Idaho Fine Arts Academy
Student Leadership Constitution
We, the students of Idaho Fine Arts Academy, in order to build lives through artistic, scholastic and civic excellence, share a vision of a school which has the following shared values:
To this end we create an organization in which students, staff and parents:
- Communicate with each other
- Participate in school activities
- Improve our community and the world
- Empower students
ARTICLE I: Name & Arrangement of Organization
Section I: Name – The name of this organization shall be Idaho Fine Arts Academy Student Leadership, Hereafter designated Student Leadership.
Section II: Arrangement- Student Leadership will be arranged into four sub-organizations:
Idaho Fine Arts Academy Student Executive Committee. Hereafter designated Executive Committee.
Idaho Fine Arts Academy Student Senate. Hereafter designated Senate.
Idaho Fine Arts Academy Interact Club. Hereafter designated Interact Club.
Idaho Fine Arts Academy National Honor Society. Hereafter designated NHS.
Section IV:Affiliations – NHS is affiliated with the National Honor Society and Interact is affiliated with Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club and Interact International. NHS and Interact are bound by the constitutions and bylaws of these groups.
Section I: Officers – The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Communications and Secretary and Senators.
Section II: Term of Service: Student Leadership members will serve from the first Wednesday in February until the first Tuesday in February of the following year.
Section II: Eligibility – Members must maintain a 2.0 GPA and have no “F”s within the previous calendar year.
Section I: Executive Committee Selection – Executive Committee members will be selected in an application process by a staff committee. Selection will take place during the first week of the second semester.
Section II:Senate Elections– Senators will be elected at the class level. In order to be elected, Senator must receive seven votes. Elections will take place during the second week of the first Semester.
Section III: Interact Selection- Students wishing to join Interact will follow the guidelines for Interact Club selection laid out in the Interact Bylaws.
Section IV: NHS Selection- Students wishing to join NHS will follow the guidelines for NHS selection laid out in NHS Bylaws.
Section V: Transition- Newly selected and elected members of Student Leadership will be sworn in during the first meeting of February, or during a special swearing in ceremony on that same date. Student Leadership members in the spring semester of their senior year may attend meetings and become non-voting members, with the exception of prom committee in which they are still fully participating members.
Section VII: Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and vacancies in any other executive committee position shall be filled by a staff committee. Senate vacancies will not be filled until the following election.
Section VIII: Removal- Members will be removed for not following the Constitution or Bylaws pertaining to their position. They may also be removed for school infractions which demean Student Leadership, its mission and vision. The Advisor, staff or Principal may request a student’s removal from Student Leadership. A staff committee made up of the Principal, Counselor and at least two other staff members will oversee the removal procedures. The student will be made aware of the pending committee meeting and may speak to the committee in their defense.Committee decisions are final.
Section I: Senate President – It shall be the duty of the Senate President to:
Preside at Senate meetings
Vote only in case of a tie
Represent the club
Appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Committee
Serve as secretary and non-voting member of all committees assigned by Advisor
Serve as Vice President of Interact Club. The Vice President acts as an adviser to the President and presides over meetings in the absence of the President.
Attend monthly West Ada Board Meetings.Other Executive Committee Members may be appointed to attend as the need arises.
Make reports to staff and Principal as requested.
Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office and as assigned by Advisor.
Section II: Interact President – It shall be the duty of the Interact President to:
Preside at Interact meetings
Vote only in case of a tie
Represent the club
Appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Committee
Serve as secretary and non-voting member of all committees assigned by Advisor
Serve as Vice President of the Student Senate. The Vice President acts as an adviser to the President and presides over meetings in the absence of the President.
Keep in contact with Rotary liaison.
Attend Rotary events as requested by Advisor.
Make reports to staff and Principal as requested.
Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office and as assigned by Advisor.
Section III: Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:
Record the minutes of all meetings
Keep a file of the club’s records
Maintain a current roster of membership
Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the club
Section IV: Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:
Work under the supervision of Advisor or other staff member in their duties as Treasurer
Receive all funds and process Request for Payment, Deposit Slips
Make regular reports of Student Leadership funds at meetings
Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed
Section V: Director of Communications- It shall be the duty of the Director of Communications to:
Promote all events and activities created by Student Leadership through posters, flyers calendars, etc.
Create and maintain informational and promotional materials for Student Leadership
Section VI: Historian- It shall be the duty of the Historian to:
Maintain files of all previous minutes, and planning documents
Attend functions and record events for club
Create “Yearbook” of Student Leadershipor
Create at least one project during the year that promotes the history of the school.
Section VII: Senators- It shall be the duty of Senators to:
Attend all required meetings.
