Date Application received / Amount Received / Payment
method / Invoice No / Invoice Date / Showbiz
Contact ID / Stand No
(if applying before 21st April) / Depth requested
(m) / Frontage requested
(m) / Amount
(excluding VAT)
  1. Open Space
Sites are available in fixed depths of 6m, 9m, 12m, 18m and 24m.
Avenue A & B Surcharge 10% (Open Space only)
Please include payment for your preferred site. If we are unable to locate you in Avenue A we will refund you (see clause 3.1 of the attached Terms)
Corner Surcharge 10% (Open Space only)
Please include payment for your preferred site. If we are unable to locate you there we will refund you (see clause 3.1 of the attached Terms).
Charity Discount 30%(clause 2.6)(Open space only, limited amount of stands)6m frontage and less, on a 6m or 12m deep stand.Please state Charity No…………………………
Early booking discount 5%(open space only)
Only available before 21st April 2017 (see clause 3.1 (i) of the attached Terms)
  1. Tented Shedding
6m x 6m: £660.00 (£627.00before 21st April)
3m x 3m: £460.00 (£437.00before 21st April) / D / 3m or 6m only / Units requested
  1. Indoor Shopping Pavilion
3m x 3m: £460.00 (£437.00before 21st April) / E/F / 3m / Units requested
(not available to open space plots) / Cost per item / No. Items / Amount
(excluding VAT)
6’ Trestle Table / £15
Standard Chair / £10
Hard flooring(Tented Shedding only) / £13per m2
Banner rail(Tented Shedding only) / £30
GRASS CUTTING / Cost / Amount
(excluding VAT)
Grass will be cut for you upon request. / 12m and 6m deep stands:
£0.60 per m2 / 18m and 24m deep stands: £0.40 per m2 / Covered stands per 3m2:
£5 / Date cut by: / £
WATER Any water booked within the two weeks preceding the Show will be charged at double the rate set out below. / Cost per connection / item / No. Connections / Amount
(excluding VAT)
Water Supply / £118 / £
TICKETS, PASSES AND MEMBERSHIP / Cost per item / No. items / Amount
(excluding VAT)
Adult Admission Tickets
One ticket is required per day for every employee on or visitor to your stand. You must purchase any tickets required above the standard allocation (see Exhibitors’ Manual) / £14.17
(discounted rate)
Exhibitors Vehicle Passes
Allow a vehicle to enter the Showground on Show days, during closed hours and allows parking in the Exhibitors’ car park. You must purchase any passes required above the standard allocation (see Exhibitors Manual) / £4.17 (+vat)
Contractors Passes
Allow entry to the Showground during build up and breakdown only but not on Show days. / Free of charge
Dog Pass
Dog passes are in the form of a plastic dog collar which must be worn at all times. You are strongly advised NOT to bring your dogs to the Show. / £25
Camping Permit
This permit will reserve you a plot of 9x9m which may be occupied by a caravan or tent. Please note, toilets are supplied but no electric hook ups are available. Shower facilities are available on the showground. Permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. / £30 per plot.
Only pre-booked camping is allowed. No bookings after Monday preceding the Show
VAT (20%) / £
GRAND TOTAL (Payment Sum): / £
1 / Agricultural & Horticultural Contractors & Engineers / 15 / Household Equipment & Furnishings
2 / Animal Feeding Stuffs, Equipment & Service / 16 / Jewellery, Trophies, Clocks, Watches & Engraving
3 / Auctioneers & Estate Agents / 17 / Leather & Sheepskin Products
4 / Banking & Financial Service / 18 / Machinery, Tools, Tyres & Plant Sales / Hire
5 / Clothing, Hats & Footwear / 19 / Mobile Phones, Communication Media & Accessories
6 / Confectionery, Food, Drink & Tobacco Products / 20 / Motor Vehicles & Accessories
7 / Conservation (incl. Energy Conservation) / 21 / Office Equipment, Computers & Software
8 / Educational, Industrial, Charitable & Trade Organisations & Breed Societies / 22 / Oil, Gas & Solid Fuel
9 / Electrical Equipment, TV, Radios, Record & Musical Instruments / 23 / Paintings, Prints & Books
10 / Fencing, Gates, Garden Buildings, Stables etc / 24 / Public & other Services
11 / Flowers, Shrubs, Garden Equipment, Sundries & Forestry / 25 / Saddlers & Equine Related Goods
12 / Handicrafts, China, Glass, Basketware & Metalwork / 26 / Sports & Photographic Goods, Equipment & Organisations
13 / Holidays, Leisure, Travel, Caravans, Camping, Tents & Equipment / 27 / Toys, Games, Novelties & Amusements
14 / Horse & Livestock Housing, Trailers, Transportation & Handling Equipment / 28 / Veterinary Services & Animal Health Products
I would like a similar position to last year’s stand.
If no, please mark your site preferences on the enclosed plan by labelling 1-4 in order of preference, 1 being the most preferred. We will do everything we can to accommodate you in your preferred site but cannot guarantee it
I would like my stand to be included in the Trade Stand Competition. There is no entry fee
I will be using gas on my stand and will conform with the requirements set out inthe Exhibitors Manual.
I/we will be sleeping on the tradestand overnight. I have a working battery smoke detector
I confirm that Public Liability Insurance is held and is valid at the date of the Show
A copy of my insurance certificate is attached. Applications without an insurance certificate
cannot be accepted
I confirm that I have completed and included a Risk Assessment with this application
Applications without a Risk Assessment certificate cannot be accepted.
I confirm that I have applied for all relevant performing rights licences. Please attach copies
Will your stand involve the use or a microphone or audio equipment or be making any other noise likely to be audible from beyond your stand?
I confirm that if I wish to sell alcohol I hold a Personal Licence to do so. Please attach copy.
Will you be providing your own overnight security?
I understand that the Society may pass my details to
companies and organisations directly related to the running or promotion of the Show
Please send me information on sponsorship options

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS (Please photocopy more sheets if you need to). You may provide a general company Risk Assessment provided all points are covered. Advice on how to complete this form is included in the Exhibitors’ Manual.


