Disability CAP

Wednesday 24th October 2012, West Park Pavilion, Nottingham


Pauline DakinLoughborough (Acting-Chair)

David HaynesNewark

Alan DoncasterNewark

Peter BuckmasterEdwinstowe

Dave PearsallNorthampton

Jade CrossmanNottingham

Alan MannersNottingham

Cynthia MannersNottingham (Observer)

Samantha BakewellLoughborough

Peter ScoffingsNCHA (Service Manager, Customer Contact)

Heather CookeNCHA (Resident Involvement Officer)

  1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
Apologies were received from Liz Blackburn, John & Janice Hansford, Sylvia Raymont, Cassandra Thomas and Jean Eastwood.
  1. Minutes of Last Meeting & Matters Arising
Adaptation– Peter had no feedback about the particular case as there are no details of who it relates to. However, he will chase up Maintenance about the general procedure for adaptations and decoration.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.
  1. Scooter Storage Budget Update
Peter advised that there has been no expenditure from the budget since the last meeting.
Peter is working to sort out the communal stores at Carrington Court. He is awaiting full costings, Maintenance are waiting for the quotes for the power supply. Peter has spoken to The Scooter Store about supplying bespoke stores, but they can’t do this. Peter has asked Colin Green (Technical Officer) to investigate alternatives to The Scooter Store, as they are coming in at approximately £2,000 each (for a single and a double). NCHA needs to ensure that the stores are secure in communal areas.
Alan had information from Trimetals, who produce stores.
There was concern about the security of communal stores and scooters being stolen. NCHA would have to insist that tenants have insurance for the scooters so they can’t claim off NCHA. Tenants would need to ensure that their personal home contents insurance would be valid.
There was a discussion about what type of scooter is covered by the budget. There was agreement that a golf buggy shouldn’t be included, only scooters that are used for mobility purposes.
David suggested getting the standard size of scooters and agreeing a rule that anything bigger than that can’t be accommodated in a communal store. The maximum size of scooters to be researched and agreed at the next meeting.
Samantha said that her scheme has a bike shed which she stores her scooter in. However, it doesn’t have a charging facility, but the scooter has a detachable battery which can be charged in her home.
Peter proposed that we wait for costings from Colin, which might enable us to accommodate a larger scooter. Once have the general maximum size and costings, Peter will contact the resident with the larger scooter. Also suggested that they contribute to the cost.
  1. Action Plan
Copies of the Action Plan were handed out.
Peter said that there had been comments that the Action Plan is too long and not focussed enough. It needs to encompass what Disability CAP is aiming to achieve. This could involve holding parts of NCHA to account over the service given to disabled people (eg ASB and how the victims or perpetrators with a disability are treated – this could be compared with other landlords). We could also look at personalised services for disabled people and how NCHA can improve this service.
The group requested that a representative from Allocations comes to a future meeting.
Pauline said it’s important that disabled people have an input into what is required in an adapted property. All agreed that it would be useful to visit a disabled-adapted property. Peter to identify a suitable property and 2 members of the CAP be nominated to visit. Samantha said that although her scheme isn’t disabled-adapted, it has wider doors and is accessible for people with a disability.
Peter said that the Nottingham office may re-locate in the future. We need to ensure that disabled residents are involved in the decision as need to ensure that the building will be accessible to both staff and tenants with a disability, eg car-park, disabled toilet, kitchen, working environment.
  1. Disability News Update
Peter said that a report was recently published that estimated that 450,000 people will be affected by the changes to Disability Living Allowance (DLA). The eligibility criteria for the Personal Independence Payments (PIP) is still to be confirmed, but the criteria will be stricter and many people will no longer be eligible, leading to the required savings of £2,000,000. Both children and adults will be affected by the changes. Peter to put together a fact sheet for the next meeting.
There is an online petition that can be accessed by the public. If this gets 100,000 signatures it may allow the issue to be debated in Parliament.
Underoccupation could be an issue for disabled people – tenants would have to prove that a disabled person / child needs their own room. If a property is adapted, it has been suggested people could get a discretionary Housing Benefit payment if classed as under-occupying.
  1. Training
Universal Credit / PIP Training – the course can be run in-house at NCHA, open to Disability CAP members and then opened up to other CAPs. Agreed that February / March 2013 would be the best time to run the course. Peter to organise with Training.
Mobility Roadshow – Heather gave out information about the Mobility Roadshow, to be held in Telford in June 2013. Anyone interested to arrange to visit themselves, travel costs will be reimbursed.
TPAS – “Understanding Housing Management Performance Information” e-learning course. Peter interested.
CiH – Certificate in Housing Practice – Peter and Jade interested.
  1. Tenant's Issues (Relevant to Disability CAP)
Peter has followed up an issue with Design on behalf of Mr & Mrs Hansford. Design are contacting the builder about the doorframes. Peter will be ensuring the issue is resolved.
  1. Any Other Business
Alan said that Nottingham City Council have withdrawn his Disabled Person’s Bus Pass as they changed the eligibility criteria. Alan and Cynthia have involved their local MP in this issue, in particular they want to access their medical assessment record.
Heather talked about the “SOS” mobile phone. This has large keys and the SOS button can be programmed with a specific number to be used in an emergency. Members agreed these are good idea for the elderly and disabled and recommended that an article goes in Link about how to get one.
  1. Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 5th December at 10:30am, West Park Sports Pavilion, West Bridgford. Meeting will be followed by lunch with all CAPs and election of officers to Disability CAP and membership of the Main Group. / Action