Alternative Authorization –
April 2014
The purpose of this alternative authorization is to offer an expedited route to certification
for individuals who are highly and uniquely qualified in a subject area to teach in a
district with an identified need for teachers in that area. Alternative authorization in this
area is valid for three (3) years and is not renewable.
01. Initial Qualifications. (3-20-04)
a. Prior to application, a candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree or have completed all
of the requirements of a Bachelor’s degree except the student teaching or practicum portion. (4-4-13)
b. The candidate shall meet enrollment qualifications of the alternative route preparation
02. Alternative Route Preparation Program – College/University Preparation. (3-20-04)
a. A consortium composed of a designee from the college/university to be attended,
a representative from the school district, and the candidate shall determine
preparation needed to meet the Idaho Standards for Initial Certification of Professional
School Personnel. This preparation must include mentoring and a minimum of one (1)
classroom observation per month until certified.
b. Prior to entering the classroom, the candidate completes eight (8) to sixteen (16)
weeks of accelerated study in education pedagogy.
c. Candidate will work toward completion of the alternative route preparation program
through a participating college/university and the employing school district. A teacher
must attend, participate in, and successfully complete an individualized alternative
route preparation program as one (1) of the conditions to receive a recommendation for
full certification.
d. The participating college/university shall provide procedures to assess and credit
equivalent knowledge, dispositions, and relevant life/work experiences.
e. Prior to entering the classroom, the candidate shall meet or exceed the state
qualifying score on appropriate, state-approved content, pedagogy, or performance
1. This Alternative Authorization-Content Specialist program provides an alternate route for individuals with a strong content background and limited educational pedagogy to teach in Idaho while successfully completing an individualized certification program.
2. The individual for whom the application is being made must first hold a bachelor’s degree.
3. The interim certificate or authorization is valid for three (3) years and is non-renewable. It is the districts responsibility to ensure adequate progress is being made toward certification.
4. It is the candidate’s responsibility to work with and enroll in a college/university teacher preparation program. The participating college/university is responsible for developing a written plan toward Idaho certification using prior college coursework, real life/work experiences, and analysis of an individual's knowledge and disposition to determine what is necessary for the candidate to complete the Alternative Authorization-Content Specialist program. This preparation must include mentoring and a minimum of one (1) classroom observation per month until certified. The observations can be conducted by either college/university personnel, the principal of the building (or his/her designee), and/or by a mentor teacher.
5. Prior to application and receiving authorization to enter the classroom, the candidate must:
a. Have a district willing to hire the individual for an area of identified need while the candidate is completing the alternative route requirements;
b. Complete an eight (8) to sixteen (16) - week program of educational pedagogy study; and,
c. Verify as having met or exceeded the state qualifying score on the appropriate, state-approved content, pedagogy, or performance assessment.
4. The individual will meet the "highly qualified teacher" standard of the NCLB legislation while working on this program due to the passage of appropriate assessment(s).
5. While the candidate is completing the program, no financial or accreditation penalties will be assessed to the hiring district.
A complete packet must include the following items:
1. District request for approval of an Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist form indicating the district is willing to hire the individual for an identified area of need while the candidate is completing the certification requirements. Furthermore, the district agrees to participate in the consortium composed of a representative from the school district, the participating college/university and the candidate (District Request form located in the packet);
2. Declaration by the local school board, documented in regular board minutes, that an area of need exists in the district for this particular position;
3. College/University letter verifying the candidate has completed the 8-16 weeks of accelerated pedagogy and has met or exceeded the state qualifying score on the appropriate, state-approved content, pedagogy, or performance assessment. The letter must be signed by an official College of Education representative.
4. College/University Plan outlining the courses to be taken during the three-year authorization in order to complete the certificate/endorsement requirements. The plan must be signed by the individual applicant and the college/university. (College/University Plan form located in the packet);
(a) This form must contain written verification from a college/ university of a plan leading to the desired certification/endorsement.
(b) The plan must be signed by the dean of the college of education or his/her designee.
5. Completed and signed application (Form B1-A Application for an Alternative Authorization/Route to Certification)
6. Completed fingerprint card. Include a completed fingerprint card and the associated $40 fee. The Idaho certificate/credential will not be issued unless the applicant has cleared the background investigation check.
Fingerprint cards are not available on the State Department of Education website. Please contact (208) 332-6888 or (208) 332-6883 for further information regarding fingerprint requirements and to obtain the fingerprint card and instructions.
