Hickory Band Parents Association

Scholarship Application

Senior students participating in the Hickory High Band and in good standing will have an opportunity to receive a college scholarship award of $500.00. Scholarships are awarded to admirable students who have made significant contributions to the Hickory High Band Program and who will continue post-secondary education.

Two (2) senior students will be selected for the $500 HBPA Scholarship. All scholarships will be announced at the Band Banquet. The student’s college of choice must be a recognized accredited college of higher education.

To be considered for a scholarship, complete the application in its entirety.

Return the completed application along with any supporting documents to the Chairperson of the HBPA Scholarship Committee. All applications must be mailed to the listed address and postmarked by the listed date. No hand delivered applications will be accepted.

Please Type or Print




E-mail Address:______

Cumulative GPA:______Counselor’s Signature:______

College/University You Plan to Attend:______


Anticipated First Semester: ______

Your Intended Major:______

***** Proof of commitment must be submitted prior to funds being released *****

Please provide as much information for the following sections as you feel necessary to give the HBPA Scholarship Committee an accurate picture of your experiences and qualifications. Submit additional pages as needed.

Hickory Band Activities and Awards (section leader, competitions, solos, ensembles, District Band etc., use additional pages as needed)


Hickory High School Activities and Awards (National Honor Society, Honor Student, Sports, clubs, organizations, etc., use additional pages as needed


Community Activities and Awards (Organizations, jobs, volunteer, clubs, etc., use additional pages as needed)


Attach a hand written or typed response that is between 150-250 words for either of the following:

1. Describe the most memorable moment for you while being a member of the Hickory High Band.


2. What would you tell incoming freshmen are the best things about the Hickory High Band program?

I certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Applicant’s Signature Date

Mail completed application to:

HBPA Scholarship Chairperson

P. O. Box 15287

Chesapeake, Va. 23328

Applications and any supporting documents must be mailed and postmarked no later

than April 17th to be considered. Any applications received after the deadline will not be

considered under any circumstances.