One-day workshop

8 April 2011

Leeds Business School

Reflective Learning: Facing up to the Challenges

This workshop provides the opportunity for those involved with reflective learning to engage in professional development, critical dialogue and knowledge generation. We want to hear the learner’s voice, both directly and vicariously through the contributions of teachers / researchers. We envisage a highly participative day; the intention is to generate a forum for constructive dialogue about reflective learning, its relationship with HR and HRD and with other professional areas within Business and Management. We welcome contributions from a wide range of teachers and researchers.

Provisional programme

8 April 2011

9:30 / Registration
10:00 / Welcome and Introduction
10:15 / Prof Tom Bourner
11:00 / Refreshments
11:15 / Parallel Sessions
Research based presentations
Reflections on practice
12:30 / Rupak Sarma & Meera Shah
1:15 / Lunch
2:15 / Symposia
Initiating contributions
Group discussion
3:45 / Summary plenary

On behalf of the UFHRD and BMAF the Workshop will be hosted by Leeds Business School. Contacts for further information

Call for Contributions

We seek a strong level of contribution from participants. To support planning processes we invite short proposals to be submitted. However, this workshop is not about ‘accepting’ and ‘rejecting’ proposals and we hope to accommodate all who wish to participate in different ways. Please consider making at least one form of contribution outlined below:

Research based presentation

Please provide a 50-100 word outline of your theme / focus.

A 10-15 minute presentation based on reflective learning and/or the teaching of reflective learning. Your presentation should provide a basis for questions and further discussion. Supporting documentation on the day is welcome.

Reflection on practice

Please provide a 50-100 word outline of your theme / focus.

A 10-15 minute presentation drawing on personal experience of teaching reflective learning. This might focus on a particular aspect, e.g. engagement; assessment. It should raise questions and provide a basis for discussion. Supporting documentation on the day is welcome.


Please provide a short 25-50 word indication of the sort of issue or point you would like to offer as a starter contribution

We are looking for a small number of starter contributions. This would be a 5 minute presentation designed to help stimulate and focus subsequent group discussion. It might be: an extended question; a challenging assertion; a research finding.


Please provide a 25-50 word outline of your poster presentation

A visual depiction of your research, project or initiative relating to reflective learning / teaching reflective learning.

Reflective Learning: Facing up to the Challenges

8 April 2011

Booking Form

Tick here
I would like to book a place at this workshop
Job title:
I would like to contribute: (please tick as many contributions as appropriate) / Tick here
A research presentation
A reflection on practice presentation
A starter contribution for the symposium
A poster