7. Application fee - $100
Checks and money orders are to be made payable to the State Department of Education. Credit cards are not accepted. Payment is non-refundable. Cash in exact amount will be accepted for walk-ins.
$100 for the application fee
$40 for the background investigation fee
One check or money order for both fees is acceptable.
7. Official transcripts showing completion of a bachelor’s degree program.
8. Praxis II assessment score sheet or notarized photocopy: Verification of meeting or exceeding the SBOE-approved qualifying score on the applicable Praxis II assessment(s) in the new certificate/endorsement area.
The candidate will receive a three-year interim certificate/authorization upon approval of application.
Once all certification requirements have been met, the candidate can apply for the clear initial 5-year renewable Idaho certificate/credential. The application for initial certificate/credential is available at the following location:
for Approval of
Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist
(TO BE FILLED OUT BY A DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR – Please make sure all items are filled in)
1. This request for an Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist is being made on behalf of:
Last Name First Name Middle Initial EDUID #
Address City State Zip Phone # e-mail address
2. This request for approval of an Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist is being made by:
School District/Charter Name and District # (or other Educational Agency) Name of Contact Person Phone #
Street Address or PO Box Number
City, State, and Zip Code
3. The Position:
What is the specific position for which this request is being made?
Elementary Endorsement/Subject Area (if other than basic classroom)
Secondary Endorsement/Subject Area(s)
Other (counselor, school nurse, etc.)
4. The School Year:
What is the specific school year for which the request is being made?
5. The Immediate Supervisor/Mentor:
Who will be the designated supervisor/mentor?
What position does the supervisor/mentor hold?
What qualifications make this person an appropriate supervisor/mentor?
6. The Applicant:
Does the applicant now hold any type of certificate(s)?
If yes, what type of endorsement(s) does the applicant now hold?
Is the applicant highly qualified according to NCLB in the endorsed area he/she currently holds? YES NO
Does the person have any teaching experience in the certificate/endorsement area for which the request is being made? (check one) YES NO
When (years)?
7. The Plan:
Has the applicant, in conjunction with a college/university, developed a plan or a list of appropriate coursework requirements necessary to attain the necessary certificate or endorsement? YES NO
Which college/university furnished the plan?
A copy of the plan is include with the application packet YES NO
NOTE: Completion of the plan must include meeting the qualifying score on any applicable PRAXIS II tests that are required for the certificate/endorsement(s).
8. The Board Minutes:
A copy of the school board minutes is included with the application packet YES NO
We, the undersigned, have:
a) declared an area of need exists in our district for this particular position;
b) recorded this declaration in official minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting; and,
c) included a copy of the board minutes to this application (must be included or packet will be returned).
Signature of Chairperson of the Local School Board or Educational Agency
Superintendent of School District/Charter or Chief Officer
IMPORTANT: it is the districts responsibility to ensure the candidate is making adequate progress toward certification over the three-year authorization.
for approval of
Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist
TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE INDIVIDUAL FOR WHOM APPLICATION IS BEING MADE – This application must include a college/university plan designed to meet the Idaho certificate/endorsement requirements which the applicant is seeking and must be signed by a college/university official. A separate document may be attached but must include a signature of a college/university official. (Please refer to the application guidelines for additional information regarding this form)
Last Name First Name Middle Initial Social Security #
Address City State Zip Phone #
1. Name of school or school district making this application for an Alternative Authorization -Teacher to New Certification/Endorsement:
School District Name and District # (or other Educational Agency) Phone #
2. The type of certificate/endorsement being requested is (please be specific):
(i.e., Secondary English; Elementary; District School Nurse; Administrator; etc.)
3. The school year for which the request is being made:
(i.e., 2009-2010)
4. List the coursework needed to obtain the appropriate certificate/endorsement:
(If applicable, otherwise indicate below how the certificate/endorsement will be obtained, i.e. ABCTE, evaluate for Option IV…)
Course Prefix Course # Course Title
Use the back if you need more room to list additional coursework OR attach a list furnished by an appropriate university official.
Signature of the college/university official who furnished the evaluation is required (see number 5. below).
5. The list of coursework was furnished by (if applicable):
Signature of official who furnished the evaluation listed above.
