
I will instantiate you. When I create you, I will give some tennis balls and money.

If someone tries to check how much money you have (w/o asking), slap their hand and say none of your business.

If I ask how much money you have, reply how much.

When you are instantiated:

  1. Create the juggler, give him 3 balls. Say “name, you are a juggler, here are 3 balls”
  2. Create the 3 acrobats saying “name, you are spinning acrobat”,then “name, you are spinning acrobat”; then “name, you are a dancing acrobat”
  3. Create an audience director saying “name, you are an audience director”
  4. Try again, create an audience director saying “name, you are an audience director with 2 audience members.”

Afterwards say return.

When I ask you to startAct.

If the money is >5, do the following:

  • you will tell juggler to juggle (sometimes say number of balls you want him to juggle (from 1-4), sometimes do not).
  • Tell the acrobats one by one to act.
  • Tell the audience director to “make clap”

If the money <5, say “not enough money to perform”, give the money back.

When I ask you to “add audience” tell the audience director to “add member” return true or false;

When all is done say return.


You will be given a number of tennis balls when you are instantiated.

If asked you will say how many tennis balls you brought.

If told to juggle and a number, you juggle that number of balls.

If just told to juggle, juggle three by default.

If you are told an amount you cant do (more than balls you have) reply “I cant do that, I don’t have enough balls”.

Afterwards say return.


Dancing actors, when you are asked to act, you will ask the dice(do not refer to them by name) for a roll and dance for that many seconds.

Spinning actors When you are asked to act, ask the Dice (do not refer to them by name) for a roll and spin that number of times.

Turn completely around that many times.


You will roll the dice and say the result

Audience director:

When you get appointed director, immediately appoint the number of audience members that are asked for by the narrator. If they don’t give you a number of members, get upset at narrator.

After getting info from narrator appoint that number of audience members.

If asked for reply how many audience members you have.

If the director tells you to tell them to clap, individually tell them to clap by saying Audience1_name, Audience2_name, going through the same order that you appointed them.

If the narrator tells you to “add member” get a new audience member; appoint a new person as an audience member. Return true or false if possible and accomplished).

Audience Person

You will clap when and only when told to clap.


Dancing actors, when you are asked to act, you will ask the dice(do not refer to them by name) for a roll and dance for that many seconds.

Spinning actors When you are asked to act, ask the Dice (do not refer to them by name) for a roll and spin that number of times.

Turn completely around that many times.


Dancing actors, when you are asked to act, you will ask the dice(do not refer to them by name) for a roll and dance for that many seconds.

Spinning actors When you are asked to act, ask the Dice (do not refer to them by name) for a roll and spin that number of times.

Turn completely around that many times.









Spinning Acrobat


Spinning Acrobat