Rating * / HAZARD
Rating ** / PERSONS AT

* Hazard Severity Rating: 1 – Negligible (remote possibility of harm) 2 – Marginal (slight injury, minor first aid) 3 – Slightly dangerous (some injury, not too serious) 4 – Dangerous (serious injury or damage) 5 – Very dangerous (could cause death or widespread injuries)

** Hazard Probability Rating1 – Improbable (unlikely to happen) 2 – Remote (may occur at some time) 3 – Possible (likely to occur at some time) 4 – Probably (very likely to occur) 5 – Very probable (very likely to occur soon)

Please tick your method of payment and enclose your remittance:

Your purchase order number (if applicable):


I enclose a cheque payable to the Newbury & District Agricultural Society (N&DAS) for the Payment Sum

I am applying before 21st April2017and enclose a cheque for the first instalment of the Payment Sum. I agree to pay the second instalment of the Payment Sum on or before 31st July 2017.


If you wish to pay by BACS please enclose confirmation of payment with your booking form. This should include date of payment, the reference (your trading name), the amount paid and confirmation of the account details into which the payment was made: NatWest, Market Place Branch, Newbury. Sort Code: 60-15-07, Account No: 65515730, Account Name: The Newbury & District Agricultural Society


Please debit my Visa / Mastercard / Delta / Switch / Delta / Solo* account by the total amount

Card NoIssue No

Security code (last three digits on reverse of card)

Valid From / Expiry date / /

Name on card

I/we accept the Terms and Conditions of the Society for the Show, a copy of which is attached to this Trade Booking Form.

Signature: / Date:

Name in which payment is made if different from company name:

Sage Code:

Company Name:

Telephone Number:

Terms & Conditions (the “Terms”) of the Newbury & District Agricultural Society (the

“Society”) for the Royal County of Berkshire Show 2017 (the “Show”)


By submitting the Society’s trade stand booking form (“Trade Booking Form”) the Exhibitor offers to hire the Trade Space and such of the goods and to purchase such of the services (the “Services”) as are specified in the Trade Booking Form.

The Trade Space specified by the Exhibitor in the Trade Booking Form constitutes a request by the Exhibitor for that Trade Space but is subject to availability. The Society shall be entitled to substitute an alternative Trade Space to the Exhibitor. A booking shall arise upon the Society receiving a deposit and the Invoice is sent to the Exhibitor (a “Booking”).

If the Trade Stand requested by the Exhibitor is subject to a surcharge which has been paid by the Exhibitor and the Society substitutes a Trade Stand that does not carry a surcharge, as specified in section 3 of the Trade Booking Form, then the Society will refund the amount of the surcharge paid by the Exhibitor.

The Society provides:

(i) the Trade Stand space from the Tuesday immediately prior to the Show to 5pm on the Friday immediately following the Show; and

(ii) the other goods and services as specified in the Trade Booking Form for both of the two days of the Show only.

The invoice will provide summary details of the Trade Space and any other goods and Services, as specified in section 3 of the Trade Booking Form, that have been booked together with the cost thereof (the “Payment Sum”).

Trade Booking Forms received:

on or before 21st April2017:

(i)will receive an early booking discount of 5% of the Payment Sum on Open Space only, as specified in the Trade Booking Form (“Early Discount”); and

(ii)may be paid for in two instalments with the first instalment of 50% of the Payment Sum to be paid at the time the Trade Booking Form is sent to the Society and the second instalment of the remaining 50% of the Payment Sum to be paid on or before 31st July 2017 (the “Due Date”).

After 21st April 2017 will be charged at the full, undiscounted rate as set out in the Trade Booking Form.

If the Exhibitor fails to make payment of the second instalment on or before the Due Date then, without limiting any other right or remedy available to the Exhibitor, the Society may terminate the contract with the Exhibitor.

An Exhibitor which, in the view of the Society, is occupying a Trade Space in excess of that listed in its Trade Booking Form will be liable to pay a sum to the Society for the additional space that is occupied at a rate to be determined by the Society at its absolute discretion.

Any fines imposed by the Society under the terms of the Manual shall be due to the Society and shall be paid no later than 28 days after the last day of the Show.

Payment Sums and any other payments payable to the Society can be made by cheque to ‘The Newbury and District Agricultural Society’ or by debit or credit card (please note thereis a 2.5% surcharge on credit card transactions) or by BACS. Our account details are:

NatWest Bank PLC, Market Place Branch, Newbury.

Account Number:65515730

Sort Code: 60-15-07

Account Name: The Newbury & District Agricultural Society

No variation to these Terms shall be binding unless agreed between the Society and the Exhibitor

Cancellations and Refunds

The Society reserves the right to terminate a Booking for any reason at any time before the date of the Show by written notice (“Termination Notice”).

Within 60 days of the date of a Termination Notice the Society will refund to an Exhibitor its Payment Sum In full.

An Exhibitor may not terminate a Booking except with the written agreement of the Society and on terms that the Society shall deduct from the Payment Sum the following amounts in respect of losses, costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Society as a result of the termination of the Booking:

Once a booking has been received, refunds will only be made on the following basis;

(i)Cancellation by 17:00 on 30th June = 75% of the total fee will be refunded

(ii)Cancellation by 17:00 between 30th June – 28th July = 50% of the total fee refunded

(iii) Cancellation by 17:00 from 28th July onwards = NO REFUND