Make reports to classes as assigned by the Senate
Participate in all Student Leadership sponsored activities, unless otherwise excused by the Advisor.
Actively participate in planning and executing activities assigned by Student Leadership
Section I:Meetings – Regular meetings shall be held at least monthly during the regular school year.
Section II: Special Meetings– Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee and or Advisor.
Section IIIQuorum – A quorum shall consist oftwo-thirds of the membership.
Section IV: Parliamentary Authority – Robert’s Rules of Orders, shall govern Student Leadership in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Section V: Attendance- All Student Leadership membersmay miss no more than two meetings per semester, with the exception of school sponsored events or excused school absence.
Section I: Responsibility – Management of this club shall be vested in an Executive Committee responsible to the entire membership to uphold this Constitution.
Section II: Membership – This committee shall consist of the officers as listed in Article III and the faculty advisor.
Section III Meetings – This committee shall meet at least once between regular meetings of the club to organize and plan future activities.
Section I: Selection – There shall be a faculty/staff advisor who shall be selected each year by the principal.
Section II: Duties – The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be to:
Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by the student club.
Preside over Executive Committee meetings to discuss upcoming meetings, long range plans, goals, and current issues with Student Leadership.
Attend regular meetings as often as schedule allows.
Assist in the orientation of new officers.
Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to Student Leadership.
Provide direction in the area of parliamentary procedure, meeting facilitation, group-building, goal setting, and program planning.
Assist the Treasurer in monitoring expenditures, fundraising activities, and corporate sponsorship to maintain an accurate and up-to-date account ledger.
Inform club members of those factors that constitute unacceptable behavior on the part of the club members, and the possible consequence of said behaviors.
Section I: Standing Committee – Standing committees composed of a Senator as chairperson and at least two other members shall be appointed by the majority vote of the Senate with the advice and consent of the Advisor.
Section II: Special Committees – The President shall have the authority to appoint any special committees, with the approval of the Executive Committee, from time to time as need demands.
Section I: Bylaws-All Bylaws must be voted on by a simple majority of members present in the Senate or Interact meeting.
Section II: Activity Planning-All decisions pertaining to Activities made in committee must be ratified by the Senate or Interact by a simple majority unless authority is granted to the committee by the Senate or Interact prior to the committee meeting.
Section III: Advisor Veto- All committee, Senate, Interact and can be vetoed by the Advisor. A veto may be overridden by a three-fourths majority vote of members present
Section IV: Principal Veto- The Principal may veto any decision made by Student Leadership or its Advisor.
Section I: Selection – This Constitution may be amended by a three fourths majority vote of the chapter membership with the advice and consent of the Advisor.
Section II: Notice – All members shall receive advance notice of the proposed amendment at least five days before the meeting
Adopted September 2017
Idaho Fine Arts Academy
Student Leadership Bylaws
Section I: School and District Policies- Student Leadership, Interact Club, NHS and its members are bound by the rules and policies of Idaho Fine Arts Academy and West Ada School District (See Appendix I).
Section II: National and Local Affiliations- Student Leadership, Interact Club, NHS and its members are bound to the rules and policies of the organizations they are affiliated with as they pertain to Student Leadership and as interpreted by Student Leadership, the Advisor and Principal. (See Appendix II and Appendix III).
Section I: Executive Committee- The Executive Committee will meet regularly on Mondays during Lunch. Chair-Advisor, Secretary-Secretary
Section II: Senate Committees-The Senate Standing Committee Meetings Shall be made up of the following:
Welcome Home Dance-Chair 10th Grade Senator, committee-all 9th and 10th Grade Senators, appointed teacher, secretary-Senate President.
Middle School Dance-Chair 8th Grade Senator, committee-all 7th and 8th Grade Senators, appointed teacher, secretary-Senate President
Winter Formal: Chair 11th Grade Senator, committee,-all 11th Grade and 10th Grade Senators, appointed teacher, secretary-Senate President.
Prom: Chair Graduating Senior Senator, committee-all graduating 12th grade Senators and current 11th grade Senators, appointed teacher, secretary-outgoing President.
Lunch Activity Committees: Each Grade level will be responsible for at least one lunch activity per year. Committee Chairs will be a Senator from that grade level, committee will be Senators from that grade level and willing members of Interact from that grade level, secretary-Interact President
Senate Committees will typically meet on Tuesdays at lunch.
Section III: Special Committees: Special and ad hoc committees will typically meet on Thursdays.
Section I: Announcements-With teacher approval, a Senator or Executive Committee member will read the daily announcements to the class.
Section II: Agenda and Meeting Minutes- Agendas and Minutes will be posted in the school weekly by the Communications Director. Agendas will be read weekly at Assemblies.