Deletion of Program/Major, Minor, Cognate,
Concentration, Course(s), Certificate,
or Requirement
Select Action(s): / Program/Major / Minor / Cognate / Concentration / Course(s)
Certificate / Requirement
Title of Program/Major, Concentration, Cognate, Certificate, Minor, Course(s) or Requirement to be Deleted:
College/School/Center or Department Initiating Change:
Originator of this Proposal:
Delivery Format: / Resident Online Both / Requested
Effective Date:
Substantive Change: / Yes No
To ensure compliance with SACSCOC policies, you MUST check if the program you are deleting requires a Substantive Change Request from SACSCOC. Teach out plans must be approved in advance of implementation by SACSCOC. Refer to policy at:
- Provide a rationale for deletion of Program/Major, Concentration, Cognate, Certificate, Minor, Course(s) or Requirement
- Program/Major Completion
If this is a deletion of individual courses or requirements, will this affect students’ ability to complete a program or major? Yes No
- Deletion of Course(s)/Requirement(s)
If deletion of individual courses or requirements, what will be the effect on programs or majors as a whole?Submit a draft DCP prepared using the DCP Tracking Tool (for each program affected by the course or requirement deletion.
Course(s)/Requirement(s) / Affected Programs- CourseDeletions
Are there other programs (concentrations, cognates, certificates) affected by the deletion of individual courses? Were the departments offering theses concentrations, cognates or certificates notified? Please provide a list of other programs affected by the deletion and documentation that departments affected by the deletion have been notified (provide as Appendix).For each program affected by the course deletion, submit a draft DCPprepared using the DCP Tracking Tool (
Department / Date Notified / Affected Program(s)- Online Programs: If proposed deletion affects a program, concentration, cognate or certificate offered in the online format, secure an endorsement from the Office of State Approvals ().
- All Programs:If deleting a program that affects either Liberty University en Español or a Certificate program, provide evidence (as Appendix) that the change has been communicated to the appropriate entity. It is the responsibility of the school/department that controls the curriculum to submit changes for programs offered in the bilingual format.
Department / Date Notified / Affected Program(s)
- Graduate Programs: If deleting a program that is a dual degree program with the School of Law, provide evidence (as Appendix) that the change has been communicated to the School of Law. It is the responsibility of the school/department that controls the curriculum to submit changes for dual degree programs offered by the School of Law.
Department / Date Notified / Affected Program(s)
Please Note: It is imperative that each school/department with a program affected by the change in the status of a program/major/minor/cognate/concentration/certificate, also submit the proper form to report the change; changes must be recorded on the DCP using the DCP Tracking Tool. It is the responsibility of the department making the change to ensure that this occurs. When possible, DCP changes for programs affected by the change can be submitted with the proposal that triggers the change.
- Teach Out Plan
When a program/major or certificate is deleted consideration must be given to the number of students enrolled.Provide a three-year history of program enrollment.
Enrollment HistoryDelivery Format / Fall 20__ / Fall 20__ / Fall 20_
Distance Education (Online)
Include the following information for the teach-out plan:
1.Provide a proposed schedule for phasing out the program/major, or certificate.
2.Provide the number of students that will be affected by the deletion.
Name of Program/Major/Certificate / Students / Number AffectedResidential
3.How will affected parties (students, faculty, staff) be informed of the impending closure?Include timeline for notification and copy of notification(s) as an appendix.
Name of Program/Major/Certificate / Date ofClosure / Parties Affected / Date of Notification
Residential Students
Online Students
4.Give an explanation of how students will be helped to complete their programs of study with minimal disruption or expense. Detail alternative acceptable measures (e.g., course substitutions) to facilitate students’ program completion.
Course Substitution List (as applicable)Deleted Course / Course Substitution / Delivery Format
5.Provide a list of courses affected by the deletion.
CoursesAffected by Program DeletionCourse Prefix/Number / Course Title / Delivery Format
- How does this impact faculty, library, physical and financial resources?
- Provide documentation that faculty and other groups were involved in decision. (Include Minutes)
Meeting date(s) / Meeting Name/Location
Approval to Submit Proposal:
Associate Dean, Department Chair or Director / Date
Dean of School/College / Date
Revised 9/21/2015 1