6. Briefly describe and include timelines for completing the certificate/endorsement requirements listed above. Please be specific for each year of the plan. Attach additional pages if needed.
7. The anticipated date of completion of ALL requirements, including the completion of appropriate PRAXIS II test(s) is:
Applicant’s Signature Date
Alternative Authorization - Teacher to New Certificate/Endorsement, Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist, Computer-Based Alternate Route, (i.e., ABCTE), Interim School Nurse or Interim Speech Language Pathologist
Receipted / Receipted
By / Year Issued / Year Expired / NIA Status
Item #1 Indicate Type of Application: Please check the one which applies.
Alternative Authorization – Teacher to New Certificate/Endorsement (the request is for an individual who already holds a current valid Idaho certificate/credential and is will to work toward meeting the requirements of an additional certificate/endorsement).Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist (the applicant has a baccalaureate degree or higher and has a letter from a college or university indicating the completion of 8-16 weeks of pedagogy and the passage of the appropriate Praxis II assessment).
Alternative Authorization – Pupil Personnel Services Certificate (the applicant has a master’s degree and a valid license from the Bureau of Occupational License in the area they are seeking a certificate/endorsement).
Interim ABCTE (applicant has a valid ABCTE certificate and is applying for the Idaho interim certificate)
Interim School Nurse (applicant has a current valid Idaho professional nursing (RN) license but has not completed a school nurse program)
Interim Speech Language Pathologist (applicant has bachelor’s degree in speech language pathology but has not completed a SLP master’s program)
Item #2 Personal Information: Please enter your name exactly as you want it to appear on the certificate.
Name / SS#Maiden/Other Name / Birth Date
Street or PO Box # / Phone #
City, State, Zip Code / Gender MALE FEMALE
Item #3 Certificates: List the certificate(s) for which you are applying (i.e., Elementary, Secondary, Administration etc.).
Certificate # 1Certificate # 2
Certificate # 3
Certificate # 4
Item #4 Endorsements: List the educational endorsement(s) for which you are applying (i.e., English, Principal, etc.).
Endorsement # 1 / Endorsement # 5Endorsement # 2 / Endorsement # 6
Endorsement # 3 / Endorsement # 7
Endorsement # 4 / Endorsement # 8
Item #5 Educational Institutions: List the colleges/universities you have attended (start with the most recent). You will
need to include official transcripts for each institution listed, (if not already on file).
College/University Name / Course Title / Semester Attended / Credits Earneda.
Item #6 Teaching Experience: If you have two or more years of contracted teaching experience, list at least the last
two districts/educational agencies with which you held a contract. Substitute teaching does not apply.
School District Name / State / From (mo/yr) / To (mo/yr)a.
Item #7 Assessment(s): Attach verification of the Praxis II score(s), if applicable (i.e., photocopy of score sheet) OR the notarized photocopy of the ABCTE certificate of completion.
Item #8 Consortium: List the name, title and phone number of the consortium members, if applicable.
Consortium Member / Name / Title / Phone #College/university contact (NA for ABCTE)
School District Representative (Principal/Administrator)
Item #9 Prior Certification Irregularities or Legal Convictions:
The application requires each applicant to respond to six (6) questions about prior certification irregularities or legal convictions (other than minor traffic violations).1. Have you ever had a teacher certificate revoked, suspended, denied, or have you ever voluntarily relinquished a teaching certificate to avoid revocation proceedings in Idaho or any other state?
(see NOTE 1 below) Check one YES NO
2. Is there any action pending against your certificate or your application in Idaho or any other state?
(see NOTE 1 below) Check one YES NO
3. Have you ever been arrested for any felony or misdemeanor in Idaho or any other state, federal or military court? (Do not include convictions for minor traffic violations.) (see NOTE 1 below) Check one YES NO
4. If you answered yes to questions 1, 2 or 3 above, have you ever been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor in Idaho or any other state, federal or military court? (Do not include convictions for minor traffic violations.) (see NOTE 1 and NOTE 2 below) Check one YES NO
5. If you answered yes to 1, 2 or 3 above, did the revocation/suspension/denial, action or arrest take place in the last 5 years? (see NOTE 1 and NOTE 2 below) Check one YES NO
6. Are you currently under investigation, on probation or facing pending criminal charges in Idaho or any other state? (see NOTE 1 below) Check one YES NO
I attest and affirm that I have read the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators. (For a copy of the Code of Ethics, go to