SAMPLE GEP 101 First-Year Foundations: Fall 2017
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations, section___
Office location:______
Email: ______
Office phone: 417-836-____
Office hours: (And by appointment.)
From Your Instructor
Welcome to Missouri State! I look forward to working together with you this semester as you begin your journey to becoming a college graduate. I am dedicated to providing you the tools you need to succeed your first semester. If you ever need help or have questions about anything, please ask me!
Textbook and Resources
- Gardner, J. N. & Barefoot, B. O. (2017). Step by step to college and career success. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s
- Allen, W., & Wilson, C. (2013). The good food revolution: Growing healthy food, people, and communities. New Year: Penguin Group (Common Reader).
- Missouri State University Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2017 (online)
- The Current Students page on the University website:
- You need access to My.MissouriState.edu accounts to stay connected to both class and university announcements and to access our Blackboard site.
- Blackboard page: (You are automatically enrolled).
Highly Recommended
- Missouri State University Personal Campus Planner.2017-2018. Springfield, MO: Missouri State, 2017.
Catalog Description
An integrative and interdisciplinary experience that addresses public affairs issues and individual choices promoting academic success. Required of all freshmen during their first semester. Honors students must substitute UHC 110 for this class.
General Education Requirement
GEP 101 is a required foundational course that fulfills five general learning goals in the new general education program. These five general goals include the areas of Public Affairs, information literacy, and collaboration. Specific learning outcomes for these goals are described in the General Education Learning Goals and Specific Learning Outcomes section of the syllabus. This course must be passed to graduate.
Learning Goals & Specific Learning Outcomes
The next section describes the learning goals and specific learning objectives for GEP 101. Note: GEP 101 course goals designated with superscripts (E.g., 1,2,3,4,5 ) address General Education goals. The full list of general education goals are found on the Blackboard website.
GEP 101 Course Goals & Objectives
1,2,5 Goal 1: Students will develop the necessary skills to be academically successful and will understand the role of scholarship in the University and in larger society.
1 Objective A1: Students will develop information literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills in an academic area by successfully completing a research project or scholarly paper and orally presenting a summary of findings.
Objective B1: Students will develop knowledge and skills related to student success. (e.g., Goal Setting, Learning Styles, Study Skills, Time Management, Personal Finance, graduation plans, etc.)
5 Objective C1: Students will follow policies and practices of academic integrity and ethical behavior expected in the academic community.
2,3,4, 5 Goal 2: Students willcomprehend the importance of the University’s Public Affairs Mission, which includes community engagement, cultural competence and ethical leadership.
2,3,4,5 Objective A2: Students will be able to articulate and apply the University’s Public Affairs Mission through a critical analysis of a common reader.
2, 3,4,5 Objective B2: Students will create a collaborative group project, presentation, or participate in a service activity that illustrates the connection of the Public Affairs Mission to an academic course topic.
3,4 Objective C2: Students will be exposed to divergent perspectives in order to build an understanding of how diverse ideas strengthen a community.
2Goal 3: Students will establish campus connections and a supportive network of faculty, staff, and other students to facilitate a successful transition to the university.
Objective A3: Students will identify avenues for participation in student organizations and co-curricular activities.
2 Objective B3: Students will establish effective working relationships with their instructors, academic advisor, and other campus personnel as necessary.
Grading Scale
I will total the number of points available for the course and the points you have earned to figure your final grade using the following scale, which also applies to all assignments:
A = 93 – 100%; A- = 90 – 92; B+ = 87 – 89%; B = 83 – 86%; B- = 80 – 82%; C+ = 77 – 79%; C = 73 – 76%; C- = 70 – 72%; D+ = 67 – 69%; D = 60 – 66%; F = 59.99% and below. See Course Requirements for a listof point values and details.
Statement of Attendance Policy
Here are the guidelines for attendance in GEP 101:
- If you are not in class, you are still responsible for the information; you cannot make up class activities and points offered during classes you miss unless you make arrangements PRIOR to the absence. If you will be absent from class for a university-sanctioned event, you need to present written documentation to me PRIOR to the class you will miss in order to make up missed points.
- Students have the option of getting all information from a classmate, or the instructor if an absence is required.
- I do not tolerate tardiness.
- I will evaluate your ability to complete the course in the event of excessive undocumented absences.
- If you have an emergency that prevents you from attending all your classes, contact the Academic Advisement Center (417-836-5258), and an advisor will notify your instructors.
- Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class period of the due date to receive full credit. Student may receive up to 50% if the assignment is turned in within 24 hours of a due date. Assignments turned in after24 hours receive 0%. Exceptions will be made with verifiable emergencies. I understand “life happens” sometimes, so be sure to speak with me as soon as possible if you have an emergency, ora problem with a deadline.
Bottom line: If you’re not here, you will miss valuable input from your classmates, as well as the understanding provided through class discussions. I expect you to be here and to be ready to think and to participate.
Additional Classroom Policies
Student Responsibilities
The following policies explain the manner in which I expect students to conduct themselves in my classroom:
- Assignments--All assignments completed outside of class must be typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins unless told otherwise. Assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class period by the due date to receive full credit.
- Be prepared for class—assigned reading should be completed before class. In order for you to receive the most from this course, you need to be prepared to share your knowledge and to learn from your peers.
- Email—
- If you e-mail an assignment, ensure it is a Word document in .doc or .docx format. Ensure you have a subject and body to any e-mail when you are sending something in any professional setting, which includes this class.Note: Some of your assignments may be submitted via blackboard instead.
