Identification, Preparation and Dissemination of Hydrogen Safety Facts to Regulators and Public Safety Officials

Grant agreement no.: 256823

Deliverable No. 3.1

Database of relevant contacts

Status: F
(D-Draft, FD-Final Draft, F-Final)

Dissemination level: PU
(PU – Public, PP – Restricted to other programme participants, RE – Restrictedto a group specified by the consortium,CO – Confidential)

<D 3.1–HyFACTS


Name 1Marieke Reijalt

Name 2Moschoula Krambousanos

Name 3Christian Machens (Verification, Project Manager)

1European Hydrogen Association

Avenue des Arts 3/4/5

1210 – Brussels


Author printed in bold is the contact person for this document.

Date of this document:


0Executive Summary

The HyFACTS project aims to develop, initiate and disseminate up-to-date material for customised trainingprogramsof regulators and public safety experts. For this purpose a database with relevant stakeholders has been developed and will be maintained during the project that includes the main authorisation officials and their associations in a number ofEU countries, training institutes for authorisation officials and organisers of key events.

The database will be used to send information about the project as well as a dedicated survey (Deliverable 3.2 Online Questionnaire).

The purpose of this report is to describe the structure of the database, an overview of the main contacts and how the database will be maintained and used.

Table of contents

0Executive Summary

1Description of Stakeholder Database


3Overview of the main contacts

4Database maintenance and usage

Index of figures

Index of tables

List of abbreviations

EHA European Hydrogen Association

HyRaMPEuropean Regions and Municipalities Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

1Description of Stakeholder Database

The HyFACTS project has three main objectives, to develop, initiate, and disseminate up to date training material for Regulators and Public Safety Officials that are involved in the authorizationof hydrogen installations.

To achieve these three goals it is necessary to collect relevant data about current training programsforpublic safety officers, regulators, and other relevant officials who are responsible for the authorisation of hydrogen and fuel cell installations in public areas.In addition these stakeholders will need to be kept informed about general activities and achievements of the project

The of this datain the HyFACTS Stakeholder database and further suggestions on the structure of future training programs will be facilitated through anonline Questionnaire/Survey. A key task in the process of data collection is prior identification of relevant contact persons (referred to as “stakeholders”, in the remainder of the document)that are able to complete the questionnaire and/or are instrumental in disseminating the results of the project.

As defined in the HyFACTS Description of Work, the relative stakeholders of the HyFACTS project are defined as regulators, code official organisations and training institutions.In an effort to collect the relative stakeholders into a comprehensive database tool each partner within the project was asked to identify the appropriate stakeholders within their given countries in relation to the authorisations of hydrogen installations. These contacts as well as the contacts retrieved within previous projects dealing with hydrogen installations and safety, HyApproval, and HySAFE, as well as other relevant EU projects (CUTE, HyFLEET- CUTE) and the EHA and HyRaMP contact network were added to create a database of nearly 2,000 contacts.[1]


The database has been created as an on line shared document to allow each partner to make additions as necessary without tediously sending various lists to each partner in the consortium. The overall stakeholder database is managed by the project partner EHA, EHA is responsible for retrieving stakeholder lists from project partners while managing the overall use of the database list.

The current stakeholder collection as compiled in ANNEX 1 is a simple worksheet using the excel program.

The Worksheet has been equipped with a filter feature which allows for the user to filter the list and find desired contacts in a respective country. The filter is an ideal way to review the list and retrieve a number of contacts within one or more categories or countries that are needed at any point during the research process.

In order to accommodatethe use of the list for various searches, each of the contacts has been assigned to a specific category. There are a total 8 possible categories within the database. The categories include: European Organisations, European Projects, Firebrigade, Government, Hydrogen Industry, Other Industry, Publications, and Research/Academic.

3Overview of the main contacts

European Organisations: European level organisations or associations which join and represent the interests of various actors related to either the public domainor fire safety, Energy regulation. The EHA through own dissemination activities is able to identify additional National and European Hydrogen and fuel cell related organisations (these have not been added to ANNEX I to facilitate a more specialised list).

European Projects: Previous and current European coordinated projects with regards to the installation of hydrogen and fuel cell applications are included. The relative contacts have been engaged in the process of stakeholder identification by contacting the project coordinators or technical persons in order to identify the officials that were involved in the process of certification of hydrogen installations.

Firebrigade: Fire safety experts are the main targeted contacts with relation to hydrogen safety. Personnel who work around hydrogen should be trained in the characteristics of hydrogen fires and proper procedures for dealing with them. Thus European, national and local fire brigades have been identified.

Government:As hydrogen installations are yet not common place, it is not easily identifiable as to which stakeholder(s) are most appropriate contacts for the certification of hydrogen installations. As HyFACTS partners are located in a number of EU member states (UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France, Ireland) and may have dealt with such activities, the Authorisation officials for hydrogen installations have been identified for these corresponding member states. As mentioned above, the identification of stakeholders is a process, thus the full stakeholder list will continue to be expanded and edited throughout the duration of the project.

Hydrogen Industry: Facilitated by the EHA, European stakeholders in the field of hydrogen technology and infrastructure development will continuously be informed on the project activities throughout the duration of the project. As the project generally focuses on hydrogen installations, they are also key stakeholders and are seen as sources for information.

Other Industry: Other industry players which may have interests in the dissemination of HyFACTS include car manufacturers, energy or fuel companies, as well as other industry producers that have expressed interest in the past on the application of hydrogen installations.

Publications: The majority of identifiedpublications surround the topic of fire safety, however other publications within the fields of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, European, as well as local publications and are facilitated through the contact lists of

Research/Academic: Researchers studying in the field of hydrogen technologies or research and universities, hydrogen topics logistics, or mobility will continue to be identified in all European member states including management institutes and other training institutes for materials distribution management.

4Database maintenance and usage

General maintenanceis facilitated by project partner EHA. Maintenance consists of updating with additional contacts supplied by project partners or other sources, reviewing and replacing details or information which have been identified as incorrect and continued expansion of the overall database.

Extensive exchanges with other relevant EU projects and initiaities that the EHA is involved in will further enhance and broaden the database.

As mentioned above, the database will be utilised to execute the dissemination of Deliverable 3.2, Online Questionnaire. In addition to the questionnaire the contacts will facilitate further dissemination of the project with aim to reach as many relevant stakeholders as possible.

So as to facilitate an updated contact list upon the conclusion of the project, 6 months prior to the termination, the emails and contact details will be reviewed to ensure relevance. Unused contacts will be replaced with new information.

The overall objective within the maintenance and expansion of the database is to collectrelevant stakeholders from all EU 27 members.Thus an extensive sample audience from all European member states will be collected for the distribution of the online questionnaire and the general project dissemination tasks.

Grant agreement no.1/1026.06.2011

[1] The current HyFACTS stakeholder database is a working document and will continue to be expanded within the duration of the project.