JRC technical workshop on LULUCF issues
under the Kyoto Protocol
organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
in collaboration with the BE presidency
Brussels, 9-10November 2010
WBI - Wallonie-Bruxelles International, 2, Place Sainctelette, Bruxelles
As a follow-up of the KP LULUCF technical workshops held in Ispra (Italy) in 2006 and 2008 (see this workshop aims to gather experts from EU MS to share their experience and discuss problems encountered in first year of LULUCF reporting under Kyoto Protocol, including issues emerged during the EU QA/QCand during the UNFCCC review process.
The workshop also aims to assess the needs emerging from MS and the possible contribution that JRC could provide in coming years in terms of expertise/datasets/information.
Expected participants include national experts responsible for the LULUCF sector, inventory compilers and scientists involved in the estimation and reporting of LULUCF.
We encourage all MS to present their experience on estimating and reporting LULUCF activities under the KP, and in particular to discuss the issues raised in the “Saturday papers” during the UNFCCC review.
For those interested to attend, please send an e-mail as soon as possible to and with the following information:
- name and institution of the participant
- title and author of any proposed presentation
Please note that all costs related to attending the meeting (travel, accommodation, all meals) are to be supported by the expert’s organization.
Workshop Agenda
9 November10.00 –11.00 /
- Introduction and scope of the workshop(Giacomo Grassi and Viorel Blujdea, JRC)
- Overview of MS’ LULUCF GHG inventories under the Convention, and common problems identified during the EU QA/QC (Viorel Blujdea, JRC)
11.00 - 11.20 / Coffee break
11.20 - 12.00 /
- Overview of MS’ LULUCF reporting under the KP (Giacomo Grassi, JRC)
- Problems identified during the UNFCCC reviews: overview of issues in the EU and MS LULUCF submissions under KP and way forward (Giacomo Grassi, JRC)
12.00 - 13.00 / Short presentations by MS onreporting and review issues under the KP, e.g.:
-Challenges encountered in fulfilling KP LULUCF reporting requirements
-Answers to problems identified in “Saturday papers” by UN review teams
-Planned improvements
Already announced presentations include AT, DK, FI, IE, IT, CZ, GR, FR – all the other MS are encouraged to present something shortly, possibly through power point presentation.
13.00 - 14.30 / Lunch break
14.30 - 16.20 / Short presentations by MS or reporting and review issues under the KP (continued)
16.20 - 16.40 / Coffee break
16.40 - 18.30 / Discussion on common reporting and review issues emerged during MS presentations, e.g. land identification, C pools not reported (not a source), direct human-induced AR, harmonization in the use of notation keys, future EU QA/QC, etc.
10 November
9.00-11.30 / Presentations onmethodological issues including: description of approaches, methodsand datasets used for estimating activity data and C stock change /emissions factors (we encourage to focus on issues which represent common methodological challenges, e.g., land use changes, emissions/removals from mineral and organic soils, dead wood and litter, fires, 1990 estimates for net-net activities), verification activities implemented or planned, assessment of uncertainties, QA/QC procedures, etc. (about 15-20 min each presentation + discussion)
General methodological issues
- Methodological issues under KP LULUCF: experiences from Hungary (Zoltan Somogyi, HU)
- Historic representation and land use for reporting ARD (Kevin G. Black, IE)
- Slovenian forest inventory data and LULUCF reporting (Gal Kusar and Primoz Simoncic, SI)
- Estimating soil carbon emission and sinks for ARD and FM lands of Kyoto protocol - case Finland (A. Lehtonen, FI)
- Implications of using Tier 2 and Tier 3 modelling in reporting SOC change in soils under KP 3.4 (Steen Gyldenkærne, DK)
- A methodology for estimating the C pool of stumps at a national scale (Hans Petersson, SE)
11.30 - 11.50 / Coffee break
11.50 - 13.00 / Discussion on uncertainty assessment
- Uncertainties in and verification of soil organic carbon change estimates (Erik Karltun, SE)
- Uncertainty in the LULUCF sector (Hans Petersson, SE)
- Assessment of LULUCF uncertainties at EU level (Viorel Blujdea, JRC)
13.00 - 14.30 / Lunch break
14.15 – 16.30 / General discussion on methodological issues
Conclusions and way forward
Logistical issues
The venue is EIWB 1 (ten minutes walk from the North Station - see map below)
Wallonie-Bruxelles International - 2, place Sainctelette- 1080 Brussels
The meeting will be in room "Horta" on the groundfloor (large room on the left)
List of hotels in the neighborhood of the meeting place
-Hotel Queen Anne***, Boulevard Emile Jacqmain 110, Brussel
-Citadines Apart'hotel Bruxelles Sainte Catherine ***, 51, Quai au Bois à Brûler, Brussel
-Astrid Centre Hotel***, Zaterdagplein 11, Brussel
-Theater Hotel**, Rue Van Gaver 23, Brussel
-Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre****, Avenue du Boulevard 17, Sint-Joost-ten-Node, Brussels
-Hotel Des Colonies *** Rue des Croisades 6 - 10, Sint-Joost-ten-Node, Brussels
-Hotel Le Dome****Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 12-13, Brussels
-Hotel Noga ***Du Béguinage 38, Brussel