Fill out one form for Program Director or Acting Program Director.

Name / Last Name / First Name / MI
Mailing Address / Number, Street, Apt. / City / State / Zip +4
E-mail Address

Program Director Associate Program Director

Educational Experience

Location / Dates / Degree / Major
School 1
School 2
School 3
School 4

Post-graduate Training

Location / Dates / Degree / Major
School 1
School 2
School 3
School 4

Work Experience

Location / Dates / Degree / Major
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4


Board Certification Specialty: Date:

  1. How long have you been serving in the present position with the program?
  1. Have you been a paramedic? Yes No
  2. If yes, how long?
  1. Are you currently certified as a paramedic? Yes No

Check all that apply:

Have you ever been certified as:
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Advanced Trauma Life Support Provider / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Pediatric Advanced Life Support Instructor / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Basic Trauma Life Support Provider / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Basic Trauma Life Support Instructor / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Provider / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Instructor / Yes No / Currently Certified? / Yes No
Do you:
Duties: (check all that apply and percent of time in that duty)
Average number of hours per week while class in session / Hours
Didactic Lecture / Yes No / % Percent time
Laboratory Instructor / Yes No / % Percent time
Hospital Preceptor / Yes No / % Percent time
Field Preceptor / Yes No / % Percent time
Are you responsible for the administration of the educational program? / Yes No
Are you responsible for the organization of the educational program? / Yes No
Are you responsible for the supervision of the educational program? / Yes No
Are you responsible for the continuous quality review and improvement of the educational program? / Yes No
Are you responsible for the long range planning and development of the program? / Yes No
Are you responsible for the effectiveness of the program? / Yes No
Do you have systems in place to demonstrate the effectiveness of the program? / Yes No
Are you responsible for the cooperative involvement of the medical director? / Yes No

If the answers to any of these seven questions about responsibilities is NO, add a pages(s) of narrative defining who is responsible and how that responsibility is attained.


Signature Date

Page 1 / Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services

Accreditation FormB
Revised: September 2011