May 2009 IEEE P802.19-10-0083-00-0000
IEEE P802.19
Wireless Coexistence
Date: 17/05/10 to 21/05/10
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Junyi Wang / NICT / 3-4 Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, 239-0847, Japan / +81 46 847 5088 /
First session of the meeting was called to order on Monday 17 May 2010 at 13:00.
Junyi Wang from NICT, JAPAN would like to be the acting secretary.
The Chair opened the meeting and introduced the agenda in Document 802.19-10-0061R1
It was proposed to move approval of the March section minutes from Monday PM1 to Wednesday PM2 in order to wait for the response from Mark Austin for new revision due to comments.
The group approved the agenda with above modifications (13:35).
The Chair informed the TAG about the IEEE patent policy and showed the set of 5 slides identified as “Highlights of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards” available at the IEEE PATCOM web site ( He directed the secretary to record the fact that this presentation was made in the minutes for the meeting.
· 13:40 - The WG Chair made a call for essential patterns: none made.
The attendance system was reviewed and all delegates were asked to report any problems logging attendance to the Chair.
Main Body
Monday Working Group Opening
The meeting was called to order at 13:30
Document IEEE 802.19-10/0062r1 Logistics for July TVWS Workshop and IEEE 802.19-10/0066r1 Registration form
Presented by Joe Kwak
l Draft preliminary flyer was created to announce workshop.
l Some editorial changes were suggested to the Draft preliminary flyer document.
l It was suggested targeting more people and opening more room for the workshop attendance.
l Alex Reznik suggested using EDAS as the registration system and volunteered to check it.
l Registration form 66r1 was shown to the group
Ø The deadline for registration was set to July 6 midnight.
Ø It was noted that it is necessary to clarify in the form that attendance registration of 802 is not required for this workshop
Ø It was suggested asking scc41 as co-sponsor of this workshop, however there were some objections.
Ø The group made a consensus that it is no need to use online registrations as the registration information is only meaningful for P802.19 group.
Ø It was suggested having a website for workshop information and also the list of attendees (only name and affiliation without contact information)
The chair recessed the section at 14:45
Wednesday AM2 Mid week Plenary
The chair opened the section at 10:35
· Agenda reviewed.
Task Group 1 Report
The TG1 started hearing contributions from the group. Up to now there were two contributions in May meeting. The group worked on the workshop and was working on the registration at that moment. The group also worked on the tutorial. There was one section on Wednesday and 2 sections on Thursday, they were still open for contributions.
Approve March Meeting Minutes
Motion to amend the above motion by adding the phrase “with instruction to editor to add affiliation in the table of roll call vote for TG1 chair”
Moved by Joe Kwak
Seconded by Alex Reznik
Yes 2, No 1, abstain 9
Motion passed
Motion to approve document 802.19-10-0060r1with instruction to editor to add affiliation in the table of roll call vote for TG1 chair
Moved by Mika Kasslin
Seconded by Tuncer Baykas
Yes 8, No 0, abstain 2
Motion passed
Joe Kwak asked for an amendment to the motion to prove the minute by adding affliction to the table of the vote to the TG1.
Stanislav Filin doubled whether this is common practise in 802 group, Steve Shellhammer claimed that this is not common practise but just the work we did not do
It was indicated that, to clear the purpose of roll call vote, affiliation is required part.
Joe Kwak suggested people to realize that the table is already the information in the minutes; we just provide this information in different format.
Stanislav Filin objected Joe Kwak’s suggestion because he thought there is no reason to repeat the same information which has already been in the document.
It was noted that the roll call vote is to use to clarify the documentation and this has been done before by several task groups.
Through the motion, the group approved the minute document 802.19-10-0060r1 with instruction to editor to add affiliation in the table of roll call vote for TG1 chair.
New Business
Alex Reznik reported the status to use EDAS as a possible way for workshop registration: The mail is sent but no response. He suggested looking at some other means. The chairman suggested that E-mail system and a excel sheet may work well.
Document IEEE 802.19-10/0077r0 coexistence reconfiguration parameters
Presented by Steve Shellhammer
l The purpose of this presentation is to list possible coexistence reconfiguration parameters and to stimulate a good discussion
l Discussion:
Ø It is not reasonable to specify PHY layer modulation and coding rate, instead, spectrum efficiency in terms of bit/s/Hz can be specified. This will be changed and reflected in updated reversion.
Ø A single terminology shall be defined to support the different mechanisms with these parameters. A translation table from these standard to other standard is also needed
Ø It was noted that we should distingue the coexistence done by p802.19 and done by other project.
Ø It was indicated that the purpose of this proposal is to list all parameters we can take; The next step is to decide which parameters are important according to coexistence mechanism.
Ø It should be aware of the bound of interfere space, according to which the adjustable parameters for different system should be clarified.
