Alumni Career Mentoring Programme

Linking Management School students

withthe University’s alumni

MentorApplication Form


Lynn Whiteside

Employability Manager

University of Stirling Management School

Tel: 01786 467418


Emily Sandwell

Careers Adviser

Career Development Centre

Tel: 01786 466087


Overview of the role of an Alumni Mentor:

  1. Every Alumni Mentor will be an experienced alumna/us of the University of Stirling, who through their actions and work will help students to better equip themselves in the market place.
  1. Alumni Mentors will be active in a specific sector or sectors, or to be a recognised professional, and will focus their support, assistance and guidance in their specialist area(s).
  1. Where advice is sought outside the specialist area, or where help is not possible or appropriate, the Alumni Mentor should refer the Mentee back to the Employability Manager.
  1. Alumni Mentors will be able to provide on-going professional support over an agreed period of time and the following is a rough guide of what we recommend:
  • This might include face-to-face meetings (for the first introduction and dependent on location), emails and phone calls when appropriate
  • It is anticipated that mentoring may be online with recommended contact not being in excess of 1-2 hours per month
  • If possible, we recommend 2-3 face-to-face meetings throughout the mentor period
  • At all times the Alumni Mentor must control the relationship and its parameters and agree a date of conclusion/termination (anticipated May 2018).
  1. Alumni Mentors should:
  • Possess good communication skills, patience and a non-judgemental manner;
  • Be able to devote sufficient time to help make the mentoring relationship work;
  • Have a strong rapport with younger people, and an interest in developing their potential;
  • Be prepared to share relevant experiences with your Mentee.
  1. Alumni Mentors must also be prepared to complete an evaluation of the service.


The information you provide here will be used to match you to a suitable student. Every effort will be made to match your University subject and/orprofessional experience to their needs. However, this is not always possible and it is important to bear in mind that the mentoring process is about support and advice generally.

First name: / Surname:
Date of birth: / Male / Female (Delete as appropriate)
Home address:
Job title:
Organisation and business address:
Mobile number: / Additional number:
Email address:
Do you have any disabilities? / Yes / No(If yes, please statee.g. dyslexia, diabetes, hearing or visual impairments)
Course of Study:
Year of graduation:
Student status: / Home / EU / International (delete as appropriate)

Please provide a brief insight into your role/profession:

What do you hope to achieve from being involved in the Alumni Careers Mentoring Programme?

How/what, do you think you can contribute to the mentoring relationship?

Any other comments?

Alumni Declaration

  • I accept that I have a responsibility to keep in regular contact with the student and inform them a week in advance of any meetings (online or in person) I cannot attend;
  • I will keep the Employability Manager informed of developments such as difficulty or breakdown in the mentoring process as quickly as possible;
  • If, for whatever reason, the student and I miss an interaction, I accept that I have a responsibility to pursue contact with him or her;
  • If I decide to withdraw from the programme, I agree to contact the Employability Manager straightaway;
  • I agree to complete and return evaluation questionnaires and to provide a testimonial at the end of the Alumni Career Mentoring Programme;
  • I agree to my information being kept by the University of Stirling so I can be contacted in the future for evaluation and monitoring purposes.

I declare that all the information contained within this form to be true and accurate.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please return your completed form to:

Lynn Whiteside

Employability Manager

University of Stirling Management School

Stirling FK9 4LA

Or by email to

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