IDS 103 Lab/Field Experiences/Presentations
Spring 2001
Tentative Course Schedule
Week / Dates / Topics / Reading Assignment1 / 4/2
4/6 / Diversity/Identification lab
Photosynthesis lab / Chap 1-3 & 24
2 / 4/9
4/13 / Group Phylum Presentations
Microscope lab / Chap 1-3
3 / 4/16
4/20 / Des Moines Marina lab
Seed Lab
Exam Unit 1 (Thursday 4/19 In Testing Center) / Chap 4-5
4 / 4/23
4/27 / Surface Area and Volume lab
Diffusion Lab
Continue Seed lab / Chap 6-7
5 / 4/30
5/4 / Finish See lab
Bug lab
Temperature and O2 lab / Chap 6-8
6 / 5/7
5/11 / Microbiology Lab: Isolation and Staining
Microbiology Lab: Ubiquity of Microbes
Exam Unit 2 (Tuesday 5/8 In Testing Center)
Microbes / Chap 9-10
7 / 5/14
5/18 / Finish Microbiology Lab: Isolation and Staining
Fire and Biome lab
Friday May 18th In-service Day (no day classes) / Chap 11- 17
8 / 5/21
5/25 / Exam Unit 3 (Thursday) 5/24 In Testing Center)
Forest Profile: Quadrants and Transects / Chap 20-22
9 / 5/28
6/1 / Monday May 28th Memorial Day Campus Closed
Biome lab / Chap 23-25
10 / 6/4
6/8 / Climatic Change lab
Exam Unit 4 (Thursday 5/7 In testing Center)
Project Presentations / Chap 25-26
11 / 6/11
6/13 / Project Presentations
Study Day
Final Exam (In Class - STD 32) 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
IDS 103 Lecture Topics
Spring 2001
Tentative Course Schedule
Information covered during each lecture will depend upon the finishing point of the previous lecture.
Week / Dates / Topics / Reading Assignment1 / 4/2
4/6 / Introduction: Scientific Method /Taxonomy/The Organism and its environment / Chap 1-3 & 24
2 / 4/9
4/13 / Taxonomy/ The Organism and its environment / Chap 1-3
3 / 4/16
4/20 / Climate and Light
Exam Unit 1 (Thursday 4/19 In Testing Center) / Chap 4-5
4 / 4/23
4/27 / Gradients: Diffusion and Osmosis / Chap 6-7
5 / 4/30
5/4 / Organisms Adaptations to Temperature & Moisture
Climate and Periodicity / Chap 6-8
6 / 5/7
5/11 / Nutrients and Soil
Exam Unit 2 (Tuesday 5/8 In Testing Center)
Microbes / Chap 9-10
7 / 5/14
5/18 / Organism Interactions
Community Structure/Fire Ecology
Friday May 18th In-service Day (no day classes) / Chap 11- 17
8 / 5/21
5/25 / Exam Unit 3 (Thursday) 5/24 In Testing Center)
Community Structure: Forest Profiles / Chap 20-22
9 / 5/28
6/1 / Monday May 28th Memorial Day Campus Closed
Ecosystems: Production and Structure
Biogeochemical /Biomes / Chap 23-25
10 / 6/4
6/8 / Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Climatic Change
Exam Unit 4 (Thursday 5/7 In testing Center)
Project Presentations / Chap 25-26
11 / 6/11
6/13 / Project Presentations
Study Day
Final Exam (In Class - STD 32) 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
IDS 103 Lab/Field Experiences
Spring 2001
Tentative Course Schedule
Week / Dates / Lab Topics/ Start Dates / Start dates / Location1 / 4/2
4/6 / Diversity/Identification lab
Photosynthesis lab / Mon 4/1
Wed 4/4 / STD 32
STD 35
2 / 4/9
4/13 / Nematode Capture apparatus
Microscope lab (nematodes will be used here) / Mon 4/9
Wed 4/11-4/12 / STD 32
STD 35
3 / 4/16
4/20 / Des Moines Marina lab
Seed Lab / Mon 4/16
Tue 4/17 / Marina
STD 35
4 / 4/23
4/27 / Surface Area and Volume lab
Diffusion Lab
Finish lab part of Seed lab / Tue 4/24
Wed 4/25-4/26
Fri 4/27 / STD 35
STD 35
STD 35
5 / 4/30
5/4 / Bug lab
Temperature and O2 lab / Mon 4/30
Thur 5/3 / STD 32
STD 35
6 / 5/7
5/11 / Micro Lab: Isolation & Staining
Micro Lab: Ubiquity of Microbes / Mon 5/7 & 5/9
Mon 5/7 & 5/9 / STD 26
STD 26
7 / 5/14
5/18 / Finish Microbiology Lab: Isolation and Staining – reading plates
Fire and Biome lab – paper lab
In service day – no day classes Friday May 5/18 / Mon 5/14
Thur 5/17 / STD 26
STD 32
8 / 5/21
5/25 / Forest Profile: Quadrants and Transects / Mon 5/21-5/24 / Field
9 / 5/28
6/1 / Monday May 28th Memorial Day Campus Closed
Biome lab – paper lab / Thur 5/31 / STD 32
10 / 6/4
6/8 / Climatic Change lab – paper lab / Tue 6/5 / STD 32
11 / 6/12
6/13 / Study Day
Final Exam (In Class - STD 32)
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Kathleen, here are the details on the labs which require prep for the first two weeks. I‘ll get the rest of the details for later labs to you within the first to second week.
Photosynthesis Lab: See the enclosed copy of the handout for materials
- I need enough materials for 8 team set ups
- They may have to share aspirators since we only have six sinks
Microscope lab:
- This will use the “standard” materials used for the same lab in AP with the following additions put out
Things I think we already have around the lab:
- Prepared slides of blood.
- Tradescantia leaves – a few stems in a flask of water will be good
- Black bread mold (actually any old mold you have lying about!!!)
- Termites with mutualistic critters in them – Do we still have these around?
If not can you order some?
Things that need to be ordered:
Here is a list from Carolina Biological and the catalogue numbers
a.Protozoa Survey Mixture CE-13-1940 1 @ $9.80
b.Hydra cultureCE –13-28001 @ $5.50
c.PlanariaCE-13-29501 @ $ 6.10
- Nematode Capture apparatus; Four funnel type set-ups to capture soil nematodes; - See attachment of Exercise 7.6
Seed Lab -
1.Need to purchase fresh carrot, radish, Phacelia and lettuce seeds.
There will be 8 teams and each team needs 50 of each seed so we will need about 400 of each seed type. I have no idea how many packets of seed that will be.
2. We will also need about 150 ml of fungicide per team. I will get the recipe to you
- Each team will need 5 petri dishes, 5 baggies, 5 rubber bands, and 20 pieces of filter
Paper. We will also need about 2-4 shoeboxes with lids for this and a refrigerator and an incubator. I will get you all the sordid details soon.
Diffusion lab – basically the dame materials as we use for AP. The order of use will be a bit different. I’ll fill you in.
Temperature and O2 lab
This will require students to measure the amount of oxygen that different temperatures of water can hold. The set up should be pretty straight forward, a few beakers, a water bath etc.
I am still in the process of writing this… Do we have oxygen probes? Does chemistry have any of these?
Microbiology labs
I think Diane will have enough basic stuff for me to use here.
Bug lab – order from Carolina Biological – Lets wait a bit before we order these. Not sure this lab will go. It’s not scheduled to start till week 5. I’ll get back to you by week 2 okay?
Milkweed bug eggsCE –14-3816 1@ $10.75
Milkweed bug foodCE – 14-38301@ $ 5.25