WBRU 1960s Production, Vol 1, June 2005Page 1

WBRU 1960s Production, Vol 1

Produced by Fred Brack, June 2005

WBRU AM Production

Here are some recordings excerpted mainly from air-checks, so they may end a bit abruptly or have voices in the middle. Thanks go to Mark Jordan for many of them.

Early 1960s Production (from Pete Tannenwald)

  1. WBRU Promos - 2 by Jane DiFusco with Paul Payton on piano
  2. Spring Spectacular Promo #1 (Dave Pearce)
  3. Spring Spectacular Promo #2 (Dave Pearce & ?)
  4. Spring Spectacular Promo #3 (Dave Pearce & ?)
  5. WBRU Record Hop Ad - maybe Rick Pike
  6. Yankee Motor Inn Ad - with commentary by Pete Tannenwald
  7. Hurd Electronics Ad - Dave Pearce

More Early 1960s Production (from Don Harris)

  1. News Intro (Bob Kuller)
  2. Weather Jingle
  3. WBRU/NBC News Promo (by Jack Edmonston)
  4. Nightcap Promo (by Mike Gradison)
  5. Beacon Record Shop Ad featuring a Ray Charles recording (Bob Kuller)
  6. Station Signoff (by Mike Gradison)

Station and Show Promos

  1. 'General WBRU AM Promo - Dave Pearce and Jerry Hubeny (note the reference to the TWO frequencies on which we broadcast, 560 and 670, but later on we referred to the frequency as 570 or 57, as in the following...)
  2. BRU is Happening 18 Hours a Day - Dave Pearce
  3. Midday Matinee Promo - Jerry Hubeny
  4. Relaxing Music Promo - Dave Pearce
  5. Saturday Promo - Jerry Hubeny, with a stolen jingle!
  6. WBRU Oldies Promo - Fred Brack
  7. NBC News Promo - Fred Brack, George Hyde, Dave Pearce, plus the voices of a few memorable NBC newsman from the 60s
  8. BrownUniversity Sports – Jerry Hubeny, Pete Bedard

Mid-1960s Jingles

  1. Station ID (Radio 57) - commercial jingle
  2. Radio 570 - commercial jingle
  3. Fabulous 57 - commercial jingle
  4. All New 570 - Jerry Hubeny with commercial jingle
  5. The Swinging One - Jerry Hubeny with commercial jingle

Show and Feature Intros and Exits

  1. Eye Opener Intro - Fred Brack, with the up-beat intro to our morning show!
  2. What We Will Eat Today Intro and Exit - Rick Pike, to introduce the Ratty's menu, specializing in Feeney Burgers! The clip at the end is from Screamin' Jay Hawkins' "I Put a Spell on You"
  3. Campus Crier Intro and Exit - Dave Pearce
  4. Campus Crier Intro - Don Berns
  5. Grooveyard Intro - Paul Payton (we think)
  6. Rhythm Section Intro for Mark Jordan
  7. 1965 Oldies Intro - Jerry Hubeny
  8. Now Sound 570 - Jerry Hubeny
  9. Let's Go Gold - Jerry Hubeny
  10. News Exit - Dave Pearce


  1. Beacon Record Shop Ad - Jerry Hubeny, doing one of MANY ads we did for Beacon (for which we were paid in records!)
  2. Herbert Brown Clothing Store Ad - Mark Jordan from air check
  3. Morrison's Typewriters Ad - Mark Jordan from air check
  4. 'BRU Record Hop Ad - Roger Norton from air check with Mark's adlib in middle
  5. Concert Mixer at Meehan - Bob Mulholland from air check

Public Service Announcements

  1. PSA for the Peace Corps - Nick Reynolds, Kingston Trio.
  2. PSA for the Jimmy Fund - Interesting for historical purposes re the status of polio at the time.

Stan Freberg TB and Emphysema PSAs

These are scratchy reproductions off the LP "Fun-and-Music, Monthly Health Education Spots," produced by Fred Arthur (with Stan Freberg's voice) for the National Tuberculosis Association on Decca Records, from the mid-1960s. While they probably weren't oriented particularly toward college students, the original record is scratchy because we found the spots so amusing that we played them all the time!

  1. You Look Like My Uncle
  2. Seen But Not Heard
  3. Coughing More?
  4. I've Had 'Em All
  5. Testing One Out of Five
  6. Gimme a TB Test
  7. Big Bad Wolf
  8. The Glassblower
  9. If You Can Say It
  10. Spell It Backwards
  11. Don't Spell It -- Tell It
  12. Blow Out the Match

WBRU FM Production

Here is a collection of vintage show intros, promotions, and PSAs that we used on ‘BRU FM.