Working group was recessed at 11:37
Thursday PM2 WG closing meeting
The working group closing meeting was called to order at 16:05
Task Group 1 Report
The TG1 Chair summarised works in this week (10/74r1)
• 5 Time Slots used
• 4 Technical contributions
– Coexistence of Multiple Secondary Networks in TVWS
Gabriel Villardi IEEE 802.19-10/72r0
– Coexistence Mechanism
Chunyi Song IEEE 802.19-10/71r0
– Channel Classification for 802.19.1 logical entities
Hyunduk Kang IEEE 802.19-10/78r0
– Coexistence Reconfiguration Parameters
Steve Shellhammer IEEE 802.19-10/77r1
• Preparation of the tutorial
• Preparation of the workshop
• 802.19/802.11/802.22 Joint Meeting
Teleconference schedule
It was noted that the conference call could be extended to include some other groups. The chair noted that it is much easier to scheduling our own conference
It is suggested to move the teleconference to Tuesday
Straw poll on the time of teleconference: Tuesday or Thursday ; 4 in favour of Tuesday , 6 in favour of Thursday
It was agreed that 07:00 AM~08:00 AM Pacific Time, on June 9 and June 23, Wednesday are OK for TG1 teleconference
One more teleconference at 30 June is scheduled at the closing report with the same time plan as the TG1.
Planning for July meeting
20101 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11
Task Group formed / x
System Design Document completed / x
Call for Proposals issued / x
Contribution presentations with straw polls / x / x / x / x
Proposal presentations / x / x
– Group is expecting contributions about possible proposals, coexistence techniques used in 802 systems, realistic deployment scenarios, and any 802.19 related topic.
– 802.19 Tutorial
– 802.19 Workshop
The chair ordered the following two presentations
Document IEEE 802.19-10/xxr0 P802.19.1 Tutorial - use cases
Presented by Alex Reznik
l Coexistence problem are explained, followed by use cases listed in the document: Home /Apartment /Farm/mall /Smartgrid /Transportation and logistics
l Discussions:
Ø It is noted that there is no normative text about coexistence in other MAC/PHY standards
Ø The working group chair clarified that any committee can host tutorial, procedurally, there is no rule about voting on the agreement of the tutorial document. The chair suggested not having to set unnecessary vote. Alex Reznik would like to seek agreement inside the group by adding co-author in the document to achieve the purpose of needing a vote.
Ø The “apartment” is changed into “Apartment building” to show there are multiple networks.
Ø It is noted that smart grid may also fit the apartment building use case, but it is a bigger use cases, it may be in the building but does other things.
Ø “Apartment building” is changed into multi-dwelling residential area as the use cases here is not only limited in TVWS. It is noted that use cases shall capture a challenges and highlight the problems.
Ø The chair suggested thinking more about applications.
Ø It is noted that use cases is to highlight the market instead of showing some technology solutions.
Ø A discussion on how to show the existence in use cases in order to show the importance of P802.19
Ø Alex Reznik requested group to provide use cases they are interested in and he will compile them.
Ø It is noted by the chair that we shall have at least one tutorial for P802.19, the presenters may goes sequentially with one of them controlling the document.
Ø It is suggested to postpone the discussion until the proposal is completed. Alex Reznik explained that these slides are just for comments.
Document IEEE 802.19-10/80r0 Tutorial – possible solutions
Presented by Mika Kasslin
l This slide set contains draft material for 802.19 tutorial on possible solutions to different aspects of the architecture
l Discussions:
Ø It is suggested that a template for use cases should be given. Mika Kasslin agreed to create a template.
Ø It was suggested that the system architecture figure shall be presented first in the tutorial so that everyone can understand what we are talking about
Ø It was suggested that transmit power control can be added as one of control functions.
Ø The time line shall be clarified in the workshop.
Meeting Adjourned at 17:37
Annex 1: Attendance
Last Name / First Name / Middle Name / AffiliationA / Antony / Franklin / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Baykas / Tuncer / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Chang / Kapseok / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Demessie / Yohannes / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Farlow / Charles / S / Medtronic, Inc.
Filin / Stanislav / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Gloger / Reinhard / Nokia Siemens Networks
Guo / Xin / Sony (China) Limited
Hwang / Sung / Hyun / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Iso / Akio / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
jo / junho / LG ELECTRONICS
Kang / Hyunduk / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Kasslin / Mika / Nokia Corporation
Kato / Shuzo / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Kim / Chang / Joo / ETRI
Kim / Yongsun / Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI)
Kwak / Joseph / InterDigital Communications, LLC
Lambert / Paul / Marvell Semiconductor
Lan / Zhou / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Lei / Zhongding / Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Liru / Lu / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Mirnezami / Siamak / SFM Systems
Rahman / Mohammad / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Reznik / Alex / InterDigital, Inc.
Ruuska / Paivi / Nokia
Sato / Naotaka / Sony Corporataion
Sawai / Ryo / Sony corporation
Shellhammer / Stephen / Qualcomm Incorporated
Song / Chunyi / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Sum / Chin-Sean / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Sun / Chen / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Tran / Ha / Nguyen / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Villardi / Gabriel / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Wang / Junyi / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Woo / Pyo / Chang / National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Zeng / Yonghong / Institute for Infocomm Research
Zhao / Nan / WG802.19
Submission page 1 Junyi Wang, NICT