
1.What should I do ifI want enhancements to an existing module?

Submit your request to the Process Manager who will review and will add your request to their backlog.

The ITSM team will dedicate approximately 10-20% of each sprint to maintenance activities, such as enhancements to existing modules, upgrades, bug fixes, and ServiceNow maintenance releases.

Process Managers with active products in production (i.e., backlog items) will meet on a monthly basis to prioritize their enhancement requests for the ITSM roadmap.

Process Managers may choose to convene a Special Interest Group (SIG) to collect user feedback and assist them in prioritizing the roadmap.

2.My enhancements didn’t make the roadmap cut – how do I get them prioritized?

Work with the Process Manager to determine if a Special Interest Group formation may speed up the process. The Process Manager is responsible to ensure requests represent the needs of the general user community. Note that the Process Manager may not agree that the enhancement represents the best interests of the user community.

3.The features or functionality I want are not represented by an existing Process Manager. I want a new module.What do I do?

You may form a Special Interest Group to explore the opportunities! Special Interest Groups can operate independently of the roadmap process, and are designed to give you the flexibility to implement features, applications or unique modules in the platform. The Oversight committee approves all SIG proposals

4.Why can’t the ITSM team implement the new functionality? Why do I have to form a SIG? Isn’t that the ITSM team’s job?

Resources are finite. The demand for ServiceNow services far exceed the ITSM team’s capacity to fulfill the requests.The ITSM team is allocated to the ServiceNow roadmap and some enhancement work. The SIG model wasintroduced to enable the campus community to augment resources and address demand which is not in the current ITSM roadmap.

5.The SIG requirements seem to be restrictive and seems to include a lot of “busy work.” Why can’t the ITSM team enable the applications without all of the extra process work and documentation?

TheServiceNowenvironmentis tightly integrated, with many dependencies between applications. One change may impact many other modules or applications. The milestones and documentation are required to provide the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) the information necessary to assess the overall implementation plan and ensures that the post implementation training and support strategies have been thoughtfully considered.

6.If a Process Manager is also part of the Oversight Group, then theOversight group will get very big very fast. Will this be effective?

Only Process Managers with active modules in production will participate in the Oversight group.This is because these managers have an active interest in what is happening in production and should be informed as well as have a say about changes that may impact their services and processes in the ServiceNow roadmap.

SIGs are required to have a Process Manager however, if a SIG has not deployed the service module into production, then the Process Manager will not be involved in the Oversight Group.

Revised 04/13/2016 / Page: 1of3