If the Club Trains Two (2 ) Nights a Week This Will Mean 12 Sessions Per 6 Week Cycle

Under 14 Cycle 1
Ball Possession / TOTAL SESSIONS
…… / 12 ------…… / 18
Main Focus
Key Principles / Allocation
Structured Build Up
Controlled Possession in Preparation Phase
Creative Combination play to create Goal scoring opportunities
Individual skill to create and convert Goal scoring opportunities
Ball Possession Opponent / TOTAL SESSIONS
…… / 12 ------…… / 18
Main Focus
Key Principles / Allocation
Win the ball back as soon as possible
Win the ball back as close to the oppositions goal as possible
Deny opponents time and space to build up
Limit opponents ability to create goal scoring opportunities
…… / 12 ------…… / 18
Main Focus
Key Principles / Allocation
Immediate transition into BPO positions
Immediate transition into BP positions
Press the ball immediately on loss of possession
Quick forward passing
Limit opponent’s forward passing and movement

If the club trains two (2 ) nights a week this will mean 12 sessions per 6 week cycle

If the club trains three ( 3 ) nights a week this will mean 18 sessions per 6 week cycle

Under 14 ‘s CYCLE 1
Day / Main Moment / Key Principle
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
WK 6
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
WK 6
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
WK 6
Under 14 Cycle 2
Ball Possession / TOTAL SESSIONS
…… / 12 ------…… / 18
Main Focus
Key Principles / Allocation
Structured Build Up
Controlled Possession in Preparation Phase
Creative Combination play to create Goal scoring opportunities
Individual skill to create and convert Goal scoring opportunities
Ball Possession Opponent / TOTAL SESSIONS
…… / 12 ------…… / 18
Main Focus
Key Principles / Allocation
Win the ball back as soon as possible
Win the ball back as close to the oppositions goal as possible
Deny opponents time and space to build up
Limit opponents ability to create goal scoring opportunities
…… / 12 ------…… / 18
Main Focus
Key Principles / Allocation
Immediate transition into BPO positions
Immediate transition into BP positions
Press the ball immediately on loss of possession
Quick forward passing
Limit opponent’s forward passing and movement

If the club trains two (2 ) nights a week this will mean 12 sessions per 6 week cycle

If the club trains three ( 3 ) nights a week this will mean 18 sessions per 6 week cycle

Under 14 ‘s CYCLE 2
Day / Main Moment / Key Principle
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
WK 6
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
WK 6
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
WK 6