Yorkshire and the North East Counties Amateur Weight Lifters’ Association

Minutes - Annual General Meeting December 2012


Annual General Meeting of the

Yorkshire and North East Powerlifting Federation

Held on Saturday 1st December 2012 at Durham Amateur Rowing Club, Durham

The meeting started at 11.00am with Jim Dulling in the chair.

1. Preliminaries

(a) Present: Jim Dulling (JD) (Durham Rowing Club), Louise Clark (LC) (Steelman), Phil Stringer (PS) (Steelman), Mick Hunnam (MH) (Gateshead), Gavin Walker (GW) (unattached), Fred MacKenzie (FM) (Parkhead & Wansbeck),Jim McGill (JM) (Parkhead & Wansbeck),Chris Cooper (CC) (Durham Rowing Club), Alex Lee (AL) (Durham Rowing Club) and Paul Wray (PW) (Doncaster AR)

(b) Apologies: Ian Hampson, Phil Frost and Tony Hollands

(c) Votes: Two votes each for Steelman, Parkhead and Durham Rowing Club; one vote each for Gateshead and Doncaster.

2. Minutes of the 2011 AGM were unavailable.

Matters Arising:

GBPF AGM – as planned JD was made chairman. The change of officers was realised. The motions presented from the YNEPF were accepted and on the whole, have been acted upon; notably the reintegration of Scotland and NI.

YNEPF calendar and the competition plans were successful. No other matters were recalled.

3. Annual Reports

(a) Chairman: Another successful year for our lifters in terms of Divisional, National and International performance. Medals and Records in most classes.

Successful changes to customs and practices has resulted in all competitions being run in the same way.

Communication has been good and the membership well informed through newsletters, website and email updates.

A Survey has revealed factors for consideration by the executive. Satisfaction seems to be high but there are issues. They include: - competition in the south of the division, drug testing, more unequipped competitions, coaching workshops, quality of trophies, video link at Ashington, results on the web faster, spotters and loaders, less competitions with more lifters, variety of courses identified, reduce north / south divide, increases entry fee £25 ( spend £10 on testing), run competitions ABC groups rather than AB and then C, increases numbers in the sport, the number of clubs and numbers making it happen. Discussion also highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of 2 weigh ins.

The strategic plan is capable of responding to all these issues and are identified in the Action Plan that is presented to the AGM.

Managing changes to custom and practice and the operation in the division of common policies caused conflict between Chairman and General Secretary. The General Secretary resigned. Thanks were expressed for his major contributions over 14 ½ years.

The outdated job descriptions of the officers have been updated and are presented to the AGM.

The calendar is presented for ratification as is a Competition Risk Assessment. This is needed to ensure the division is conducting safe competitions.

(b) General Secretary:

There is no report.

(c) Treasurer:

A report was presented by PS. It was comprehensive and included detailed income and expenditure. The division has a balance of £8859.32. Competitions generate £543 surplus. The accounts were accepted and are attached to these minutes.

Decisions for 2013 :- (a) Exec and Refs GBPF membership fees to be funded - failed. (b) Support for development of junior lifters through small donations – carried. (c) Awarding of small donation for National and International lifters – carried, (d) Awarding a subsidy to candidates for referee examination – carried, (e) To fund expenses for those who attend executive meetings – carried.

Treasurer has need of an up to date YNEPF membership list.

Treasurer notes representatives from Teeside and Northumbria Universities need to be co-opted.

(c) Lifting Secretary:

MH gave an account of the competitions and identified issues of closing dates and trophies. The trophies that FM can obtain were value for money and all competition trophies could be sourced from him. The new format of attempt card was introduced. The results sheet needs to be reviewed and a new one developed. The invite procedure was discussed and the system is unwieldy and prone to errors and difficulties.

(d) Technical Secretary:

GW gave a report of competitions and the need for better management. He made note of the unreadiness that he sometimes encounters with a mad rush to complete all the paperwork prior to lifting and the failure to have a full set up competition. GW to circulate the latest changes to IPF rules to all referees.

(e) Other Reports and comments:

FM commented on the difficulties of Coaching Qualifications. He is to work with GBPF on this and will report on progress.

4. Election of Officers

Treasurer: Tony Hollands: proposed Ian Hampson, seconded Paul Cooper; Records & Incentives Registrar: Ian Hampson: proposed Tony Hollands, seconded Phil Stringer;

No other nominations for any post have been received

Incumbents: Jim Dulling - Chairman, Registrar, Mick Hunnam - Lifting Secretary, Gavin Walker – Technical Officer, Fred MacKenzie - Courses Organiser, Louise Clark - Publicity and Development

The incumbents were elected en bloc.

The office of General Secretary – Chris Cooper nominated by Mick Hunnam and seconded by Gavin Walker. Chris Cooper was elected unanimously.

The post of Youth and Student Development was left open to be filled at a later date.

Paul Wray who had made valuable contributions during the meeting and showed vision for the development of the division was co-opted to the executive.

5. Motions to YNEPF AGM

That the AGM formally adopts the Divisional Risk Assessment. - carried

That the AGM formally adopts the Strategic and Action Plans. - carried

That the AGM formally adopts the Job Descriptions Dec. 2012. - carried

That the AGM ratifies the Calendar 2013. - carried

Motions to be presented on behalf of the division to EPA to be forwarded to the GBPF AGM.

Proposed by Jim Dulling:

1.  That the executive are commended for their achievements in their first year of office and the unity they have forged, the transparency they operate with and the developments that they have initiated are greatly appreciated by the membership.

2.  That the executive continue to try to gain governing body status for GBPF and continue to update on progress

3.  That GBPF investigate the value of on line entry for national champs where members state where they gained qualifying totals and divisional lifting secretaries are part of the checking process

4.  That a range of membership fees be established that reflect the practicalities of membership such as joining late on in the year, non competitive members such as referees and supporters.

5.  That the strategic plan of the GBPF includes the priority areas as identified by the divisions; those priorities being requested from the divisional secretaries.

6.  That the GBPF consider the applications from divisions for funding for development projects and that the GBPF produce an information pack on the methods available for project funding such as local government initiatives, national funding streams and other local sources.

7.  The GBPF works with each division to ensure that drug testing happens at Divisional Championships .

The above are the motions that were established and are to be forwarded to EPA.

6. No other business

Informal discussions took place.

7. Date Time Place of the 2013 YNEPF AGM

7th December 2013, 11am, Durham Rowing Club

Meeting closed 2.15pm

General Secretary : - Chris Cooper, 63 Surtees Avenue, Bowburn, Durham, DH6 5DZ