The Contact (or Program Planner)….
1. Invites the speakers
2. Identifies the program content
3. Identifies the learning objectives and outcomes
4. Helps the speakers understand the audience
5. Negotiates travel expenses and fees, if any
6. Drafts the program abstract for speaker review
7. Activates the contract in the database
8. Sets up the program description in the database
9. Publicizes the program through social media
10. Determines if Speakers:
A. are knowledgeable of anticipated audience, program format and objectives
B. have submitted their electronic handouts for TLA website and mobile app
C. have submitted their bios for TLA to add to the mobile app
D. have submitted their photos for TLA to add to the mobile app
11. Orders AV equipment in consultation with speakers, if any.
12. Coordinate with all panel members to review content, approach, and flow. / The Convener….
- May or may not have been the primary contact during the early phase of the planning
- If not the previous contact, introduces himself/herself as the new point of contact
- Determines if the convener will moderate the panel
- Determines if speakers:
- know your cell phone # and you know theirs
- know where and when their program is scheduled and when/where to meet you
- know where conference registration is
- know logistics about airport arrival and hotel
- are aware of what AV, if any will be in the room and notify TLA of any changes/updates/special needs
- encourage speakers to use social media to promote their TLA presentation
- Asks a colleague to serve as a buddy to run for assistance if a problem arises during the program
- Determine if the convener will moderate the panel
- Notifies speakers of parties or events that might be of interest and alert TLA of any ticket requests
- Asks TLA for a complimentary meal ticket, if appropriate, for non-Texas librarians
- At conference picks up the following:
- Honorarium check, if appropriate, at the April 18th meeting or at Registration Management Counter located in Registration Area
- Hospitality gift from Hospitality Counter and takes to the program
- During the program, convenes the program, introduces the speakers and adjourns the program:
- Ensures that the program starts on time and ends of time
- Facilitates Q&A, if any
- Ensures that speakers use microphones if in room
- Ensures that questions are repeated for the audience.
- Has a question ready if there are no questions from the floor.
- Warmly thanks the speakers and gives gifts.
- Notifies the Meeting Room Assistance volunteers of any missing or mal-functioning equipmentduring the program.
- Blogs, Tweets, or Facebooks about the program and speakers before & after it is over.
- After conference, sends speakers a note of appreciation. It's Texas Hospitality!
Sunday, September 30, 2018