Station IDs and News Intros

  1. THE Station ID! (0:20). The late Bob-a-Loo (Robert Lewis Schwartzman, who died in 1987) supplied the professional voice.
  2. The musical bed for the station ID. (0:21) Instead of Bob-a-Loo, YOU got to try your hand at saying "WBRU in Providence" in the gap. Go ahead, try it! The music is from the end of the song "The Big Blowout" from Henry Mancini's album, "Breakfast at Tiffany's." I'm not sure who to credit for this innovative ID.
  3. Station IDs (0:34). Music '67.
  4. Station IDs and News Intros (1:07). Bob-a-Loo again on the first one.
  5. Headline News Intro (0:11).
  6. The musical bed (extended) for the News Intro (0:15). The song is "NOLA," from the album, "The Big Band Sound of Sid Ramin."
  7. Bulletin Intro (0:16). I can remember dragging the needle on the record with high reverb set on the recorder, duplicating the track, and splicing them together! Then we added a recording of our teletype in the newsroom.


  1. The Morning Show (0:31). Voiced by Mark Jordan and Andy Fisher.
  2. Women's World/News (0:36). 9-noon show. Voiced by Andy Fisher.
  3. Destination Jazz Promos (1:06). 10 to 1 nightly.
  4. First Anniversary Promo (0:48). For February 21st, 1967.

Show Intros

  1. Music 67 Day Intros (2:40). These brief intros started with upbeat music and ended with silence. The idea was to use them right out of a newscast, for example, to lead into the first song of the hour. I used to cringe when a DJ insisted upon speaking between the intro and the song!
  2. Music 67 Night Intros (2:19). Yawn. These sleepy intros served the same purpose as the day intros, but for downbeat nighttime tunes...
  3. Destination Jazz (0:51). From the end of "Sister Sadie," by Horace Silver from the 1959 album, "Blowin' the Blues Away."

Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

  1. Public Service Announcements (1:59). Four PSAs for the Peace Corp, Freedom From Hunger Campaign, and the College Fund.


  1. Station Signoff (2:19). "Image, Part 1," by Hank Levine and his Orchestra. This was also used as theme music on Paul Payton's Sunday "Spotlight" show.*

Music '67 Demo

In 1967, we called our music format Music '67, which featured many artists of the day (Herb Alpert, Petula Clark, etc.). We created a Music '67 Demo to play for potential advertisers (a rare commodity in those days!). This 12-minute demo gives an excellent overview of the programming back then.

  1. The Music '67 Demo (narrated by Fred Brack, with the voices of Bob-a-Loo, Mark Jordan, Paul Payton, Rob Sloan, Jerry Hubeny, Pete Bedard)

Expo 67

Expo 67 was a huge world fair in Montreal, Canada. At the end of the summer in 1967, Fred Brack, Mark Jordan, and Andy Fisher traveled north with a portable tape recorder to do interviews and impressions of the fair for later rebroadcast on WBRU. Here are a few recorded excerpts from that event.

  1. Expo 67 Promo (0:46, Fred Brack)
  2. Outtakes From Creating a Variation of the Promo (1:01; Fred Brack with NO help from Don Berns!)
  3. Our Expo 67 Intro (2:42, played before each interview; Fred Brack)
  4. The Kodak Exhibit (1:12; Andy Fisher, Fred Brack)
  5. The Czechoslovakia Exhibit (3:39, excerpt; Andy Fisher)
  6. The Japanese Exhibit (1:22; Mark Jordan, Andy Fisher)

Air-Check Clips

A good DJ/Announcer makes periodic air-check recordings to see how he or she sounds. A few of us actually saved some of these things, and (remembering that we were just amateurs, please) we present a few here for nostalgic or occasionally amusing moments! Unless otherwise noted, these are AM campus-only air-checks, NOT FM!

  1. Newscast excerpt - (FM) President Johnson's programs, Draft Law, Discredited Congressmen, by Mark Jordan
  2. Campus Crier - by Mark Jordan
  3. Record Hop Ad and adlibs! - by Mark Jordan
  4. Spotlight Promo (Lee Edwards/Paul Payton) and Station ID (Dave Pearce) w/Jerry Hubeny adlibs in Dec '64
  5. Thought for the Day - Bob Kingston (Mulholland) over Dave Pearce production
  6. WBRU Request Line from Kingston/Jordan air-check (Kingston = Bob Mulholland)
  7. Combined Time, Temperature, Weather Intro - by Jerry Hubeny, from Kingston/Jordan air-check
  8. Sound Sandwich - by Jerry Hubeny, from Kingston/Jordan air-check

This CD was produced in June, 2005, by:

Fred Brack

8505 Davishire Dr

Raleigh, NC27615

(919) 847-7268

from sound files collected and edited by Fred and stored on the WBRU in the 1960s website:



Fred Brack

Brown ‘68