Identifying What My Students are Expected to Learn in Quarter 3

Essential Outcomes (select 2-3 main ones) / Check the ones that whole PLC agrees on / How do I know if my students mastered this?
Agreed upon common assessment / What is/was the plan/ideas for those students that did not learn?
For those who did? / Action Needed? (Who, What, When)
Describe and explain through reading and writing
(carryover from Q1) / Yes / Writing samples from topics
  • Learning style
  • Favorite food
/ Individual conferences through writer’s workshop addressing two pluses and one main teaching point at a time / Teachers sharing and collaborating strategies that help with workshop management and environment
Cause and effect through reading and writing (carryover from Q2) / Yes / Thinking Map example from class novel or student literature from reader’s workshop
  • Multi-flow map
  • Writing about reasoning and examples of cause and effect
/ Individual conferences through reader’s workshop addressing misconceptions and nudges forward for deepening skill—applying it to inferencing as a whole / Teachers sharing and collaborating strategies that help with workshop management and environment.
Teachers sharing how they presented strategy to students with various proficiency levels
Compare and contrast in variety of genres and texts (Q3) / Yes / Thinking Maps
  • Double bubble
  • Venn Diagram
  • Writing activity
/ Individual conferences through reader’s workshop addressing misconceptions and nudges forward for deepening skill—applying it to inferencing as a whole
Triple bubble map and triple venn for enrichment / Teachers sharing and collaborating strategies that help with workshop management and environment.
Teachers sharing how they presented strategy to students with various proficiency levels
Teachers sharing how skill can apply to variety of texts/genres
Drawing Conclusions and Inferences from a variety of texts and genres / Yes / Thinking Maps
  • Flow map
  • Text/knowledge/Inference
/ Individual conferences through reader’s workshop addressing misconceptions and nudges forward for deepening skill—applying it to inferencing as a whole / Teachers sharing and collaborating strategies that help with workshop management and environment.
Teachers sharing how they presented strategy to students with various proficiency levels
Teachers sharing how skill can apply to variety of texts/genres
Increase vocabulary for reading, writing, speaking and listening (Q3) / Yes / 4 square examples / Individual conferences through reader’s workshop addressing misconceptions and nudges forward for deepening skill—applying it to inferencing as a whole
--word part study as needed, context clues as needed, part of speech study as needed / Teachers sharing and collaborating strategies that help with workshop management and environment.
Teachers sharing how they presented strategy to students with various proficiency levels
Teachers sharing how skill can apply to variety of texts/genres
Vocabulary: Using context clues to figure out meanings (Q3) / Yes / Teacher made test—Maria to share with whole team / Draw upon inferencing flow map—text/knowledge/inference
Students read at their instructional level during reader’s workshop—differentiates for each students’ level of applying context clues (picture books for newcomers and lower proficiency levels, chapter books and novels for higher levels of proficiency)—variety of genres / Teachers sharing and collaborating strategies that help with workshop management and environment.
Teachers sharing how they presented strategy to students with various proficiency levels
Teachers sharing how skill can apply to variety of texts/genres
Maria to share teacher made test

This is a work in progress document. Please make any recommendations how we can improve this for planning purposes only—not to be turned in.