VERBS / Tell, List, Describe, Relate, Locate, Write, Find, State, Name, Identify, Label, Recall, Define, Recognize, Match, Reproduce, Memorize, Draw, Select, Recite / Explain, Interpret, Outline, Discuss, Distinguish, Predict, Restate, Translate, Compare, Describe, Relate, Generalize, Summarize / Show, Solve, Use, Illustrate, Construct, Complete, Examine, Classify, Choose, Interpret, Make, Put together, Apply, Calculate, Modify / Analyze, Distinguish, Examine, Compare, Contrast, Investigate, Identify, Explain, Separate, Categorize, Model / Judge, Select, Choose, Decide, Justify, Debate, Verify, Argue, Recommend, Assess, Discuss, Determine, Estimate, Weigh, Value, Defend / Create, Invent, Compose, Predict, Plan, Construct, Design, Imagine, Propose, Formulate, Combine, Elaborate, Write
Standard/Essential Knowledge and Skills:
7.6 The student will determine (B4) whether plane figures—quadrilaterals and triangles—are similar andwrite (B3) proportions to express (B2) the relationships between corresponding sides of similar figures.
The student will use problem solving, mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning, connections, and representations to
  • Identify (B1) corresponding sides and corresponding and congruent angles of similar figures using the traditional notation of curved lines for the angles.
  • Write (B3) proportions toexpress (B2) the relationships between the lengths of corresponding sides of similar figures.
  • Determine (B4) if quadrilaterals or triangles are similarbyexamining (B1) congruence of corresponding angles and proportionality of corresponding sides.
  • Given two similar figures, write (B3) similarity statements using symbols such as , A corresponds to D, and corresponds to .
7.7. The student will compare (B4) and contrast (B4) the following quadrilaterals based on properties: parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus, and trapezoid.
The student will use problem solving, mathematical communication, mathematical reasoning, connections, and representations to
  • Compare (B4) and contrast (B4) attributes of the following quadrilaterals: parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus, and trapezoid.
  • Identify (B4) the classification(s) to which a quadrilateral belongs, using (B3) deductive reasoning and inference.

Vocabulary:Center of rotation, coordinate plane, coordinates, ordered pair, dilation, horizontal axis, X-axis, reflection, rotation, scale factor, transformation, translation, vertical axis, Y-axis, origin, pre-image, quadrant, image
corresponding parts, congruent, hash mark, polygon, proportion, ratio, similar figures
plane figure, polygon, quadrilateral, rectangle, regular polygon, rhombus, square, trapezoid, vertex, congruent, diagonal, bisect, parallel, parallelogram
Five Strands of Mathematical Proficiency:
1)Understanding: Comprehending mathematical concepts, operations, and relations—knowing what mathematical symbols, diagrams, and procedures mean.
2)Computing: Carrying out mathematical procedures, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately.
3)Applying: Being able to formulate problems mathematically and to devise strategies for solving them using concepts and procedures appropriately.
4)Reasoning: Using logic to explain and justify a solution to a problem or to extend from something known to something not yet known.
5)Engaging: Seeing mathematics as sensible, useful, and doable—ifyou work at it—and being willing to do the work.
Week of
Assessment Type and Cognitive Level / Homework Assignments:
Formative:Exit Tickets, Verbal Questioning, Daily Dose Sheet, Daily Dose Quiz, CPS response questioning, Bingo games / Monday: Study Monday problems on Daily Dose sheet
Summative:Daily Dose Quiz at the end of the week. (Weekly Summative)CIP Benchmarks, Individualized SOL IA tests / Tuesday:Study Monday and Tuesday problems on Daily Dose sheet.
Study Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday problems on Daily Dose sheet.
Thursday:Study daily dose sheet for quiz on Friday
Hook/ Essential Question / What are similar figures? What does it mean to be similar? / Compare and Contrast similar and congruent. What are the differences? / What are corresponding angles and sides? / What is a quadrilateral? / Who are the main members of the quadrilateral family?
Learning Plan, Activities,
Planned Questions (Include time allotted to specific activities) / -Remediate from Daily Dose Quiz Data 1st and 2nd periods
-Handout Daily Dose Quiz from 3-31, go over correct answers and take questions
-Setup new Daily Dose sheets for the week
-Daily Dose Monday (and Tue. For 3-4 block)
4-3 problems, whole group, peer tutoring
-ARI Curr. Comp. pg. 94 Alphabet similarity activity, small group, peer tutoring.
-Similarity notes and examples from (CIP common assessment), #1-20, whole group, peer tutoring
Exit Ticket: draw two shapes that are similar / 1st thru 4th periods will be map testing
5th thru 8th periods regular classes
-Daily Dose Tuesday and Wednesday problems, work through individually
-Exit ticket: / Regular classes 1st thru 4th Map testing 5th thru 8th
-Daily Dose Wednesday problems, whole group, peer tutoring
-Similar figures, solving proportions WS, whole group, peer tutoring
-Simple similarity WS, small group, peer tutoring
-Similar figures practice with proportions, whole group, peer tutoring
-Exit ticket: Solve a similarity proportion / -Daily Dose Thursday problems, whole group, peer tutoring
-Similar figures review WS #1-5, whole group, peer tutoring
-Similar figures questions from IA, whole group, peer tutoring
-Quadrilaterals comparison chart, whole group, peer tutoring
-ARI CC pg. 80 Warm up, whole group, peer tutoring
-ARI CC pg. 84 Quadrilateral activity
-ARI CC pg 86 Quadrilateral table, whole group, peer tutoring
-Exit Ticket: / -Daily Dose review
-Daily Dose Quiz
-ARI CC pg.88 Quadrilateral family tree, whole group, peer tutoring
-ARI CC pg. 90 Quadrilateral puzzle, small group, peer tutoring
-SOL 7.7 Quadrilaterals review CIP common assessment
-Kahoot, transformations and similar figures
APeer tutoring / Peer tutoring
/ Peer tutoring
/ Peer tutoring
/ Peer tutoring
(Above, On, and/or Below Grade Level) / ODOE activities / DOE activities / DOE activities / DOE activities
/ DOE activities
B Calculators / Calculators / Calculators / Calculators / Calculators
Five Strands of Mathematical Proficiency / Understanding
Engaging / Understanding
Engaging / Understanding
Engaging / Understanding
Engaging / Understanding
Closure / Exit ticket / Exit ticket / Exit ticket / Exit ticket / Kahoot