Danish Disability Fund



To be filled in by DPOD
Disability Fund ref. no.
Date received
1. Cover page
Applicant (Danish member organisation)
Contact person / Name:
Other Danish partner organisation(s)
Course provider
Title of course
Course venue
Amount applied for / DKK:
Period / Commencement date: / Completion date: / Number of of days/ months:
No. of participantsapplied for / Female: / Male: / Total
Name, country and partner org. of each participant / Name of participant / Partner country: / Partner organisation:
Do you want a response letter in: / [ ] Danish or
[ ] English
Synthesis of background and objective of the application
(max 150 words – must be written in Danish, even when the rest of the application is in English. This will be used as a presentation of the pre-study on DPOD’s website.)

Guide to the application form

This application form must be used to apply for support for partners’ participation in courses through external course providers, folk high schools, etc. The form consists of three parts.

Part 1.Cover page

Factual information about the applicant and intervention.

Part 2.Narrative application

Description of the intervention, its background and future perspectives. The narrative application should follow the structure of the format, and must be written in a manner which can be understood by an external reader without prior knowledge of the context, intervention or applicant.

Each question comes with a guiding text and/or sub-questions written in italics, on a coloured background, and demarcated by square brackets [...].This guiding text must be deleted before the application is submitted. Alternatively, the application can be written in a ‘CLEAN’ version of the application format which does not contain any explanatory text.

The narrative application in Part 2 may take up no more than 5 standard pages.

Del 3. Budget summary

The main items of the budget drawn up for the intervention. Please note that the budget summary must be elaborated upon in an annex using the ‘F4_Kurser-Budget format.”

Del 4. List of annexes

A list of the obligatory and supplementary annexes underpinning the application.

Please also keep in mind that:

The application must be drawn up in cooperation between the Southern partner and the Danish applicant organisation. Accordingly, a document must available in a language understood by the Southern partner. The actual application, however, can only be submitted in Danish or English.

Submit application to:

The signed application, annexes and checklist must be emailed to:

2. Narrative application

Length of application 5 pages.

  1. Which partner organisation(s) do(es) the participant(s) come from?
  1. Who are the participant(s), what is their role in their organisations, and are involved inany interventions supported by the Danish Disability Fund?
  1. How have they been selected? By whom and according to what criteria?

(Also annex the CV(s) of participant(s).)

  1. What course is it (main objectives of the programme)?
  1. Why have you chosen this particular course?
  1. How is the course relevant in view of the South partner(s) strategic plans and needs?
  1. How much contact do you expect to have with the course participants during the course?
  1. If the course takes place in Denmark, then how do you expect to involve the participants, in the following during their stay?
  2. The Danish organisations work in general in Denmark?
  3. The Danish organisationsdevelopment work?
  4. Visits arranged to other relevant actors/organisations/institutions?
  5. Social activities (Danish family dinner, picnic, sightseeing or similar)?
  1. How do you expect participants to make use of their knowledge when they return from the course? Which specific success criteria do you have for the participant(s) after the course? To what extent have these success criteria been discussed and agreed with the South partner?
  1. How do you intend to follow up on the success criteria together with the South partner after the course?
  1. How will you seek to ensure that the knowledge gained by the participant(s) during the course is embedded in the organisation (as opposed to only in the participant) and is utilised in the work of the organisation?

3. Budget summary

Please provide a summary of the main budget items below.

A detailed budget with notes must be submitted in as an annex using the ‘F4 Courses – budget format’. In case disability compensation is applied for, this must be set out in a separate tab in the budget format.

See also DPOD’s “Guide to the preparation of budgets for the Danish Disability Fund” (in Danish).

The numbering of the main budget lines below may not always be continuous. This is due to the Disability Fund making use of the same overall budget lines (1-15) across different funding modalities, with the budget summary below only including budget lines of relevance to this funding modality.

Main budget items: / Financing plan
Full amount / Of this, from the Disability Fund / Of this, from other sources
1. Activities total
1.1 Course fee
1.2 Stay and per diem (daily allowance)
1.3 Travel expenses
1.4 Meetings and travel expenses, if any, in Denmark
  1. Evaluation

9. Total project expenses (budget line 1+7)
10. Budget margin
11. Disability compensation
12. Contribution towards auditing[1]
13. Subtotal (Budget line 9-12)
14. Administration in Denmark (max. 7% of 13)
15. Total (Budget line 13+14)
4. Annexes
  1. Updated ‘Partner Profile’
  2. CV of applicant(s)
  3. Budgetformat

Only attach annexes that are of crucial importance to understanding or assessing the application for course participation.

Annex no. / Annex title:

Please note:

  • All annexes are submitted by email along with the application
  • All annexes should be submitted in a format that allows for easy photocopying (i.e. no magazines, books or newspaper cuttings, but A4-sized copies of relevant excerpts thereof).
  • Annex A: Partner profile must be filled in and signed by the South partner(s). You are welcome to submit it in a photocopied/scanned version. If this annex is written in Spanish or French by the partner(s), a translation into Danish or English must be attached.
  • In addition to the above mentioned annexes, all member organisations engaged in development cooperation must submit the following documents by email to DPOD once a year:
  • Statutes
  • Annual report
  • Audited annual accounts
  • Updated Development Profile (U-landsprofil)


Application – F4: Courses – DANISH DISABILITY FUND (Oct.2016)

[1] In the case of grants below DKK 100,000, the Danish Disability Fund’s contribution is DKK 1000.

In the case of grants above DKK 100,000, the Danish Disability Fund’s contribution is DKK 2000.