Cycle Scheme
The Trust have teamed up with Cyclescheme Ltd to offer employees the opportunity to purchase Cycles via a ‘Salary Sacrifice Scheme’ so they may be used to cycle to work, which is part of the Government’s Green Transport Plan Initiative.
To find out more about Cyclescheme Ltd visit their websitewhich provides details of the Scheme.
If you wish to take part in this scheme follow the process below:
- Log onto to find local bike shops involved in the scheme “Partner Shops”.
- Visit shop and obtain a quotation of up to £1000.00 including VAT for your chosen bike, and if required safety equipment.
- Log onto . This will personalise site for NNUH employees, scroll down and click ‘request your certificate’. At this stage you will be requested to digitally sign Hire Agreement.
- Request sent to NNUH (NNUH will check you are a permanent member of staff or that you have 13 months remaining on a fixed term contract, are over 18 and that the salary deduction does not make your salary drop below the minimum wage. If authorised, NNUH will digitally counter sign your hire agreement).
- An automated email will be sent to you with your completed hire agreement (which you can print if you wish to do so).
- Invoice sent to NNUH who obtain voucher by paying Cyclescheme.
- Voucher is sent to the Travel Office with ESR; we phone you and ask you to sign ESR and collect the voucher.
- Just take the voucher and form of ID to the shop and collect your new bike. (Allowing for the fact that Cyclescheme only invoices the NNUH once a month, forms go back and forth and with the raising of an ESR it is best to allow up to 6–8 weeks to get to this stage.)
- The value of the voucher is deducted from your GROSSsalary over 12 months.
- At the end of the hire period the owner of the bike may choose to offer the employee ownership of the bike for a full market value. Cyclescheme will contact you with three options open to staff:
- Option 1.
At the end of the agreement staff can make an extra payment for the full market value. This payment allows you to keep the bike. HMRC has published the following ‘Valuation Table’ to be used to calculate the market value of bicycles and safety equipment at the end of the hire period:
The valuation table:
- Option 2.
The most attractive option for employees is to pay a small, refundable deposit (3% or 7% of the certificate value – see table above) and continue to use the bicycle for up to 36 months via an Extended Use Agreement.
At the end of this period, no further action or payment is required if employee wishes to keep the bicycle. If the employee does not wish to keep the bicycle Cyclescheme refund the deposit.
- Option 3
Equipment returned to Cyclescheme.
Please contact the Travel Office if you have any questions
Travel OfficeJuly 2013