIONsectionoftheOperatingManualsets out the conditions, scope, methods and means ofinitial and periodicverifications, as well as handling procedures of verification results of the ЦС4107earthresistance meter.
The calibration intervalis set for one year.
VERIFICATIONsectionis designed in accordancewith the requirementsDSTUA2708: 2006 ""Calibration of measuring equipment. The organizationand conduct procedure", GOST22261-94 "Means of measurementof electricaland magnetic quantities. General technicalconditions" andDSTU-H RMG51:2006" Metrology. Documents forcalibration ofmeasurementtechniques. The main provisions (RMG51-2002, IDT)».
5.2 Operations and means of verification
5.2.1During verification,performand applymethods of verificationspecified inTable 5.1.
Table 5.1
Operation / Operations Manual paragraph / Verificationinstrumentsandtheirtechnical characteristics / Necessity to fulfill this operation while:release from the production after repair / operation and storage
Check of the measurement conditions / 5.3.1 / Thermometer, 10-50 °С,Δ=0,1°С;
psychrometer,(10-90)%, Δt=0,2°С;
barometer(80-106)кПа, Δ=0,2кПа;
teslometer of 43205/1 type
(0-199)мТл, cl 4/4;
voltmeter Д5081
(0-7,5/15/30/60)В, cl 0,2 / Yes / Yes
Visual inspection / / – / Yes / Yes
Continuation of the table 5.1
Operation / Operations Manual paragraph / Verificationinstrumentsandtheirtechnical characteristics / Necessity to fulfill this operation while:release from the production after repair / release from the production after repair
Dielectric breakdown test for insulation / / Device for measuring electric strength of insulationУПУ-10, voltage 0-3/10 kV,
0,65 kVА, cl. 4;
stopwatchС1-2А, division value 0,5 s / Yes / No
Determination ofinsulation resistance / / МegaohmmeterЦС0202, workingvoltage 100В-2,5кВ, resistance measurement range 200 kОm-100 Gom,
relative error ± 2,5 % / Yes / No
Testing /– / – / Yes / Yes
Determina-tion of the relative basic error /, / Resistance bankР33 class of accuracy0,2, resistancerange 0,1…99999,9 Оm;
resistance coilР310 – class of accuracy 0,02, rated resistance 10 mОm;
resistancecoilР321 – class of accuracy0,01, rated resistance1 Оm / Yes / Yes
Registration of the verification results / 5.6 / – / Yes / Yes
Note.Duringtheinspectionitisallowedtouseothercontrolmeansallowing determination (control) of metrological characteristics with the required accuracy.
5.2.2Upon the receipt ofnegative resultsduring one verification it’s necessary to stop verification of the meter.