- Use proper e-mail etiquette when sending e-mails to each other or the instructor. These should be respectful, professional, not have slang (e.g. “u” instead of “you”), and be well-written. Be sure to include your name and GEP 101 section number in the subject line. E-mails should come from the Windows Live account you have as a student. As the instructor I will strive to have at least a 24 hour response rate to any e-mails, but realize that weekends might take longer for me to respond.
- Cell phones—should be put away—and should not serve as a distraction during class. If I see you texting during class, you will forfeit your participation points for the day.
- Communicate with Respect and Civility--In alignment with section 2.4 of the Missouri State Code of Students’ Rights and Responsibilities, all class communication must follow those guidelines to remain productive. I strongly encourage students to express their opinion, but not at the expense of being disrespectful to others.
University Policies
At the first class meeting, students should become familiar with a basic emergency response plan through a dialogue with the instructor that includes a review and awareness of exits specific to the classroom and the location of evacuation centers for the building. All instructors are provided this information specific to their classroom and/or lab assignments in an e-mail prior to the beginning of the fall semester from the Office of the Provost and Safety and Transportation. Students with disabilities impacting mobility should discuss the approved accommodations for emergency situations and additional options when applicable with the instructor. For more information, go to and
Academic Integrity Policy
Missouri State University is a community of scholars committed to developing educated persons who accept the responsibility to practice personal and academic integrity. You are responsible for knowing and following the university’s student honor code, Student Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures at the following website: Any student participating in any form of academic dishonesty will be subject to sanctions as described in this policy.
Nondiscrimination Policy
Missouri State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and maintains a grievance procedure available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. At all times, it is your right to address inquiries or concerns about possible discrimination to the Office for Institutional Equity and Compliance, Park Central Office Building, 111 Park Central Square, Suite 111, (417) 836-4252. Other types of concerns (i.e., concerns of an academic nature) should be discussed directly with your instructor and can also be brought to the attention of your instructor’s Department Head. Please visit the Office for Institutional Equity and Compliance website at
Disability Accommodation
To request academic accommodations for a disability, contact the Director of the Disability Resource Center, Meyer Library, Suite 111, (417) 836-4192 or (417) 836-6792 (TTY), are required to provide documentation of disability to the Disability Resource Center prior to receiving accommodations. The Disability Resource Center refers some types of accommodation requests to the Learning Diagnostic Clinic, which also provides diagnostic testing for learning and psychological disabilities. For information about testing, contact the Director of the Learning Diagnostic Clinic at (417) 836-4787 or visit
Student Grievance Procedure
Please make every effort to resolve any problems/issues with your instructor. If you are unable to resolve the situation with your instructor, you may contact the Interim Director of First-Year Programs, Dr. Kelly Wood, at (417) 836-8343, or visit her office in University Hall 205.
Cell Phone Use Policy
As a member of the learning community, each student has a responsibility to other students who are members of the community. When cell phones or pagers ring and students respond in class or leave class to respond, it disrupts the class. Therefore, the Office of the Provost prohibits the use by students of cell phones, pagers, PDAs, or similar communication devices during scheduled classes. All such devices must be turned off or put in a silent (vibrate) mode and ordinarily should not be taken out during class. Given the fact that these same communication devices are an integral part of the University’s emergency notification system, an exception to this policy would occur when numerous devices activate simultaneously. When this occurs, students may consult their devices to determine if a university emergency exists. If that is not the case, the devices should be immediately returned to silent mode and put away. Other exceptions to this policy may be granted at the discretion of the instructor.
Policy Regarding Dropping a Class
It is your responsibility to understand the University’s procedure for dropping a class. If you stop attending this class but do not follow proper procedure for dropping the class, you will receive a failing grade and will also be financially obligated to pay for the class. For information about dropping a class or withdrawing from the university, contact the Office of the Registrar at 836-5520.
Drop dates/refund information:
- Last Day to Drop Full Semester Classes at 100% Credit/Refund: August 25, 2017
- Last Day to Drop Full Semester Classes at 75% Credit/Refund: September 1, 2017
- Last Day to Drop Full Semester Classes at 50% Credit/Refund: September 18, 2017
- Last Day to Drop Full Semester Classes at 25% Credit/Refund: October 18, 2017
- Last day to Drop or Withdraw, declare Pass/Not-Pass, and Change to or from Audit for Full Semester Classes: November 10, 2017
Other important dates and deadlines: Academic Calendar:
Course Requirements
ASSIGNMENT / POINTS POSSIBLE / POINTS EARNEDClass Participation: (In-class discussion, group work, common reader quizzes, etc.)
Meeting with instructor & student info sheet
Textbook & Common ReaderChapter quizzes: 10 pts. each. (Some quizzes are unannounced).
Library: Complete ResearchPath Tutorial (all 6 modules)
Public Affairs Service Activity Reflection: 4 hours required
Public Affairs Week Reflection
Title IX Discussion Activity and Quiz
Common Reader/PA Convocation Reflection Paper
Group Presentation
Personal Development Plan:
- Part 1: Degree audit for major or “what if audit”
- Part 1: 8 Semester Planner Assignment
Research Project and Presentation
Final Exam
TOTAL / 500-1000 possible points
Extra Credit Opportunities
- Library Welcome Activity
- Majors Fair
- Others As Announced