Part 2-A
Restoration Implementation
Fish Passage Work
Application due:Friday, February 9, 2018
Worksite Name and Number:
C.2Fish PassageProjects that improve or provide anadromous salmonid migration up and down stream including fish passage at road crossings (bridges or culverts), barriers (dams or log jams), fish-ways (ladders, chutes or pools), and weirs (log or rock).
- Click in the gray field to enter information.
- Record all requests for miles to the nearest 0.01 miles; use meander for stream measurements.
- Record all requests for acres to the nearest 0.1 acres.
C.2.aWhat is the total budgetfor the fish passage work?(=PCSRF+state/other non-federal cash match + in-kind contributions.)
C.2.bLength of Stream made accessible and types of blockages.
C.2.b.1Total length (miles) of potential anadromous salmonid bearing stream made accessible upstream of the passage impediment. If there is another barrier upstream, then the length made accessible would be to that next upstream barrier:
C.2.b.3Select one or more of the following types of blockage/barrier that will be removed or altered to allow or improve salmonid passage. Remove unselected types
☐Diversion dam
☐Push-up dam
☐Wood or concrete dam
☐Boulders or rock barriers
C.2.b.4How many blockages/barriers are impeding passage?
Work Type Metrics
Check the work type(s) that will be completed at this worksite and provide the applicable metric(s).Delete work types that will not be completed by highlighting the entire work type making sure that the checkbox is not checked and delete.
☐C.2.cWill fish passage blockages be removed or altered? This includes removal or alteration of blockages, impediments or barriers to allow or improve salmonid passage.
C.2.c.2How many fish passage blockages will be removed or altered (other than road crossing reported in C.2.f.1 to C.2.i.1)?
☐C.2.dWill there be a placement of an engineered bypass for salmonids to pass more safely around a barrier (other than a fish ladder)? This includes bedrock chutes, weirs, rock boulder step pools, chutes constructed/roughened in bed rock, and engineered channel structures.
C.2.d.2How many fish-way chutes, weirs, rock boulder step pools and chutes will be installed/improved?
☐C.2.eWill a fish ladder be installed or modified at this worksite?
C.2.e.2How many fish ladders will be installed or modified?
☐C.2.fWill culverts will be installed, replaced, or modified at a road stream crossing?
C.2.f.2How many culverts will be installed, replaced, or improved?
C.2.f.3How many miles of anadromous salmonid bearing stream will be made accessible by the installed, replaced,or improved culvert?
☐C.2.gWill a bridge over a stream be installed, replaced, or modified to improve salmonid passage under a road? The bridge could be replacing a culvert.
C.2.g.2How many bridges will be installed, modified, or replaced?
C.2.g.3How many miles of anadromous salmonid bearing stream will be made accessible by this work?
☐C.2.hWill a rocked ford be installed to allow unimpeded stream flow? This includes placement of a crushed gravel reinforced track through stream that still allows unimpeded stream flow. This could replace a dysfunctional culvert.
C.2.h.2How many rocked fords will be installed?
C.2.h.3How many miles of anadromous salmonid bearing stream will be made accessible by this work?
☐C.2.iWill a culvert be removed and not replaced so that the stream flows unimpeded? This would include removal of culverts and other material in the channel.
C.2.i.2How many road-crossings will be removed?
C.2.i.3How many miles of anadromous salmonid bearing stream will be made accessible of the road stream-crossing removal?
☐C.2.jWill there be any other fish passage project implemented at this worksite? This wouldnot be included in C.2.c.1 through C.2.i.1.
C.2.j.2How many other passage barriers will be removed or altered?
C.2.j.3Describe any other passage barrier work to be implemented at this worksite:
Fish PassagePage 1 of 2PCSRF Application Part 2-A, Round 20
Revised December 2017Due Friday, February 9, 2018